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Hi AC/FICTALKers. If you see this (11/12/2024) please see new post in General Discussions about Open Doors OTW Organization for Transformative Works) offering to help preserve the AC archive and let me know your thoughts:


Author Topic: Sexcapades: The Return of Hilariousness!  (Read 2152 times)


  • Minion of Mayhem
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    • Drifting-In-Between-Dreams A Place to Lose Reality if Only for a Moment
Sexcapades: The Return of Hilariousness!
« on: September 21, 2008, 09:08:55 PM »

So...Mel and I have been working on and off forever on sexcapades and FINALLY today we finished a chapter. So to mark this momentous occasion we decided to reintroduce all of you, and all the newbies on AC to the story. How are we doing this you ask? Well we're reposting it under our names (the old story deleted) starting with the first chapter.

We figured that it would give a nice refresher course to the Sexcapades fans and introduce it to a whole new section of AC readers/authors. We hope you enjoy and we will be posting hopefully every few days with the next chapter.

Also a very special thanks goes to Laura who is no longer writing this story but was so kind to give us the go ahead (and allow me to help Mel) to finish the story as they originally planned together. She graciously gave us the outline they'd compiled and we've added some hilarious ideas of our own to it.

We sincerely hope you all enjoy the story and we're ecstatic to bring back one of the most unique stories on AC!


~ Teri and Mel =)

Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


  • General Pandemonium
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Re: Sexcapades: The Return of Hilariousness!
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 09:26:05 PM »

You guys have no idea how excited this makes me.  ;D
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
- Rainbow Rowell


  • Minion of Mayhem
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    • Drifting-In-Between-Dreams A Place to Lose Reality if Only for a Moment
Re: Sexcapades: The Return of Hilariousness!
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 09:37:06 PM »

Good! Its exciting mel and I too!
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


  • Minion of Mayhem
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    • Drifting-In-Between-Dreams A Place to Lose Reality if Only for a Moment
Re: Sexcapades: The Return of Hilariousness!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2008, 06:13:12 PM »

Sexcapades is up with chapter 2! Hope you all enjoy!
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


  • Minion of Mayhem
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  • Posts: 545
  • *giggles*
    • Drifting-In-Between-Dreams A Place to Lose Reality if Only for a Moment
Re: Sexcapades: The Return of Hilariousness!
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2008, 08:20:05 PM »

chapter 3 is up!! Enjoy everyone!
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"