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After I landed at LAX airport, I felt relieved. To be honest, I ve never been a type of person who likes flying. It makes me sick and feel dizzy.

“Here you are!!! God, I miss you so much” Jenny speaks by the time jumping on me and hugging me tightly.

“Oh, I miss you too.” I respond.

“So how are you? Do you like being in LA?” She asks while taking one of my many baggages.

“Hon, I was just landed.” I smile. I felt more relieved, she didnt open up the subject yet. Its been over two days since my broke up with Jason. He didnt call me and I didnt get piss off him cause its my fault. Its my fault that I was getting in a relationship with him in the first place.

“Yea sorry, how was the flight though?” She inquires.

“It was allright”

“Come on, lets go..” She puts her sunglasses on and leads me to her car.

“And this is what I call a car.” I joke at her while looking at her car.Its Porsche Boxster.

“Actually its not my car, its Nick s car” She speaks excitingly while getting into the car.

“Really? He gave his car for you to collect me, thats very generous. Jason never lets me drive his car anyways I have my own car so it doesnt matter” And suddenly I realize I was talking about Jason. Why can I add him into this conversation?

“Mich, Jason is a dumbass. Thats why he never let you use his car and I’m really glad that you broke up with him. Its about time.” She rolls her eyes at me.

“I know” I respond silently.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry I didnt mean that. I mean, you deserve so much better.” She holds my hand while sudden tears fullfilling my eyes “ I mean that, look at you, you are beautiful, intelligent, talented and funny. However Jason is just a jackass” She adds, tapping on my shoulder jokingly.

“Yeah yeah-”

“I’m serious, girl” She speaks confidently.

“Whatever, so where are we going?” I ask. I want to change the subject cause if this conversation going on like this, I will end up crying. I dont want to cry even if Jenn is close to me, I dont want to show any of my emotions for him at all.

“I bet, you are tired and hungry, so I was thinking we should go home.”

“Ok” I nodded. She was right though, I was feeling exhausted.


“Baby we are home” Jenn shouts at clearly noone while we entering their huge mansion. I was in a quiet shock by the place s hugeness. I’ve never been into anything like this house before and it isnt that we are poor, its that we are just regular people with the regular lifes so I didnt expect it. “I guess he is in studio, come on I’m gonna show you, your room” She adds, ascending the stairs.

“Wow.. Thank you “ I speak finally. She shows me my room, their guest room.

“That was like my first reaction when I first came in this house.” She laughs at me.

“Yeah, you live in a quiet noticable house, that doesnt my fault.” I respond jokingly while sitting on bed .

“ Ok, I’m leaving you alone now. You go get in shower and I m gonna order something to eat.” She smiles at me while exiting the room.

“Hey Jenn.” I speak slowly

“Yeah honey?” She asks curiously.

“Isnt that hard?” I ask.

“Whats hard?”

“I mean, Dont you have any insecurities about having a relationship with someone like Nick, he has all that groupies around him and-”

“No” She takes a deep breathe. “ Cause I have a trust in him. No matter what happens, at the end of the day,he comes to me and we can talk.” She smiles sufficiently.

“Yea, you are right, thank you.” I chin.

“For what?”

“For helping me out, I know I’m looking like a hell now” I joke.

“Whatever” She rolls her eyes jokingly and leaves me alone in the room.


I cleaned up and wore my comfy beggy jeans. I didnt aware of the cycles around my eyes until I was looking at the mirror. The truth is, I havent been sleeping since the break up. Everytime I closed my eyes, I saw him, making out with some blond girl. Oh no, I dont wanna think about it again. I need to look good and thats not because I m in need to look good thats because thats basically my job. I ‘m a fucking fashion stylist for gods sake. I need to get together. ‘Its not the end of the world’ I thought to myself. And them put some conceiler on my eyes.


I finally found my way to the kitchen.

“Oh hey, hi” I speak, loudly. Ok, thats not the picture I was imagining on my mind. I caught Jenn and Nick kissing, more like a making out on the counter.

“Oh hey, you re early.”

“Yeah mom” I laugh at them. Nick was blushing and Jenn was looking at me concerningly.

“It s nice to meet you finally.” Nick glanced at me while shaking my hand.

“Yeah, thanks for letting me stay.” I respong in the same way.

“Of course” He smile.

“So what are we eating?” I ask to Jennifer.

“Shit. Food. I forgot.” OK, thats makes me laugh histerically this time. Nick was having a face like a child who breaks the glass a minute ago.

“Haha , verry funny.” Jenn mimics.

“You two are in love. Thats adorable.” Yeah, I was serious about them being adorable but I was laughing because of my nerves

“So how was your flight?” Nick asked while we eating our pizza leftovers from yesterday night..

“I dont like flying but it was fine.” I told him.

“This is your first time in LA right?” He asks again.


“Ok, actually I was thinking some welcoming party” He looked at Jenn. Her face is glowing.

“I was thinking the same babe!” She practically shouts in our ears.

“No guys, it doesnt necessary, please.” I beg them. I m so not in party mood.

“No, no we need do this. Its been quiet a time since we got together with the others, right? Besides I miss Bailey, you need to tell Brian to make sure he will bring him with them.” Jenn ignores my comment.

“Pardon me but who is Bailey?” I ask curiously cause if its some guy and if she will plan on setting me up with that Bailey, I’m gonna kill her.

“Bailey is Brian s son” Nick respond quickly after he saw my dumbfounded look. “He is actually four years old.” He adds with a laugh.

“Ok, thanks Nick for enlightening me.” I joke.


Honestly ,I liked Nick, he looks so down to earth and he loves my best friend. He makes her happy and thats what important in this case.

“Baby, I m gonna call Leigh, Kristin and Leighanne so can you please call Bone to tell him to come tomorrow for the party and of course the others as well ” Jenn asks while standing up from where she sits. She takes her cell phone from her bag.

“Bone is AJ.” Nick glanced at me jokingly.

“I know that” I roll my eyes.

“Really?” He asks with a laugh.

“Yeah, isnt he the latino one?” I ask at him furiously.

“Noo, the latino one is Howie, AJ is the tattooed one” He laughed histerically. “I need to tell this to J.” He adds while standing up.

“Very funny Nick, seriously.”

“No but you mixed up the most different characters.”

“But I knew you, I mean before I met you”

“Thats because I m the heartthrob” He wiggles his eyebrowns at me funnily. “Arent I honey?” He asks loudly to Jenn

“Whatever you were saying you were right baby.” She answers distractedly.

“She didnt even hear what you were saying Nick” I rolled my eyes at him while crossing my arms.

“No, she appreciates me”

“OK, heartthrob so go call your friend” I tapped on his shoulder.
Chapter End Notes:
Thanks for the responds girls:) Hopefully you will like my first chapter as well.Please let me know what you think.