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Where’s Nick?
Part 8.

AJ’s mouth was fully fledged open, he could not believe what he was seeing. Yes, Nick and JC were good drinking buddies, but the other members of Nsync did not get along with Nick usually. But today, something was off.
“Hey dude,” JC said noticing the guys, AJ merely nodded but Howie stood up and shook his hand.
“Hey man, what’s going on?” Howie asked, he and JC had become friends over the years because they had been to various events at the same time.
“Nothing much, just you know doing our thing,” JC replied, and Howie nodded. “You?”
“Same here,” Howie replied, as he did so Chris Kirkpatrick walked over and said hello. Out of all the guys Howie was most probably the only one who got along with all the members of Nsync, and it was because he’d gone to school with Chris and had an ever growing friendship with JC. “Where’s Lance?” Howie asked after the pleasantries were exchanged.
AJ looked around, wondering what Howie was talking about it, when he noticed it. The fifth member of Nsync, known as Lance Bass, was not there.
“Yeah, where is Lance?” AJ asked agreeing with Howie.
“Oh Lance?” Chris asked looking at first Howie then AJ.
“He’s in Russia,” JC finished for Chris; they did not seem a bit disturbed by this.
Howie nodded, “Really? What’s he doing there?”
“What like you didn’t hear?” Justin Timberlake asked, quite furiously.
“Justin don’t get so up tight,” Chris said calmly to Justin, “I’m sure they don’t know.”
“Don’t know what?” Kevin asked after a while of being silent.
“He’s training to go into space,” JC replied.
“Ahhh,” all of Backstreet said together, all that was except Nick. Who, as the conversation continued, slipped away out of the room unheard and unnoticed.

By the end of the night, all the boys were tired and wanted to get some sleep. They stumbled into the mansion, all except Nick.
“Doesn’t that boy ever get tired?” AJ asked yawning, as he noticed Nick wasn’t there.
“He isn’t human,” Howie replied crawling over to the couch and sitting down. “Did you guys notice the way he was being so friendly to Nsync? Even though he never gets along with them?”
“Yeah D,” AJ said sitting next to him, “He was way too friendly.”
“Yeah, and did you guys notice how he just slipped away when we asked about Lance?” Kevin asked walking into the room.
“That was weird,” Brian agreed following his cousin. They all sighed and nodded in agreement. “Are you guys up for a trip?” Brian said all of a sudden and they all looked at him as if he’d gone mad.
“What? Are you on crazy pills?” AJ asked, “We’re too God damn tired.”
Brian shook his head, “No I’m serious. Let’s go.”
“Go where?” Howie asked, as they all watched Brian stride out the door.
“To follow Nick,” Brian said stopping in the doorway and looking at them, once he realized they weren’t following him. “We want to know who it really is right?”
“Yeah but…” Kevin began, but Brian interrupted him.
“So the only way to do that is to follow him, see what he really is up to,” Brian said, and he looked at the others. AJ, followed by Howie, then Kevin, all slowly got up.
“I guess you’re right...” Howie began and walked over slowly to Brian.
“Right? Dude, you were the one who doubted Nick, now I’m suggesting we go after him and you doubt it? If we follow him we’ll be proved right,” Brian said interrupting him.
“Okay, if that’s what you want,” AJ said shrugging and Brian nodded. “Okay then, let’s go,” AJ replied and he gestured for Brian to lead the way.
“Okay then, here we go. To find out whom that Nick really is,” Brian said and with that they all followed Brian out the door, to see who Nick really was.

“This is a lost cause Rok,” Howie said from the back of the bus. “We have no clue where the body was taken, or where that thing is.”
Brian turned to look at Howie, “D don’t be so discouraged. I’m sure we’ll get a lead soon.”
“Well I hope so,” said AJ holding his stomach, “Because we’ve been at this for hours and I’m hungry.”
“Okay, let’s drive through Mickey D’s and grab some food, then continue looking for Nick ok?” Brian said giving in; he wanted to find Nick quickly but if it meant giving a few minutes to get food for AJ, he’d do it.
“Okay,” came the simultaneous reply from AJ and Howie as Kevin turned the bus towards the nearest drive through. They had left the house only to find the driver had left so Kevin, had decided to drive, which hadn’t been a bad idea after all.
“So has anyone got any clue as to where he could be?” Kevin asked, looking through the review mirror to the back. All the guys shook their heads.
“Wait,” AJ said, “I seem to remember seeing him going off with Nsync after the ceremony to some party.”
“He went out with Nsync?” Howie asked with raised eyebrows, and AJ nodded.
“Yeah if I’m not mistaken, I mean it might just be the hunger talking,” AJ replied.
“I hope not,” Brian replied and looked at Kevin. “Do you know as to which party they went to?” Brian asked looking back at AJ.
AJ groaned, “I don’t know. I think it was at Cameron Diaz’s place or something.” You could tell he was getting agitated without food.
“Okay then,” Brian said, “Kev turn this bus around we have a party to crash.” Kevin nodded as his cousin looked at him, and rather quickly made a U-turn.
“Hey!” AJ’s voice screamed from the back of the bus as his body was thrown against the window. “I thought we were going to get food!”
Brian quickly turned around to face him, “We were, but your hunger gave us a lead. So now we’re not, you can eat at the party while the rest of us look for the Nick.”
“Fine,” AJ scowled at Brian, and the other three laughed. It was funny how AJ got when he was hungry, even at a time like this. “Just as long as there’s good food,” AJ added, Brian nodded as Kevin headed down the highway towards the party.
“There will be,” he said, “And they’ll be a new Nick there too. So I say bonus points for us. New Nick zero, Backstreet one.”