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Author Topic: Guess the fan game  (Read 10794 times)


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Guess the fan game
« on: June 28, 2008, 12:52:02 PM »

I sent this survey out to about 12 people, asked them to fill it out but leave their names blank.

This is how the game works

After reading everyone's answers you have to try to figure out which fan belongs to which letter. I have made it more difficult by putting more names than surveys.

Here are the fans you have to choose from:

LenniLuvsBrian, Nicksgal, Julilly, RokofAges75, rebellious_one, Mare, MellzBellz, Rose, Sakabelle, BSBsavedmylife, Keelierose86, Alota_cookin.
Give each of them a letter A - I

I'll reveal the answers on Tuesday!

Because this survey is so big I have to do it in sections lol

Favorite Backstreet Boy?:
A. Nick
B. Mr. Alexander James McLean
C. Nickers!
D. Nick
E. Nickolas Gene Carter, of course. The first of many blond boys I have been infatuated with. lol
F.  Nick
G. Nick
H. Brian
I. Brian because he has the most dreamy blue eyes in the whole universe!

How do you feel about Kevin leaving the group?:

A. I was shocked, angry and very sad about it. I knew that for me, things would never be the same.   
B. I was really sad.
C. You know, when I found out about it I honestly didn't care much.  I was on kind of a non-BSB streak, so when I found out I just went "meh." and by the time I got back into BSB it was already old news.
D. I didn’t really care. Kevin was just... there.
E. I'm still kind of annoyed at him. I mean, once a Backstreet Boy, always a Backstreet Boy, right? I think it was kind of low of him to leave the other guys, you know?
F. Well, I miss him a lot, but I definitely respect his decision.     Although a part of me wants to tie him to the back of one of the BSB buses and make him come back.  LOL!   
G. I was so upset, now I'm okay but I miss em. I love BSB but it's not the same
H. It sucks, but it's not as devastating as I thought it would be.  It really upset me first, but since Unbreakable came out, I feel okay about it.  It's not quite the same, but the group is still Bsb to me, and they still sound great as a quartet.
I. I miss him terribly & believe he WILL come back some day! I just know it! I'm the BSB optimist after all. :D

Do you think he'll ever return to BSB?:

A. As much as I want him to, I think those days are over for him although I wouldn't be surprised if he popped up every now and then.
B. Who knows? I would love for him to return the group, cause the door is still open. :)
C. I hope he does, but I don't think he will.
D. Don’t know, that’s up to him. To be honest I think it would be really shitty if he did. I don’t think it’s a revolving door kind of thing.
E. Well, I wish he'd come back, but I think Nick was right when he said "The door might always be open, but there's a point when that door will close."
F. I think in time there's a chance he'll come back.  Maybe not permanently, but I definitely see him agreeing to a reunion at least.
G. Maybe if they ever do a reunion tour, like 20 years from now, but likely not till then.
H. Nah, I doubt it.  Maybe for a reunion tour years down the road, like the Spice Girls did.
I. I just said yes - haha. Go figure you ask the question I answered without knowing it.

Top 3 BSB songs?:
A. I Want it That Way, Unmistakable, More Than That
B. "More Than That, Song For The Unloved, Everyone
C. Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon, Climbing The Walls, If You Knew What I Knew
D. Panic, Siberia, Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon
E. "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)", "Let's Have a Party", and "Missing You".
F. Sattilite  (It's unreleased, but sooooo awesome!), Lift Me Up, Climbling the Walls 
G. 10,000 Promises, Show Me The Meaning, Lift Me Up
H. Don't Wanna Lose You Now, Siberia, Answer to Our Life
 I.. As Long As You Love Me, Shape Of My Heart, & Trouble Is. Damn picking just 3 was hard!

How long have you been a fan?:

A. About 6 or 7 years
B. I became of the Backstreet fandom when Nick got arrested, lol.
C. Well, in 1996 my friends and I were obsessed with the song Get Down when it was all over the radio, but I didn't become a super huge mega fan until 1997 when Backstreet's Back came out.
D. Since 1996
E. Well, let's see.... When QPG came out, I fell in love with it. And then once the video for Backstreet's Back was on TRL, but I didn't know that the people who sang the two songs were the same until one day when one of my friends and I were at Media Play and they started playing Backstreet's Back and I shrieked and jumped up and down and was taken to the album by an employee. lol I didn't have any money, so I didn't buy it, and so it wasn't until Millennium came out that I became obsessed with them. So it was somewhere between nine and eleven years, depending on your definition of a fan. lol
F. 12 years
G. Since I was 10...so almost 12 years
H. 10 years
I. 11yrs & still kicking it! Damn proud too! :D

How many BSB concerts have you been to?:

A. Two both for the NG tour.
B. Zero. Nada. None.
C. I have been to three, and after this summer I will have been to five!
D. 2... soon to be 4
E. Three, two Black and Blue and Never Gone. And two Nick shows, his tour and then the Kissmas Snowball.
F.  Three live concerts (1998 Tour and 2 Milennium)  One taping of the Today Show (2001), and I'm going to a show this tour on August 23rd.
G. One, sadly, I wish it was more :P
H. 4 Bsb, plus 1 Nick and 1 Brian
I. Two so far, but soon to be five! Yay!!!!!!

Have you ever met them in person?:

A. Everyone but Nick
B. Once (only AJ & Brian)
C.  Not yet!
D. Only Nick.
E. I wish; I'm not that lucky. But I ran alongside Nick's bus in a car pile up once and he waved to me. :)
F. Well, sorta.  LOL!  I've been close so many times it's not even funny.  I almost met Nick in 2001, but I was stupid and let myself walk away from him.  Stupid me...I know!   
G. Yes, all five hehe
H. I've "met" Howie, as in shaken his hand and blurted "Hi, I love you!"  Other than that, no.  I'm doing VIP this tour, though, so that's going to change! ;D
I. Nope, but I'm hoping to this time around - even if I hafta butter up Marcus - want a pic with him anyway - Go security! Lol.

Did you buy Nick and Brian's solo albums?:

A. I bought Nick's
B. Nope. I'm cheap and "illegally" downloaded their songs, lol.
C. I just recently bought Brian's because I was bored with most of my music collection and needed something new (admittedly, I didn't help much.) and I did buy Nick's and I love it :D
D. I bought Nick’s, it was a fluffy piece of crap with the exception of a couple songs... I didn’t buy Brian’s because I don’t dig Christian music.
E. I actually own two copies of NoN, but yes, I did.
F. Of course!   
G. Yes  I did, but I like NON better
H. Of course!  I love both albums.
 I. Yup, I did. I play Nick's more than Brian's surprisingly - but that's prolly 'cause I'm not afraid to curse during Nick's songs, yet if I do so during Brian's I feel kinda awkward-lol.

Are you going to buy A.J.'s?:

A. I'm on the fence still. I know I probably won't listen to it so I'm not sure if I'll spend the money. 
B. *sheepishly grins* Yeah, lol.
C. Most definitely!  If London is any indication, that CD is going to rock!
D.  No.
E. Probably.
F. Hell yeah!!!!
G. Yep, I already like some of his songs
H. Definitely!!  Can't wait!
I. Hell yes!!!!!!! I wish he'd hurry the Hell up already!!!!!!

Favorite BSB single?:

A. I Want it That Way
B. "Larger Than Life", "I Want It That Way" and "More Than That"
C. I Want It That Way, just because of the hype behind it.
D. Didn’t you ask me that? Oh no, I guess that was just song. Um... More Than That
E. "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" of course.
F. Helpless When She Smiles
G. The Call
H. Tough choice... I'll go with my original fav and say As Long As You Love Me
I. *blanks for a moment* Um....do you mean single as in the CD for that single, or the song? 'Cause for songs, well, Shape Of My Heart, I guess. Lol. Or Quit Playin' Games! WHOOT!!!!!

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2008, 12:52:21 PM »

Here's part two!

What do you think of Nick?:

A. I think to me he's always come across the most regular guy of all the guys. He seems like he can be a real jerk at times, a real sweetheart at other times but considering his home life and how bad things could have turned out for him. I'm really proud of the way he has handled himself (for the most part) You always get a sense that you're catching the Real Nick whether that be a bad thing or a good thing.
B. He's a hearthrob, no one can deny it. Behind his silly antics and playful dumbness, he's a pretty genuine guy who's smarter than we all paint him out to be. Although he likes to hide his emotions a lot, he balances out his maturity level rather well, he's just a guy that's young a heart, and I think the fact that he's able to keep in touch with that kid that's still inside him will have him thriving in life for quite some time. There's so much more behind his blue eyes.
C. I think he's freaking gorgeous, a very powerful voice and that he's hilarious.
D. I think he’s serious eye candy, and he’s probably pretty talented in areas other than singing and dancing... but overall I think he’s probably a bit of a pig.
E. Honestly? I think he's a great guy, but he has some issues he needs to work out.
F. OMG!  I could go on all day.  This is a dangerous question.  Okay, I'll sum this up.  I think Nick's just amazing in so many ways.  The one thing I respect about him is his ability to let things roll off his back and he stays true to himself.  Sure he has his ups and downs, but he always seems to bounce back to that same goofy nerd that he is.  LOL!  He's just an all around great guy.
G. That he's adorably random, goofy, sweet, and has a pretty voice. And that he's smarter than people think
H. Nick has grown on me quite a bit over the years.  He used to be probably my least favorite, and now he's definitely my second.  I went through a big Nick phase after NON came out.  I think Nick is great! ;D
I. Gawd....C'n I keep him???

What do you think of Alex?:

A. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.
B. Alexander James. I think one of the many reasons he wears sunglasses all the time is because he wants to hide himself, who he is and how he feels from the world. Looking into his brown eyes is like looking through an open window, you see everything that's right before you and Alex's eyes are just like an open window, you see the person that's before you. When you look into his eyes, you see Alexander James, not AJ the bad ass Backstreet Boy. He's been through a lot in life, thus the reason he possesses two egos. Behind his badass ways and his dark past, Alex has managed to overcome it all and it's easy to see how big his heart really is and how much of a real, true, genuine sweetheart he is.
C. I think he's got really nice eyes, and I think he's got an amazing voice.
D. Seems more endearing than he looks. He seems like a nice guy, the kind you’d see working at a record store or something helping little old ladies find their Josh Groban.
E. I'm proud of him since he became sober. Plus he's a pretty funny guy. But he makes some bad choices about women.
F. Okay where's a tissue when I need it?  A.J. is my inspiration.  Seriously, I admire him so much it's not even funny.  I think he's one of the strongest people on this planet.  To publicly go through his personal demons and not be ashamed of it...that takes guts!  I can honestly say that without his inspiration... I might not be where I am today.  All I gotta say to him is "Thank you!"
G. He has a souful voice and that with everything he's dealt with I have major respect for that.
H.  I love AJ!  I think he's incredibly talented.
I. I love his smile! And I love to watch him perform! He always looks so happy!

What do you think of Brian?:

A. I think he can be incredibly Charismatic when he wants to and needs to be and I love how secure he is in his faith and how much he loves his family.
B. I think of the term "survivor" when I think of Brian. I've said this before, but meeting him and Alex wasn't me meeting two of the Backstreet Boys, it was me meeting these two gentlemen who have been through hell and back and have managed to rise up on the top, made it through to tell the story. Brian is exuberant and he remains this way, no matter what's hurled his way. His heart condition was a scary thing, he was at the peak of his Backstreet career when he was told that he would have to get a major surgery done in order to save his life. He didn't receive the support he should have but bounced back nonetheless as if his life wasn't on the line. As corny as this may sound, that right there shows you the shape of Brian's heart.
C. I think he's got a nice voice.
D. I go back and forth with Brian. Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don’t. I think he’s a good guy, dedicated to his family, and probably the closest to “normal” of any of the guys.
E. He needs to go back to being the old Brian.
F. I absolutely adore Brian!  He was my original favorite Backstreet Boy and he will always have a special place in my heart.  Whenever I'm in a crappy mood, I just find something on You Tube with him and I can't help but smile.  I love his outlook on life and his strength in God.  He's someone I definitely look up to because he's truly humble and a great role model for all ages.
G. Lately? Errrm... well I used to think Brian was just so cute, goofy, fun. But over the years he's gotten more "holier than thou" at times. He's still cute, but he's gotten stuck up, which bugs me.
H. Well, he is my favorite!  ;D  I think he has a great personality and sense of humor and a beautiful voice.  And he's cute too!
I. He cracks me up like you wouldn't believe! He gives a goofy grin & I laugh for like five minutes straight! Lol. He's my Angel, & I'll always love him no matter what! Unless he's a dick, then I just may hafta kick his ass - lol. Any excuse to touch that ass! Whoot!

What do you think of Howie?:

A. I think he's sweet, silly and awkward, but I mean that in a good way.
B. What can I say about Howard? Besides the obvious, him being a total and complete sweetheart and a rather peaceful person, he's another person that's been through a lot, hell all the guys have been through a lot. Losing a family member, generally losing any loved one is hard, and he is such a strong person to have gone through the loss of his sister and come back to continue entertaining their fans. He wasn't given the proper time to grieve; after bidding farewell to his sister, he had to come right back on stage and continue performing, for as they say "the show must go on". Howie has came a long way, and when I think of him, I think of strength.
C. I think he fades into the background a lot.  Poor Howie.
D. I used to hate Howie, and now I find him kind of adorable. He’s changed a lot in the last couple of years, and has really become his own person. No more hiding in the shadows of Brian, Nick, and AJ. Howie could be my brother.
E. I wish he was the snot D more often, when you get to see it, it's funny. Like the time with Nick and the ice? lol
F. Howie is just a nerd.  LOL!  I love him that way though.  He kinda puts in the balance of the group.  He makes me realize that it's okay to be different sometimes.  I don't have to be like everyone else to fit in.  Without Howie in the group, BSB would definitely not be the same.
G. Howie? Howie's just so cute anymore. Especially when him and Nick are together. He doesn't get enough credit as a writer or a singer.
H. I think Howie is a sweetheart.  He seems like a genuinely nice person, and having "met" him so briefly, I can tell you that he's more attractive in person, he has a great smile, and his hands are warm. ;D
I. He's funnier than I perceived him to be apparently. He makes me smile. :D

What do you think of Kevin?:

A. I think Kevin likes to lead by example. I am so glad that the others, especially Nick and AJ had him around. Both times I have met him, he's been kind of jerk-ish though. He gave me the 'look' lol
B. Kevin... the leader of the pack, the go-to guy. Kevin is a well-rounded guy that has a great head on his shoulders, very wise and keen, he's quite an individual. When I think of Kevin, I think of how strong he is; it takes a lot to be the eldest and the overall leader of a group. We may not have heard him on much of the Backstreet songs, but he's changed and made in impact in so many people's lives, everything from being that positive intervention in Alex's life, to taking his life experiences, turning them into songs and having their fans relate and cope with life's realities.
C. Um.. he has nice eyebrows?  I don't know.  He amuses me with his serious wittiness.
D. Let’s not go there.
E. I'm still upset with him for leaving.
F. Gosh, that man is just amazing all together.  First of all, I admire his passion for everything he does.  He doesn't even do anything half ass.  It's all or nothing when it comes to Kevin.  That's something not a lot of people have.  If there were more people like Kevin in this world, we'd be a lot more successful in the things we do.
G. That he is the reason Nick came out okay especially compared to his siblings. Kevin has that deeper voice which I enjoy plus I loved watching him play the piano. Kevin may be more serious but everyone needs a big bro in some form.
H. I think Kevin should not have left Bsb, but I still love him anyway.  He is most like me in personality, which is probably why he's not my favorite, cause opposites attract, ya know, but I gotta love him for that.
I. My protector.

If you could spend a day with BSB, what would you do?:

A. I would have AJ and Howie go grocery shopping for me since I hate doing that. I'd make Nick do my laundry because we know he's a pro at that one (remember when he taught Aaron how to do that on HOC?) I'd have Kevin mow my lawn and Brian can entertain my cats and clean my house. When they are all done with their chores, I'll cook them a great meal and then we could play Monopoly. 
B. I wouldn't spend my time not with the Backstreet Boys, but with five guys that have a story to tell. Why waste my time getting to know the Backstreet Boys, a group of guys the whole world already knows when I could spend my time getting to know Nickolas Gene Carter, Alexander James McLean, Brian Thomas Littrell, Howard Dwyane Dorough, Kevin Scott Richardson.
C. I think I would have a lot of fun going to Six Flags.  See, I could go on the scary rides with Nick and that would be an excuse to get close to him.. yes.
D. Stupid shit, like go bowling, or go-karting, but definitely somewhere that I could be like ‘oh hey everybody look at my new friends!’
E. Uh? I don't know? Ooh, play mini gofl!
F. LOL!  Anything I'm not supposed to.  LOL!  I'm just kidding.  Well, honestly, I would just want to find a way to spend time with them without distractions of the public or media.  I'd be content sitting at a table and playing cards with them.  I'd wanna get to know them as people.  I already know them as celebrities.  I wanna know what makes them tick.
G. Oh me and Nick would have so much fun lol. We'd just go crazy random. Invade walmarts and be goofy at like 3 am (have you done that? It's fun) for example
H. Get out the camcorder and make them act out my favorite fanfics!  LMAO just kidding.  I have no idea... backyard BBQ and pool party?  Amusement park?  Just hanging out would be enough for me.
I. Try not to pass out or scream & scare them off! Gawd, I'd prolly be freaking out all day going "OMG! OMG! OMG!" over & over & over & over again!!!!! I'd prolly ramble incessantly too & make a complete idiot of myself - lol. :P

If you were to buy you favorite Backstreet Boy a gift, what would it be?:

A. Probably a donation to the charity of their choice, because do they really need anything else from me? Although maybe a can of mace to keep some of their crazier fans away.
B. Haha, I'd pay for whatever tattoo AJ wanted, lol.
C. I actually considered buying a gift for Nick.  I saw this collared shirt at Stitches which was a light blue colour with a skull near the bottom.  I describe it really poorly, but it reminded me a lot of something he'd wear.
D. What do you buy for the person who has everything?
E. Common sense? Or climate appropriate clothing. lol
F.  I'd buy Nick some wheatgrass juice. LMAO!  I'm just kidding.  Seriously, I'd buy him something to put on his boat.  I don't really know what, but it would be something he could keep.
G. errrrm I have no idea lmao. Oh, I'd give Nick and AJ girls who weren't fans and would love them beyond their fame. I think those two need that badly.
H. I'm not really into the whole "fans buying the guys gifts" thing.  But I dunno, maybe I'd make Nick a 00Carter shirt? LOL
I. I have no idea. I mean, what can I get them that they don't already have, yanno??? *shrugs* Maybe something Donald Duck related???

What was your first thought when you heard A.J. was going to rehab?:

A. Who is that and why would I care again? LOL (I wasn't a fan at that time but I remember the announcement on TRL and was touched by seeing this blond kid with a broken arm cry about it.) 
B. Honestly? "HOLY SHIT!" And then...
"I hope he'll be okay. :( He'll be in my prayers. I know he'll pull through."
C. This is kind of a funny story.  My mom and I were flipping channels and the newscaster was talking about how Nick broke his hand.  My mom and I laughed a bit and I went to bed.  The next morning, my friend calls me and she's crying saying "Steph, did you hear what happened to the Backstreet Boys?"  and I laughed and said "Yeah, Nick broke his hand.  It's not that big a deal."  And she says "No, AJ's going to Rehab." And then she and I went to McDonald's for lunch.. because it was AJ's favourite. 
D. Best of luck
E. Well, I first heard when the boys announced it on TRL, so my first thought was to start crying. lol
F. OMG!  I cried my eyes out.  I was scared for him. I was so proud of him for going through with it, but I was scared of what he was going to have to face once he got out.  It's not an easy to go through and it's a million times worse when you're in the eyes of the public.
G. Holy shit
H. Honestly?  My first thought was relief... because when I saw on MTV that they were going to be on TRL for an announcement and got wind that it was something bad, I was imagining worse.  After I got the relief over with, then I just felt sad.
I. You expect me to remember that far back? I think I was shocked. Was more shocked when my sister said something mean [though she was still a fan back then] & my Dad was like, "Yeah, well, he's only human too!" I was standing there thinking, "Go Dad!" Lol.

Who do you like better, Leighanne Littrell or Kristin Richardson?

A. After meeting them both, Kristin. 
B. Wow. Lol. I've never met either, so I can't judge them like that.
C. Kristin.  She understands the fact that she isn't a Backstreet Boy, and that's pretty cool.
D. I don’t know either of them
E. Kristin, she's not all up in everybody's business.
F. I'm gonna go with Leighanne on this one only because I've met her.  She was really sweet.  I'm sure Kristin is too, but I've not met her, so I dunno.
G. Kristin, no contest
H. I'm not going to choose a favorite; I like them both
I. Kristin Richardson. And it's not because Leighanne married Brian, I've just always liked Kristin more & I've never once disliked her.

Who's the funniest?:
A. I'm actually going to go with Howie. He's a trip lol 
B. Frick & Frack... those two are absolutely CRAZY!!
C. They're all really funny.  Brian used to be the funniest, I think now that AJ and Nick as a duo are the funniest.  I cracked up during the MTV Diary thing where AJ was accusing Nick of shaving his chest.
D. Brian thinks he’s the funniest, Nick tries to be the funniest, but I gotta say AJ is pretty damn funny
E. I don't know, I think they're funniest when they play off each other. Like Nick and Brian collectively or something...
F. It's kind of a toss up between Nick and Brian.  Both of them are hilarious, but in their own ways.  Nick is completely random and has a childlike humor about him.  Brian is comical.  He's great with impressions and things like that. 
G. Nick and AJ
H. Gotta go with Brian, although AJ is pretty hilarious too.
I. Brian, hands down, no questions asked. Then prolly the others are tied.

How long do you think BSB will last?:
A. I want them to last as long as they want to. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of guys that are only together because it makes them money. I hope they last for a good long while though because I'm not quite ready to give them up yet. 
B. As long as they want to last. They've already defied and beaten the odds, they've done things many people thought they couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't do, so what the hell can't/won't they do?
C. Forever!  Nick said it himself!  "As long as there be music we'll be coming back again."
Well, maybe one more CD.  I hope it's more though :)
D. Until I’m dead man, till I’m dead
E. "As long as they'll be music, we'll be coming back again!" lol
F. To be honest, I don't see a real end to BSB.  They remind of the Beach Boys in that sense.  They'll part for personal time and solo stuff, but they'll always come back togther for an album between the years.  They have a strong enough bond to do that.
G. I think they'll have one more album after Unbreakable and that may be it
H. Forever!! :D  (I wish.)
I. For all eternity!!!! Forever & ever & ever & ever! They'll be like The Beatles & Elvis!!!!! :D I love Elvis!!!!!

 :) ;)

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2008, 01:54:43 PM »

I would also just like to add that this took me forever so I hope at least one person plays this game!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2008, 02:37:36 PM »

I think... maybe...     wow, this is T U P H tough.

A = Mare
B = Krystal
C = Dee
D = Julilly
E = Keelie
F = Rachel
G = Stephanie
H = Julie
I  = Lenni

hahaha I'm probably not even close.
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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2008, 02:54:22 PM »

Some of the questions are missing, Mare. :P lol


I'll think on the others soon.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 11:55:14 PM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2008, 04:27:54 PM »

Two questions in I knew that I was Lenni lol And I'm agreeing with Julie for H.
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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2008, 06:20:33 PM »

Here are my guesses:

A.  Mare
B.  Reb
C.  Steph
D.  Julilly
E.  Dee
F.  Rachel
G.  Rose
H.  Julie
I.  Lenni

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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2008, 06:27:14 PM »

Everyone has such low opinions of me... D? Really?
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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2008, 06:32:19 PM »

And now you're trying to bluff us LOL.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2008, 07:06:30 PM »

lol! I wonder if she is.... I need to finish this on like Monday night.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2008, 10:09:01 PM »

Julie is H
Lenni is I
Julilly is D
Dee...is E
Mare is A
Rose is G
Kristal is F
Reb is C
Melz is B

And how much do you wanna bet I'm 99% wrong lol
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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2008, 10:45:05 PM »

Everyone has such low opinions of me... D? Really?

Hrmm maybe if we didn't openly hate Kevin so much lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2008, 10:56:31 PM »

Some of the questions are missing, Mare. :P lol

I haven't really looked over it thouroughly, but "I" is definitely Lenni.

And Julie is "H."

I'll think on the others soon.

I told you I wasn't going to use them all. It already took me ten years to copy and paste everyone's answers to just those. lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2008, 11:15:49 PM »

I told you I wasn't going to use them all. It already took me ten years to copy and paste everyone's answers to just those. lol

But I worked so hard on answering some of the questions you didn't use. lol :(

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Guess the fan game
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2008, 11:24:24 PM »

^ think of it as a movie which needed to be edited. I kept in the best parts but got rid of the fluff.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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