Fic Talk > General Discussion

Just for fun!

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You girls are hilarious...He y how many people do you think read stories and don't actually put a review...I think alot...dang it...I just want to know how I'm doing...and noone leaves reviews...AAAA AAAAAH!!  :o

I'm not sure... But I wish I could get more reviews also. :)

ROFLMAO!!! I just saw my *status* under my stars - "Innocent Bystander" - Hahahahaha!!!!!! I think that's frickin' hilarious!!!!!

I review fics I read, if I'm totally into the fic - if I'm not into the fic, but I've read it, I don't review as I don't wanna flame people without meaning too.

And I enjoy the fans on here - y'all are highly entertaining & also write fan fics! And y'all have yah teeny-bopper moments, but yah not psycho.


P.S. Trust me, there ARE psycho fans out there! I got screamed at once back in 1999 because I said I liked N'SYNC while in the Official BSB chat room. Heh.  :-[

Now that is funny...did you really like N'SYNC I did...Joey was my favorite...LOL ...I can imagine that we have all had our Teeny Bopper moments...well I haven't cried or anything like that...humm... wait a minute maybe I did!

What's the song that makes your stomach flip???


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 24, 2007, 10:40:48 PM ---I don't know if you'll still want it.... But.... It needed to be made. *nod*

--- End quote ---

Why, of course I want it! lol


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