Reviewer: Mariah Signed
Date: 11/26/11
Title: Chapter 13: XIII
Hey, I just want stop by and say that I think its really great you are continuing with this story. I think you have a way with words that no one at this archive can compare to in terms of storyline, characters, pacing and depth. That being said I really think you could benefit from google publishing, if you're interested. I can email the link if you want. If you're interested in getting feedback. Since I'm planning on doing so as I am in your shoes being a writer here. I think you are a great writer with a lot of patience. Your descriptions of certain scenes are truly captivating and I think this story as well as the entire series could benefit in a much broader spectrum. Keep writing, there's always someone reading. Keep that in mind. :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the critique, Mariah. Even in places where I get high view counts, I seldom receive direct feedback. I'll be sure to look into google publishing, though for now I'm note ready to make any commitments. I'm having fun running Indie, especially the creative control, and the ability to move around as I please, but I'll at least give their terms a look-over.