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Author Topic: Losing the love...  (Read 8538 times)


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Losing the love...
« on: June 07, 2008, 12:56:20 AM »

Ok, I really am going to try to write this post without rambling... I swear!

I'm just wondering if any of you are having this same problem or have any kind of advice...

I honestly feel like I'm losing my enthusiasm. I feel like I haven't really written anything in months and it's weird because I'm working on a story at the moment and I update still. (a lot less frequently, but I do still update), so I don't understand why it feels like I'm never getting anything done. Ever since I kind of transitioned from fan fic to original fiction, and I kind of suddenly switched genres too, I feel a little lost in the writing world. Kind of like it's not really me anymore, and I don't seem to enjoy it as much. Its like I lost my groove and I don't know how to get it back.

I'm not talking about being stuck, or having writers block. I actually told Sarah the other day that I give up on writing altogether, and I think a part of me really meant it. Kind of scares me actually because writing is such a big part of who I am and how I cope with things, yet I can't seem to get it together. I don't want to quit writing (fanfic or otherwise) but every day it gets harder and harder to make myself do it. I'm not asking for an ego stroke here. I don't want people to tell me not to stop writing or anything like that. And this isn't a declaration of fanfic retirement or anything. I'm just wondering what to do to get that love back that I seemed to have lost.

Lol maybe "Honey" and "Red" are clashing and its causing me to have a writers identity crisis or something. I really do enjoy writing all the different genres, but nothing I write really feels like "Me" anymore and it's freaking me out so much I'm ready to give up.

Suggestions? Ideas? Opinions? Anything? Y'all know me better than most because I'm completely myself on here, so help!!! Honey is broken and needs to fix it!

If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 01:16:17 AM »

I definitely know how you feel, Kelly.  I went through the same sort of thing a few years ago with drawing.  I used to love drawing and sketching and it was all I ever did in my spare time, and then for some reason I just sort of lost my passion for it.  I don't know why I gave up on it so easily, and I wish I never had. 

Anyway.. maybe it might be an idea to take a short break?  If you feel as though you have to update something, it's not as fun as updating because you want to, you know?  Then it starts to feel more like work than a hobby, and that's not really fun.  That would be my best advice to you. 
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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2008, 01:49:35 AM »

   Could it be the change of seasons possibly? That restless feeling that comes along with the beginning of summer? If not that, then is it something in your personal life that is unsettled? You said that writing is such a big part of your life and that is how you get your feelings out, is it possible that something is happening in your life that maybe you don't even realize that has put a damper on your creative side? I know with myself, a lot of times, I won't even realize that something is bothering me until it starts affecting other parts of my life.
   You said that you switched from fan fiction to orginal fiction... maybe you could ease into that transistion a little slower by going back and writing a short fan fiction in between writing chapters for your orginal fiction. I have read your updates though to "Fan Friction" so I guess you are still doing some of that anyway. Or maybe with the genre switch too, write a short humorous story. Something to make the transistion a little slower and smoother.
   As much as I would miss reading your updates, maybe you just need to take a short break. Maybe find a good book to read and just read it through without writing for a few days. Or find something else you are interested in and just concentrate on that for a few days, give yourself a vacation so to speak. You might be able to come back refreshed, much like a person does when they come back from an actual vacation.
   I don't know if any of these suggestions will help, but I hope something helps you get your creative spirit lit again! Good Luck!
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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2008, 02:46:38 AM »

Aww, Steph. That's kind of sad. My hubby gets that way sometimes about his drawing too, but then he'll randomly sit down every once in a blue moon and draw a random picture. Sigh, drawing is something I envy. You should give it a shot once in a while still. It's really a rare talent.

As for taking a break? I've been thinking a lot about doing that, but I'm kind of scared to do that because what if that "break" becomes a "hiatus" and then that turns into "permanent" and I just stop writing all together. I really don't want to that to happen. I would definitely regret that. A lot, I think.I dunno. Maybe it could do me some good. I guess if I don't miss it enough to come back to it, then there really wouldn't be any harm done.

And Susan, thank you for your response as well. That actually is something that believe it or not I hadn't really thought about at. And LMAO, let's go down the list shall we?

Could it be the change of seasons possibly?
*thinks back to the hours I spent at the beach today*

Something in your personal life that is unsettled?Is it possible that something is happening in your life that maybe you don't even realize that has put a damper on your creative side?
Now that I think about it, this is most probable... HA! too bad I have NO IDEA how to fix all that. I have been feeling off ever since I moved and the whole adjusting to my husband starting his own company and all that  plus only about a million other issues I'll spare everyone on the details...

Maybe I'm just uber stressed and a little distracted by beach season. I like the sound of that better than not loving writing anymore. Seriously your post just made me feel a lot better. (while stressing me out at the same time cause now my brain is realizing how crazy my life is at the moment) Dang it! Why can't life just be perfect and easy so that I can continue to write fun stories? Pshhh its so unfair.  ;)

Anybody have the number for Burke Williams? lol.

I wondered if transitioning to original fiction would be tricky. I'll bet that might have something to do with it too, but at the same time I am adoring all the original stuff I've been working on too, so I don't know. MOVIE was the first story that I wrote that was actually meant to be transitional and that seemed to work very well, so maybe I should start another story like that, (Kinda AU, almost original, but still fanfic...) but then I get worried about starting yet another story when I already have so many in the middle... 

I also think that's why I write the challenges each month too. All those funny, cute little shorts that are completely fan fic, help me kind of remember what I love about the Backstreet Boys, but they don't really feel like writing to me the same way writing an entire novel does. Don't really know how to explain that, hope it made a little sense.

And I have been reading a ton more lately. I am horrible at reading. Write all the time, but never read, and I've almost completely flipped on that this year. That was a huge change for me. NowI find myself reading more and more and writing less and less... sad.

Anyhoo, now I really am rambling. I'll stop. Thanks guys.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 02:50:45 AM by honey »
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2008, 08:01:46 AM »

I know exactly how you feel because i've been stuck in that place for almost a year now. lol

I'm the same way, I LOVE writing to death, I feel like it really helps define who I am as a person but yet when I try to write it feels more like a homework assignment and less like fun. I think maybe it's because we sometimes put too much pressure on ourselves to get updates out there. At least I think that's how it started with me, I felt so pressured to constantly update that it began to be more of a chore than something fun.

I don't think it's something you should worry about, because in the end if you really and truly do love it, you'll never be able to give it up. Right now you might be in this strange transitional phase trying to find your real style or what makes you comfortable, not only with writing but life in general. You just moved and your getting things in order, so deep down tat has to be effecting things a little.

While that's happening, there's nothing wrong with transitioning to a reader and writing less. Like I said, eventually i'm sure you'll switch back. I hope you find the love again. I'm hoping for the same with myself.

I know writing the short challenges are also helping me out.
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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2008, 08:29:57 AM »

I think as writers Kelly we all go through those slumps. I know I have. As Susan pointed out, I definitely notice that when the warmer weather arrives I feel less and less like writing and more and more like being outside and enjoying the nice weather. And when you're really busy or stressed its almost impossible to write. (One of the reasons I haven't updated in almost two weeks.)

If you feel like you're beginning to lose the fun out of writing and getting bored with the OF, maybe you should go back to the beginning and write something that maybe you don't necessarily plan on getting published. You've definitely grown in SOOOO many different directions as a writer considering you started out as a fluffy, Brian, romance chick. Maybe you need to go back to your roots though for a little bit to rediscover why you started writing in the first place?


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2008, 10:59:11 AM »

Aww Kelly! *squishy hugs you*

We definitely did talk about this earlier, you and me, and, like Mare said, you are not alone because I'm in that slump as well. Look how long it's taking me to get the next chapter of our awesome story out :( I think for me (and maybe this is it for you as we do share a brain lol), it's the transitioning to original fiction that's doing it. I think both of us sort of jumped into it really fast...but I think it's great that you're still managing to write Fan Friction. Sure, maybe it's not as fluffy as you usually are, but sometimes it's not a bad thing to try to experiment with different genres. I'm not going to try to be your therapist on here lol but maybe it's because you haven't written that fluff that you love that is making you feel all out of sorts and not altogether into what you're doing.

I know taking a break seems really scary sometimes because, at least for me, saying I'm going to take a break makes me afraid that I'll never do it again. Which has crossed my mind a hell of a lot in the last few weeks. Eek. However, sometimes, reading more than writing isn't a bad thing (even though I feel like that's all I do). Like you've said, you don't usually read, so maybe you should...and maybe, while you're reading, your creative juices will simmer and come up with something awesome! You've written so much like crazy in the past year and a half and I think a break might be good for your creative juices as well...like Mare said, if you really truly love it, you'll never really give it up. I totally believe that for you, for Mare, and even for myself.

Also, I know that, for me, talking to you about stories and plots and all that fun stuff really helped keep my enthusiasm up, but I dunno if that was the same for you. If it was, then *sniffs* I hate my stupid computer doubly much. As soon as it's fixed and running again, I will do my best to cheer you on--sometimes, you need a little pom-pom shaking as well to build your enthusiasm.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2008, 11:03:47 AM »

I'm rooting for you Kelly. :) Everyone has slumps like these and it's probably just a passing phase. I mean, it took me how long to finish Pbox? But I finished it! And now I'm just being lazy. lmao

You'll get it back, because it's something you love so much, you know? :)

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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2008, 11:34:14 AM »

you started out as a fluffy, Brian, romance chick. Maybe you need to go back to your roots though for a little bit to rediscover why you started writing in the first place?

*kicks Brian*   Maybe that's part of my problem. I've lost a lot of my BSB infatuation. Sadly, this Brian girl isn't much of a Brian girl these days leaving me without a real favorite, and I haven't really learned how to deal with that yet.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2008, 11:41:58 AM »

I know exactly how you feel because i've been stuck in that place for almost a year now. lol

I'm the same way, I LOVE writing to death, I feel like it really helps define who I am as a person but yet when I try to write it feels more like a homework assignment and less like fun. I think maybe it's because we sometimes put too much pressure on ourselves to get updates out there. At least I think that's how it started with me, I felt so pressured to constantly update that it began to be more of a chore than something fun.

yeah, this makes sense too, I think that's why I'm stressing about it. But the problem was already there because I started updating a lot less often and THEN I started feeling pressured to make myself keep up. You know what I mean? I also am really anal about finishing what I started, and when I hit this slump I abandoned a lot of ideas and a lot of stories and that makes me want to kick myself. Now I kind of feel like I can't start anything new because there are so many stories I've started and are just sitting there... metaphorically collecting dust.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2008, 11:50:25 AM »

Look how long it's taking me to get the next chapter of our awesome story out :(

aww. our story really is awesome. I'm blaming your lack of updating on summer jobs and sick computers...

maybe it's because you haven't written that fluff that you love that is making you feel all out of sorts and not altogether into what you're doing.

but Jamie is fluffy romance and I love love love it and am having so much fun with it... so I can't figure out why I can't seem to get going.

Also, I know that, for me, talking to you about stories and plots and all that fun stuff really helped keep my enthusiasm up, but I dunno if that was the same for you. If it was, then *sniffs* I hate my stupid computer doubly much. As soon as it's fixed and running again, I will do my best to cheer you on--sometimes, you need a little pom-pom shaking as well to build your enthusiasm.

aww, I do miss those little brainstorming sessions too. *kicks Sarah's computer and advises her to get a mac book pro instead!*
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2008, 11:52:13 AM »

I'm rooting for you Kelly. :) Everyone has slumps like these and it's probably just a passing phase. I mean, it took me how long to finish Pbox? But I finished it! And now I'm just being lazy. lmao

You'll get it back, because it's something you love so much, you know? :)

LMAO true. If you can finish Pbox after how many years, then certainly I'll be ok eventually.  :P 

speaking of pbox...
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2008, 12:02:11 PM »

Aww...Kelly *hugs* I'm sure we've all felt like this at some point or another.  I LOVE writing, but i just don't seem to have the energy for it anymore. I have ideas, and want to complete chapter and stories so I can update, but its like I just can't seem to actually focus long enough to do anything.

I know for one, right now, I am depressed. I just found out this morning that the vacation that me and my fiance have been planning for 8 months now is not going to happen. We were supposed to leave in 5 days. Our financial state wont allow us to with him still looking for a job and me losing my 2nd job. So much crap is going on right now too...and whenever I sit down to write, I think "I really dont even want to do this right now" .I have all the time in the world right now to actually update something...anything but unfortunately, I just cant, nor do I care to.

My advice is to just take a little break from writing...or maybe not put so much pressure on yourself. When the time is right, the creativity and motivation will come back to you if you dont push yourself and try to force it to come back.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2008, 12:32:33 PM »

aww, squishy hugs back, Ashley! That completely sucks. That's kind of like my honeymoon being cancelled four days before my wedding.  I was crushed. But, we still made the best of it. Even if you can't afford to take that trip, you still have to do something special just the two of you, even if on a much smaller scale. That together time is important.

I know what you mean about not being able to focus long enough to do it. For weeks now I've been in that sit down at the computer when I finally have free time and get maybe a paragraph written... if I'm lucky, mode.

You're right. Maybe you are all right. Maybe I should just tuck it away for now and only write when mocrosoft word is calling my name.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Losing the love...
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2008, 01:00:41 PM »

Aww, Kelly, I'm sorry you're feeling this way.  Like everyone else has said, I think a slump is something every writer goes through.  There seems to be a pattern with this:

When you first start writing, it's all fresh and new and fun, and you have SO many ideas, that it's easy to just churn out chapter after chapter, story after story, and update all the time.  I know the first year I wrote fanfic, it was rare to have a day where I didn't have an update on my site.  I posted at least one chapter pretty much EVERY DAY, and as soon as I finished one story, I launched right into another.

After awhile, you start to slow down.  There are lots of reasons for this:  real life gets in the way and cuts down on your writing time, you have written so many things that new and original ideas are harder to come by, and as you get better with experience, you also get more critical of your writing, so it takes you longer to finish a chapter you're happy with.  At least that's how it was with me.  After a year or two of writing, I slowed down.  I updated maybe every few days instead of every day.  Then once a week or so.

And then, for me, real life happened.  College... and then student teaching... and then teaching for real.  I had other things going on and other things to think about, and even when I would sit down with some free time to write, I would think about all the other things I felt like I should have been doing.  Homework, lesson plans, grading papers, job searching, apartment hunting, all that good stuff.  It really just killed my inspiration.  This past year, I kinda gave up on even writing much on weekends and just looked forward to actual breaks - Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, and now summer - to do some major writing, because weekends were my time to relax and get caught up on other things.

So it could be that real life is interfering, whether you realize it or not.  You can think to yourself, "I have two hours of free time right now.  That's plenty of time to get a couple of pages written, so why aren't I writing?"  But it's not that easy.  Maybe it used to be easy, when you were churning out update after update, but it's not anymore.  You have to get in the right mindset, put everything else in real life in the back of your mind and focus on your story, and get that inspiration going, and that takes some time.  If you're worrying about all the other things you have to do, or worrying that if you DON'T get an update out, you're going to disappoint people, then you're putting so much pressure on yourself that of course you're not gonna be able to write anything.

I think the pressure is another major factor.  If you used to update all the time, and your readers expect that, and now you don't update that much anymore, you feel like you're letting people down, and then you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself to get updates out quickly.  And like Mare said, that takes the fun out of it.  It makes writing feel more like homework, when it should be just a hobby, something to do for fun.  You just need to relax and not push yourself.  So what if you only update once a month or less?  The readers who truly enjoy your story will look forward to your chapters that much more.  They may not enjoy waiting, but they will wait for you.  And they'll understand, especially those of them who write.  We all know how it is.

So my advice is:
1) Don't worry about it because it happens to all of us.
2) Relax, take your time, and don't pressure yourself to update.  If you pressure yourself, you'll just make the slump worse because you'll take all the enjoyment out of writing and make it feel like a chore.  If you're stuck or just not feeling it, then take a break and wait for the inspiration or feelings of withdrawal to strike.  It might take some time, but eventually, there will come a time when you'll get bored and feel sort of an emptiness and think "I should write..."  Maybe then the love will come back.

Sorry, that was a REALLY long post, and I have more to say, but I will save that for another LOL.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 01:02:36 PM by RokofAges75 »

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