Yay! For all of you who didn't get to play in the last round, now's your chance to not only NOT think like a Mare but to think like a me lol and get to play this high-drama, high-intensity game!
The following are rules plagiarized from Mare and edited where needed

Here's how it works. Below you will find a list of 30 words all relating to fanfic. Pick any 8 of the 30 words and pm them to me with Bingo round two as the title of the PM.
Everyday starting on Wednesday, I'll post three words at a time. The first person who gets all eight of their words chosen yells BINGO! At which point i'll check their PM to make sure no cheating happened before they are declared the winner.
The first winner gets to be the host of Round Three for Fanfic BINGO! You know you wanna...

We can only play if at least five of you participate so make sure you get your cards to me before Wednesdsay!
Here are the words in no order at all:
The category is Nick fics:
1. romance
2. cancer
3. Mary Sue
4. Anti-Sue
5. Choppage
6. Series
7. Weddings
8. Pregnancy
9. Family
10. Dysfunctional
11. Studio
12. Fans
13. Ocean
14. Death
15. Gruesome
16. Disfigurement
17. Mine
18. Aaron
19. Jane
20. Cliché
21. Kevin
22. Brothers
23. Trauma
24. Chemotherapy
25. Paris
26. Hospital
27. Sex
28. Teenybopper
29. Kidnapping
30. murder
Yay! So, get me those 8 word lists and we can play!