Summary: Kat and her sister Mollee have been through a lot. Losing their parents and a traumatic past relationship has kept them from following their dreams. But that all changes when they are both hired as dancers on the This Is Us tour. Can Kat put her past behind her and let love into her heart? Or is she broken beyond repair?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Domestic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 38 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 212066
Read Count: 97115
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Alias: Ajsgirl4life [Contact] |
Real Name: Sara |
User Level: Member |
Member since: 09/25/13 |
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Author Biography
I've always been an avid writer and I blame my love for creative fiction on the Backstreet Boys. A wise teacher once told me that the best way for a writer to grow is to write for fun about your passions. Backstreet Boys fan fiction is where I landed. I use all comments in the growth and development of my writing style, both in my fanfics and in my more 'legit' pursuits. Please feel free to comment often. A disclaimer. I don't know the Backstreet Boys, I only love them. My stories are a work of fiction and while I do like to use tour dates and locations as accurately as possible, any relation to the truth that the story unfolds is purely coincidental. It is merely fiction written with love from a fan. |
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Stories by Ajsgirl4life
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Published: 09/25/13 » Updated: 01/28/14
Published: 09/25/13 » Updated: 01/28/14