Summary: Part Two of A New Beginning: Happily Never After
Two years have passed and Ashley is graduating high school and ready to move on to the next chapter in her life, college. Now eighteen she has chosen to move back to her hometown of Orlando to attend her mothers Alma Mater, The University of Central Florida. Deciding she needs one great summer, before returning to the stress and pressures of school, she decides to join the boys on the Never Gone tour.
With Ashley finishing school and AJ doing tour promos they haven’t spent as much time together as they usually had, and AJ sees this tour as an opportunity for them to catch up on missed time before she moves away. His plans for quality time are cut short when Ashley starts showing interest in Nick. At first he shrugs it off as a childish crush but when they start getting closer he begins to get irritated. Will he let his jealousy get in the way of their relationship or will he finally realize that Ashley is growing up?
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction >
Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ,
Genres: Drama,
Romance Warnings: Sexual Content
Challenges: Series: A New Beginning
Chapters: 27
Completed: No
Word count: 80272
Read: 71507
Published: 10/30/09
Updated: 10/08/11
Story Notes:
Although this is the second story in a series reading the first story isn't essential to understanding this one. However, I do recommend it if you really want to get the full effect of this story.
1. Chapter 1 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2207 words)
Finally got chapter 1 up! I really hope that my readers of my first story, A New Beginning, follow along on the rest of Ashley and AJ's journey. There are some new twists and turns for them to endure and I really hope you like it!
For new reader...thank you so much for taking the time out to check out my second story! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i do writing it!
And as always any and all feedback is greatly appreciated :)
2. Chapter 2 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3391 words)
thanks so much for all the amazing reviews! I'm so happy that you guys are loving this story! Hope you like this chapter just as much :) Keep those reviews coming!
3. Chapter 3 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (4140 words)
back with another...thanks so much for all the review KEEP IT UP! becuase it keeps me going! I just want to send a quick thanks to my girl Kim for helping me with the ending :) hope you enjoy! This is a long one lol
4. Chapter 4 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (4066 words)
yay a new chapter! thank you guys so much for all the AMAZING feedback so far. Please keep it up I love hearing what you guys think!
5. Chapter 5 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2909 words)
OMG IM BACK AGAIN lol haha jk but seriously sorry it took me so long 2 get this chapter up...things got a little hectic around here and I had slight writers block, but I worked through it and i hope you've stayed with me. thanks so much to everyone who has been leaving amazing feedback it means so much to see how you're liking the story so keep it up!
6. Chapter 6 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3001 words)
NEW CHAPTER! hope you guys like it! thanks so much for the amazing feedback you've been leaving KEEP IT UP!
7. Chapter 7 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2914 words)
finally some brother sister time :) hope you guys like it thanks so much for all the amazing feedback im so glad you guys are getting into the story!
8. Chapter 8 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3391 words)
sorry it took so long, its been a really hectic time with the holidays and work. Promise not to make you wait so long ever again :) hope you enjoy!
9. Chapter 9 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2328 words)
Sorry if this gets a little messed up I'm posting from my blackberry because I'm in Fl for a wedding and have no internet. I promise once I get back with a brand new year will come faster updates n amazing chapters...its my New Years resolution to keep you all satisfied :) Enjoy this is a fun one!
10. Chapter 10 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2553 words)
Payback time? haha it should be interesting...
11. Chapter 11 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3655 words)
sorry for the long delay i've been having some writers block, but here's a long one for you. Hopefully I can get the next one out quickly. Thanks for all sticking with me, I hope you like this one as much as i do :)
12. Chapter 12 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2730 words)
hope you like it :) I'm trying to get better at this updating more but I've had the worst writers block. Hopefully I can work through it. :) more soon! enjoy!and thanks for all the amazing feedback it's what keeps me going so keep it up!
13. Chapter 13 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1783 words)
I know I'm really slow with these updates, I'm really trying to get better but I've been super busy...hope you enjoy. Thanks so much for the feedback you guys are awesome! I'll try hard to not make you wait so long for the next one.
14. Chapter 14 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3879 words)
yay finally got it posted! Ill try not to keep you waiting so long on the next one! Hope you enjoy!!!
Add me on twitter! ...get updates from me in between chapters or ask me questions anytime at
15. Chapter 15 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (4181 words)
wait is it really me? yes I'm back! sorry for the delay I've been feeling under the weather lately and its kind of hard to write with a pounding migraine. But I'm feeling better! This chapter is DRAMA TIME! so i hope you enjoy and i hope you guys have stuck with me through my mini hiatus. :) enjoy!
16. Chapter 16 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2097 words)
hmm wonder if they'll work things out... ;)
17. Chapter 17 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2538 words)
Hey guys I know its been a while...for those who follow me on twitter you already know the reason for my absence is because my mom had surgery 2 weeks ago and I've been really busy taking care or her. She's doing better now so hopefully I can get back on track with this. Thanks for staying with me guys. You're amazing readers! Hope you like this one!!
18. Chapter 18 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (4035 words)
hope you enjoy :) im already working on the next one so hopefully i can get it up soon :) hope you like it!
19. Chapter 19 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2982 words)
wait?? are you seeing thins? is it really me again? yes it is! and im incredibly sorry for taking so long to post this. No excuses im just really really sorry. Hope you guys have stuck with me and i really hope you enjoy this one. More soon!
20. Chapter 20 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3042 words)
yay so happy the site is back up and running! hope you enjoy the new chapter!
21. Chapter 21 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3747 words)
enjoy :) if you arent following me on twitter i took a short hiatus, its just been a very busy summer, but i fully intend on keeping this story going and updating more frequently....i hope you guys are still with me and still want to follow along!
22. Chapter 22 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (1991 words)
it wouldn't be my story without drama huh? hehe enjoy! :)
23. Chapter 23 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2070 words)
thank you guys all so much for staying with me :) i know ive been really bad at uploading new chapters but I'm trying to get better....i really hope you all enjoy this one! please let me know what you think
24. Chapter 24 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2243 words)
This chapter was a hard one to write for me, but it reveals a lot about what happened between where the last story left off and this one picked up...hopefully it will give you good insight as to why AJ got so mad at Ashley...enjoy and please let me know what you think!
25. Chapter 25 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3051 words)
HI EVERYONE! sorry for the atrociously long delay but to say the least life has thrown me nothing but curve balls since the beginning of the year...but anyway no long sob stories, here's a new chapter and i HOPE that you all are still with me and love it :) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave feedback!
26. Chapter 26 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (2139 words)
time for some much needed fun to ease the tension :) ENJOY! and please review
27. Chapter 27 by AshleyNicoleFans [ - ] (3209 words)
i know i know! I'm horrible with these updates! but hopefully they're worth the wait? :) enjoy and please review!