Lance and Justin’s explanation of events.
Part 4.
“You moved the body? Without telling me?” Justin asked, or rather yelled, at Lance after the hearing was over. Justin was so shocked that Lance had moved the body and didn’t tell his lawyer or Justin for that matter, that he pleaded with the warden to let him talk to Lance. After all he felt he had a right.
“Of course I moved it,” Lance replied sounding eerily calm and Justin looked at him shocked. He leaned closer to his friend.
“What do you mean of course?” Justin snapped in a whisper and Lance glared at him.
“I did it so that we wouldn’t get caught, so that Backstreet wouldn’t get much more suspicious than they already were,” Lance snapped back and Justin just shook his head.
“Yeah, well we were caught,” Justin replied running a cuffed hand through his rough curls.
“Yeah well that’s not my fault. If you had just followed the plan…” Lance began but Justin cut him off. He didn’t want to be blamed again for this.
“No Bass, don’t give me that shit. Acting as if it was my fault, you screwed up one too many times, face the facts,” Justin interrupted and looked steely at Lance.
“Yeah well you didn’t help the situation,” Lance spat back and glared at Justin.
“Bass…” Justin warned but stopped, what was the point? He was fighting a lost cause, there was no point because Lance would just spur out another story, another story Justin really didn’t want to hear.
“What Timberlake? What?” Lance asked looking at Justin with annoyance. “Did you finally realize that I did something good for us?”
Justin looked at Lance and rolled his eyes. “No, I just realized how stupid you really were. How could you move the body without telling your lawyer? Now we’re going to be in even bigger shit thanks to you.”
“Justin, we are already in shit. Maybe you should face that fact first before anything else. Realize that we aren’t getting out of here, EVER. So whether or not I told that lawyer that Chris hooked me up with doesn’t matter,” Lance replied and Justin looked at his friend.
“Yeah well I’m not supposed to be in here forever. I made a mistake of helping you. Look where that got me, if I thought I had even the slightest chance of getting out of here it was ruined thanks to you,” Justin said and Lance smiled coyly.
“No problem,” Lance replied with a little too much attitude and Justin rolled his eyes again.
“I don’t think you quite get it Bass,” Justin said sitting back down opposite Lance. “Because you didn’t bother to tell me or anyone else for that matter about the moving of that body my life has just become worse. That means I am going to be charged with lying to the court which is another felony I just don’t need thank you.”
“Well news flash Justin, I’m in the same boat,” Lance replied waving a hand in front of Justin’s face and Justin batted it away.
“No you’re not. You got it worse. Not only did you make life for me worse, you made your life worse too. Congratulations Bass, in one swift move you’ve managed to ruin us,” Justin snapped and Lance glared at him.
“Yeah well you helped. And frankly I don’t give a shit. Because unlike you, I have realized that what we did was wrong and there is nothing that I can do or say now that will change that,” Lance replied standing up. Justin grabbed Lance’s arm and forced him to sit down again.
“Wrong?” Justin echoed as Lance sat down opposite him again. “Bass, what you did was unforgivable yes. But we had our reasons, and they were good.”
“Oh come on Timberlake. Do you seriously believe that? We had a good reason to kill Carter?” Lance asked rolling his eyes. He had been able to see over the past few days that what he had done had no good reasons, thanks to Chris.
“Yes we did. You felt undermined by the rest of us and I didn’t help. So you wanted to leave us and join Backstreet,” Justin said using Lance’s own explanation to convince him. Lance shook his head at Justin.
“Yes, but now I realize that I was wrong. You guys all cared about me I just couldn’t see it. I mean, if you didn’t care about me you wouldn’t help me out with the plan would you? And Chris wouldn’t have gotten me a lawyer, when I obviously didn’t need one,” Lance replied and Justin looked suspiciously at his friend.
“Lance, right now you need a lawyer, more than ever don’t forget that,” Justin said suddenly sympathizing with Lance once he realized his friend had lost all hope of everything.
Once again Lance shook his head, “Yeah but it won’t do me any good. We both know that. I killed Carter, and I’m guilty. End of story.”
“So you want to know how Mr. Carter really died?” the man in a white lab coat asked Brian, Kevin and Howie as they stood in the lab where Nick’s body had been taken for an autopsy report after the cops had arrested Lance and Justin.
“Yeah, can you tell us anything?” Howie asked taking control of the situation. “We were told you were the man to go to, since you were in charge of the autopsy.”
The man looked at the three of them and nodded meekly. “You were informed correctly,” he said. “I’m Harold Panzer by the way.”
“We know Mr. Panzer,” Kevin interjected, “We’re friends of Nick.”
“Call me Harold,” Harold said and the three men nodded. “So you’re friends of Mr. Carter?”
“Yeah, we were in a band with him, the Backstreet Boys?” Howie asked and Harold nodded in acknowledgement.
“Yes, but aren’t there five of you? Sorry my daughter is a huge fan that’s mainly why I took the case, to ease her mind. She wanted to know why her favorite Backstreet Boy had died,” Harold said as he looked at the three of them apologetically.
“That’s what we want to know too,” Kevin replied, “We were five, then Nick died and well AJ went a bit crazy after he was locked in a room with Nick, the dead Nick that is.” Howie glared at Kevin angrily as he called AJ crazy to Harold but decided not to say anything until they had found out about Nick.
“Well I really can’t tell you much than you already know. Mr. Carter died from acute asphyxiation as far as we can tell. But there are some unusual marks on his body that brought up suspicions that we are working on,” Harold said.
“Those are probably Nick’s tattoos,” Brain said, knowing Nick had a few tattoos that Harold may have mistaken for ‘unmarked marks.’
Harold shook his head, “No we saw the tattoos yes, wonderful works of art. But these marks were more like bruises.”
“Bruises?” Kevin repeated wondering why on earth Nick would have bruises on his body. “Were they from when his body was moved?”
“No, these look a lot older than that, we’re guessing they were formed during a struggle of some sort,” Harold replied shaking his head.
“So Nicky was attacked, by Lance?” Howie asked and Harold looked at him.
“Well I couldn’t say exactly that, but yes,” Harold replied and looked towards where a body lay on a stretcher covered in a white cloth. “Mr. Carter was attacked and then killed.”