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Author Topic: The Official August Challenge thread  (Read 11614 times)


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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2008, 09:47:08 PM »

Mare's challenge for me:
THis is a challenge for Kellymouse since I didn't win bingo!

Your challenge is to write a story in which AJ has to die.

It can be as funny, serious or out there as you want but at the end he has to kick the bucket but he can't be killed by any of the other guys. Also AJ can't actually be the lead in the story. It should be told in flashback by one of the other guys.

The story has to be at least 1,500 words long.


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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2008, 09:51:21 PM »

Kelly's challenge to me:


I know you have several challenges already, but I felt like adding to the list. Just in case you don't feel like writing romance or slash or whatever else, my challenge to you is to write a Supernatural fic! It can be whatever genre you'd like and about whatever you want and as long as you feel necessary. My only requirement is that both Sam and Dean are involved somehow. I'm not too picky, lol. I would just love to read Supernatural from you. You're so good with brotherly relationships. I would love to see how you do Sam and Dean!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2008, 10:39:57 PM »

Bsbsavedmylife's challenge for me!

Write a humor story involving all five guys.  Here is the scenerio:

1)  The story MUST revolve a table full of catering and their down to the LAST sandwich.

2)  You MUST tell the story in all five guys' perspectives.  Tell us what they're thinking in the temptation of this lonely sandwich on the tray.

3)  One of the guys finally gets to that last sanwich, but not before devising plan to keep it away from the other guys.

4)  Must exceed 3,000 words.

-- off to ponder the thoughts one thinks about when tempted by the last sandwhich on the platter...
-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2008, 09:39:00 AM »

I have been challenged by nijitje.

Leading guy: Howie

Genre: Humor and maybe a hint of suspense.

Storyline: Place Howie inside a psychiatric institution, trying to find his way out. He never succeeds though. He is there by himself, and there can't be any dialogue whatsoever. He might run in to other patients or staff, but we never hear them speak. The reader has to be 'inside' Howie's head, and all we can read are his thoughts or hear him mumbling to himself. He can either have gone a bit crazy or not, but whatever you decide, give us a good reason as to why he's there. Catch is, he is NOT there to visit any of the other boys.
Just to humor me, devote one paragraph entirely to him thinking about carrots.

Restrictions: Cannot be a dream again, or an alternate universe. The guys are the guys etc etc.

Word count: minimum is 1600 words.

If you decide to write this story, have fun and good luck!

I have to say she is evil!!! A howie story? God Howie doesn't even usually make it into my normal fanfics!
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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2008, 02:20:59 AM »

alota_cookin's challenge to me because I have a big mouth. :D

Your challenge is to write a twisted romance. The lead female MUST be one of the participating challenge writters (see the first page of this thread). She is AJ's long time girlfriend of 5 years, however she has been sleeping with Howie, behind AJ's back for 1 1/2 years. In reality, her heart belong to Nick, but he doesn't know.


-noone can die or be seriously injured
-all three men have to find out about everything she has been hiding
-someone had to start a verbal fight
-she MUST end up with one of the guys at the end

are you ready for the big clincher? The whole story MUST be told in the POV of her dog! Yes...this story MUST be told in the dog's POV. The dog is a cute french poodle names Sassy Girl and she goes everywhere with her master.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 02:22:52 AM by Starry Eyes »

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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2008, 11:22:24 AM »

Sarah's challenge to me!

I challenge you to write a story where the leads are Howie and AJ. Kevin and Nick can be in the story (though neither of them should have more dialogue than Howie), but Brian cannot in any way be in the story, not even as a passing reference. The story has to be of the supernatural genre and include at least 2 supernatural beings (ex: witches, werewolves, etc). There should be absolutely no romance involved, though there can be females in the story. The story cannot be a dream, but there must be at least one violently graphic scene involving Howie or AJ AND one of the supernatural beings. The rest...is up to you and your imagination :)

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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2008, 07:58:14 PM »

This is my challenge from Fracktrain:

You MUST write an action/adventure
You MUST use the song The Call
You must use the words listed-

You MUST have aj hit nick over the head with something
You MUST NOT kill ANY of the guys

And the following is Dee's challenge to me:

This is challenge is for Sarah and I've been working on it for a while. lol

Sarah, you must write a story starring none other than Howie. Since his birthday is August and he doesn't get as much love as he should. So, got it? Starring Howie.

It should also be a fantasy and Howie needs to fight a dragon at one point. Because dragons are cool.

So yup, that's all. Go Howie!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 10:41:34 AM by starbeamz2 »


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Re: The Official August Challenge thread
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2008, 08:34:11 PM »

Here's my challenge from bsbsavedmylife:

Write a humor story about Nick and his beloved turtle "Herbie."  Tell an adventure in the day and the life of Herbie on tour with Nick.  Here are the restrictions:

1)  You must have A.J. come into contact with Herbie in a disastrous way.

2)  Herbie should somehow wind up in one of the guy's suitcases.

3)  Must exceed 1,000 words.

4)  When Herbie come up missing, tell how Nick is "not immune to the panic."
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