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Author Topic: Featured Story of the Month for June 2008 - Why i'd do it all Again by Mare  (Read 77503 times)


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Hello  ;D

Yes, it's me. I know there will be a few of you all  ::) "Are you serious? She gave herself her own month? Like Oh my Godz she's the worst person like ever!" But to you I say...eh? I deserve one just like everyone else.

I really have been hesitant about doing this seriously because I know how it looks but I was convinced otherwise so this month is mine. Obviously i'm not going to be my own Oprah because that would just be sad lol so Sarah and Rose are tag-teaming me this month. They picked this story so I hope you enjoy. It's not my usual suspense, someone is going to get slightly maimed type of tale but nontheless it's probably been the most read fic I have written.

So, here's the link:



Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?

2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?

3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.

4) If you could cast this story as a movie who would play the main roles and why?

5) Have you ever thought of giving up on the story and if you did what made you continue to work on it?

6) What was your writing process? (Outline, make it up as you go along, the characters wrote it, I am Tonja and plagerized lol)

7) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?

8 ) You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?

9) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?

10) If we like this story...then we'd love what story? (Could be by you or someone else) and obviously tell us why lol
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 09:22:28 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Master of Havoc
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Congratulation s, Mare! Obviously for any of the critics out there it was me that chose Mare but I'm a lazy bum and forced Mare to intro her own story and that's how it works in AC Mod-land.

Here's my question: Is there a chapter, or moment, in the story that you now wish you could go back and change?
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.


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1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?
Hrmm, i'm not sure if there's anything overly secretive about it. What people might not realize is that I got the title from the unreleased song Memories? There's a line saying oh I... I'd do it all again but it sounds like Why and I thought that would make a great name for this story. I'm usually not big on taking lines from songs and making them into titles but I did it this time.

2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?
I'm usually really bad at remembering this stuff but for whatever reason I put in the actual summary of the story when I started posting it and that was Sept 2005 and I finished it shortly after Kevin decided to call it quits so I guess it took me at least a year and a half to finish it. It was my longest story by far.

3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.
I actually think this is one of the only summaries I really like that is the most accurate lol but I shall try! *damn me and my hard, Oprah like questions!*
Come join the guys as they meet after their long break and work together on creating Nevergone. Listen to Kevin, Howie, Brian, AJ and Nick's opinions on things as they get set for the next chapter of their lives and see how they deal with all the roadblocks along the way? How is that?

4) If you could cast this story as a movie who would play the main roles and why?
Because this is pretty much set up to be like a documentery I can only see the guys playing themselves. If this was a different story i'd be more creative with my answer, but for this one, there really isn't one. lol

5) Have you ever thought of giving up on the story and if you did what made you continue to work on it?
This was the first time I really began to struggle with updating a story and there were times when I thought I wouldn't finish it, especially in the midst of all the Kevin drama happening, but I also know I am not a quitter so I was pretty sure I would finish it eventually.

6) What was your writing process? (Outline, make it up as you go along, the characters wrote it, I am Tonja and plagerized lol)
I just wrote as I went along. I'm not big on outlines although because I got a lot of this stuff from things that actually happened, I did find myself doing a bit of research. The guys usually just posess me and write their own parts anyway. lol

7) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?
I loved AJ in this one. I usually really struggle with him but he was a lot of fun to write for this one because I enjoyed his optimism throughout the recording process.

8 ) You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?
I suck at Howie. I had the HARDEST time with him for this one lol

9) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?
Of course they are!

10) If we like this story...then we'd love what story? (Could be by you or someone else) and obviously tell us why lol

I think if you liked this one, you'd enjoy Come Together by Izzy and Cecilia because it's a very similar idea but their's takes place at the time when the guys first met.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 09:25:18 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Banner hater
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Congratulations, Mare! Obviously for any of the critics out there it was me that chose Mare but I'm a lazy bum and forced Mare to intro her own story and that's how it works in AC Mod-land.

Here's my question: Is there a chapter, or moment, in the story that you now wish you could go back and change?
YAY Julilly asked me the first question!!
I think if I could redo anything, I probably wouldn't have harped on the Nick and Paris issue so much. Maybe if I had waited a little longer to write on it, most likely I wouldn't have gone on and on about it lol  but at the time that whole thing was SUCH a mess that I felt like it was a pretty important part of the Never Gone story. In retrospect, it probably wasn't.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?
Hrmm, i'm not sure if there's anything overly secretive about it. What people might not realize is that I got the title from the unreleased song Memories? There's a line saying oh I... I'd do it all again but it sounds like Why and I thought that would make a great name for this story. I'm usually not big on taking lines from songs and making them into titles but I did it this time.

See, that's interesting, because I always thought you got it from Just Want You to Know LOL.  I know that line from Memories too; I guess I've just listened to JWYTK a lot more.  I always sing that line to myself when I see your story title LOL.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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How odd. I didn't realize it was in JWYTK lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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See, that's interesting, because I always thought you got it from Just Want You to Know LOL.  I know that line from Memories too; I guess I've just listened to JWYTK a lot more.  I always sing that line to myself when I see your story title LOL.

I do the exact same thing, I start humming JWYTK lol.

So Mare, the direction you took definitely was the Paris route, but I personally did think that was a huge part of the NG story because that was big, and it threw Nick into a light that many had  never seen him in, running second to a bigger star and then being accused of horrible things.
 I'd have an oprah question but I gotta hurry to work, but I will have them later, promise!
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

"Don't annoy the writer. They may put you in a book and kill you." —Anonymous

“I don’t believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously.” —Ray Bradbury


  • Minion of Mayhem
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Congrats Mare!!! This is one of my absolute favorite stories!
"Be yourself because the people that mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind."
-Dr. Seuss


  • Chief of Disorder
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Yay for this story! And yay for Mare letting Rose and me be co-Oprahs for the month ;D

Hmm...those are all very interesting answers. Initially, I was convinced that the title came from Memories but then I heard that line in JWYTK..and then I was all confuzzled, so thanks for clearing that up :)

Okay, so my first Oprah question: I know you're not the biggest Brian fan and I personally think you did a great job portraying him in the story...but was it hard for you to put aside your personal bias and write from his perspective? Or do you think that parts of your annoyance with him in reality tended to sneak through in your writing?

lol That was a rather long-winded question, but I hope it makes sense. I just remember being curious about that after I found out that he annoys you often. It's probably an awful question but I'm just getting started on my Oprah-ness, so forgive me :)


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Aww that was a great Oprah question Sarah. Don't sell yourself short. I'm still not picturing the part in JWYTK that is says that lol i'll have to pull Never Gone out and listen to that song again. It's been a looong time.

To answer your Brian question. I actually love Brian to death. Parts of his personality annoy me but honestly it's usually when he's accompanied by his wife when he's that Brian I don't enjoy and since that's how Nick saw him it was kind of easy for me to play that off in the story.

I found it really easy to put any bias aside and write Brian because I know he loves his wife and what he does. I know those parts of his personality that may drive me crazy is just the way he is so it was kind of easy. Besides like I said, I usually have the other guys see some of the things he says and does in my point of view.

:) yay good question! I love answering questions even more than asking them!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Congrats Mare!!! This is one of my absolute favorite stories!

Aw thanks Sel! I saw you mentioned that in your forum member survey! Thanks for that!! ;)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Oh, good. I'm glad that was an okay question, and I agree with you. I like the not-with-Leighanne Brian lol He's the reason I fell in love with the Boys way back when.

Another question: How did you come up with the idea to write this story? What made you want to tell the NG story?


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  • You gave me a smile that I will never forget.....

*sings* I just want you to know, That I've been fighting to let you. Some days I make it through, and then there's nights that never end. I wish that I could believe, That there's a day you'll come back to me. But still I have to say, I'd do it all again. Just want you to know....

That help any??? Though, I had to get help for the second half of the chorus - I drew a blank - haha!!!!!

And....in retrospect to the whole Paris Hilton thing - you did what all them news people did - you focused on the relationship & how crazy it was, but unlike them, you showed it from Nick's point of view - very nicely, I may add. :D

Concert Tickets: $270
3 BSB T-Shirts: $105
BSB Sweater: $85
Poster & Book: $30
Having Brian grab me & pull me close during sound check: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Train Ticket: $14.95
Bus Fare: $3.50
Marilyn Denis Show Ticket: Free
Nick Carter singing to me on live television: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!


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*sings* I just want you to know, That I've been fighting to let you. Some days I make it through, and then there's nights that never end. I wish that I could believe, That there's a day you'll come back to me. But still I have to say, I'd do it all again. Just want you to know....

*dances to Lenni's singing*

YAY Mare! *gives you balloon* I haven't read this one yet, but now I think I will.  ;)
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