I wanna un-un-un- un undo it! by Dani824 Rated: PG-13 [ - ]


A story about betrayal and heart ache. BSB and NKOTB, end up betray their best friend for a hot girlfriend and a webmaster from her point of view. All to make Nick Carter, her ex boyfriend happy. Her name is Christina.She is a normal Tennessee woman that has grown up in the love of the Backstreet Boys. She has many battles with the media and depression after this.

: Story is for the "Undo it" song challenge.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block
Characters: AJ, Brian, Danny, Donnie, Group, Group, Howie, Joe, Jon, Jordan, Kevin, Nick, Other, Other
Genres: Angst, Drama, Dramedy
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 549
Read Count: 2470

[Report This]
08/06/11 » Updated: 09/01/11
Of Love and Time by Purpura Lipstick Rated: PG-13 [ - ]

Technology has moved past internet dating, now you can simply have a clock-like device installed in your arm that will give you an actual countdown until you meet your one true love.

How will this love timer affect each of their lives?


Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Howie, Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 27644
Read Count: 37541

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08/29/10 » Updated: 08/30/11

This is part 2!  This is when you know that Howie and Brian is really good friends.


Enjoy!  :D

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction
Characters: AJ
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Slash M/M
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 655
Read Count: 1075

[Report This]
08/27/11 » Updated: 08/27/11
Visions of Love by alota_cookin Rated: PG-13 [ - ]

AJ and Howie are stranded, on an uninhabited island, after their cruise ship goes down.
Join them for their outrageous adventures, comical mishaps, and...
...maybe even a little cheesy romance.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Howie
Genres: Adventure, Dramedy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 30998
Read Count: 27777

[Report This]
08/09/10 » Updated: 08/25/11
Summary: What was once lots is found but what if you do not remember what you lost.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 46809
Read Count: 30077

[Report This]
08/20/11 » Updated: 08/20/11
Summary: Now that Chelsea is back, will AJ's dreams come true or turn into a nightmare.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 66255
Read Count: 33589

[Report This]
08/18/11 » Updated: 08/18/11
Once In A Blue Moon by summer Rated: R [ - ]

You love, you lose, you learn...then you learn to love all over again. Because sometimes...the place that may seem like the end...may very well be the beginning.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death, Sexual Content
Series: Beneath The Moon
Chapters: 64 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 213628
Read Count: 119487

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01/05/09 » Updated: 08/16/11

AJ enjoys memories of a relationship he wishes he still had. 



Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1065
Read Count: 844

[Report This]
08/15/11 » Updated: 08/15/11

This is the first part of the story. This is the part were you meet A.J. and Brian. You will learn about their prombles. 

Enjoy!  =D

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Slash M/M
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 379
Read Count: 961

[Report This]
08/10/11 » Updated: 08/10/11
The Bet by BiLittrell Rated: NC-17 [ - ]


Have you ever hurt someone, just to make yourself feel better?

Scrap that.

Have you ever hurt someone unwillingly in the process of trying to win a bet.

I say unwillingly, because at first it was just a bet. But then…

.. Then it became something else.

Something raw, strong. Something I rarely experienced.


Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content
Series: Love Can't Wait Series
Chapters: 50 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 70785
Read Count: 25495

[Report This]
04/13/11 » Updated: 08/09/11
When I Grow Up by DelphinaCarter Rated: PG [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Thank you Evergreenwriter83 for the banner!

At the age of 13, Nick Carter wanted nothing more than ot be treated like an adult. When he gets his wish...he will realize being a grown up isn't as much fun as he thought it would be...
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick, Kevin, Howie, Group, Brian, AJ
Genres: Humor, Dramedy
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 10805
Read Count: 22869

[Report This]
06/08/11 » Updated: 07/26/11
In Pieces by RokofAges75 Rated: R [ - ]
Summary: AJ continues to relive the torture inflicted upon him and his bandmates at the hands of a madwoman.
(Continuation of the short story Watch Me as I Bleed.)

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ
Genres: Angst, Horror
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence
Series: In Pieces
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 2890
Read Count: 1069

[Report This]
07/25/11 » Updated: 07/25/11
Rosy Affair by TheDistantHeart Rated: R [ - ]



Evelyn is stuck with her job as a prostitute. Trying to escape will get her killed so she got accustomed to her current life. 
 At one rainy night she meets AJ when saving him from committing suicide. They both feel the chemistry, but Evelyn can't be honest with him. Who would want a whore as his girlfriend?
Another secret she has is Nick, her abusive loverboy.
As if things can't get any more complicated, a long distance best friend and her brother decide to visit her, more people she has to lie to.

Soon, all hell will break loose.


Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Howie, Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 3641
Read Count: 3503

[Report This]
07/12/11 » Updated: 07/17/11


This story is inspired from the movie "Yours Mine and Ours".


When the Carter kid's mom meets the Richardson kid's dad it's love at first sight followed much to quickly by wedding bells. Total chaos erupts as the boys are determined to crash the honey moon and rip the newly weds apart. Will they succeed at bringing their families back to the way things used to be or will love and fate prevail?

Categories: Fanfiction > Music > Aaron Carter, Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 3677
Read Count: 4263

[Report This]
06/06/11 » Updated: 07/16/11
Electricity by Little Star Rated: R [ - ]


I’m just a simple girl from Sydney.
I’m only eighteen I never expected to fall.

I never expected to fall for a rockstar
A rockstar who is twelve years older than me.
I was always the innocent daughter of Karl Stefanovic

That spark of electricity changed everything for me.


Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block
Characters: AJ, Brian, Danny, Donnie, Howie, Joe, Jon, Jordan, Nick
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 9645
Read Count: 8490

[Report This]
05/03/11 » Updated: 07/16/11