Lately, I have been in such a writers funk that its not even funny any longer. I've started another new story...a sequel to an older one, actually, and have been working on Shades of Blue and trying to finish Not So Bad. The thing is, over the past few weeks...or even months, I feel as if I should just give up on writing. My good friends tell me that I have a talent and am a great writer, which is great...except for the fact that I dont know if they are telling the truth or are just biased.
I get so excited when I start a new story, but the lack of interest from readers kills that excitement. I mean, I've asked for constructive critisism, feedback, everything...a
nd its SO true that writers thrive on feedback. The seeming lack-there-of lately and seeming lack of interest all together has me feeling that I should just quit completely on everything I have been working on.
With Not So Bad, everybody wanted Michael to get a heart and get along with his dying father (Kevin)...but now that Michael actually is being nice and growing a human heart in the final chapters, it seems nobody cares to read. Sure, his temper was drama , but I planned all along for him to slowly grow morals.
As for the newer ones, Shades of Blue had a great start, but now it seems again...nobody cares. As for Between Breaths...well, only one chapter is out and a few are written....and yes, I was excited for it...but when only one person on here (two...but dancinpacer is the friend who I dont know is just biased or not) is reading it, I dont know if spending 10 hours writing a chapter is even worth it. Again...the lack of shown interest just kills all motivation I have for continuing on with anything.
nother one I feel like just giving up on. Its an original fic, so nobody really has an interest in those, which I understand beings this site is mainly focused around BSB. But it is one that I would really like to see if I can get published, and feedback/constructive criticism would be amazing for me...especiall
y with this fic.
I guess I am just frustrated and needing to vent. I'm sitting here near tears, trying to write something, but just feel it is hopeless. I don't know what to do anymore, because I love to write and want to write...but this lack of motivation and lack of interest lately is just killing all creativity I have left inside of me .