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I think I agree more with Mare. Either you are the type or you're not. Although having friends on here never hurt anyone's review numbers I'm sure. But I tend to leave a review on almost everything I read. Which unfortunately is not enough, but considering I didn't know a single person on here when I started posting stuff, all of my reviews have been from people who aren't my friends. I have a feeling though that more people are reading your stories than you think, no matter who you are because a lot more people don't leave reviews than do. Just look at the number of people who have added your stories to their favorites list and I'm sure it's probably higher than the number of reviews you get every time you update.

we should do a study... -lol  Although I don't know how you would find out because the people who aren't leaving reviews probably wouldn't take the time to fill out any questions on the subject.

Anywho, welcome to the board! Always exciting to see new faces. I'm sure people around here get tired of hearing from like the same seven or eight of us that talk way too much...

Oh yeah, welcome to the board also! I forgot to say that before..... :-[

And I soooo do not talk to much, Kelly. :P

Well... My stories are not very well liked... So yes, yes, I con my friends into reading them. And the qord you're looking for is "skim" I think... :)


--- Quote from: nicksgal on February 16, 2007, 02:59:20 AM ---Well... My stories are not very well liked... So yes, yes, I con my friends into reading them. And the qord you're looking for is "skim" I think... :)

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Aww Dee... I wouldn't say that your stories aren't well liked! I think that just a lot of people don't give them the chance because it requres too much of their brain power. You know how some readers are. If you don't give them EVERYTHING its too complicated.

Welcome to the board hun! I know sometimes leaving reviews is hard cuz you don't know what to say, but even if you pop up and say great story it just lets the author know that you're reading. As far as "review rings" I'll agree that the more people you know the more likely they'll leave reviews, but by all means I wouldn't say anyone is cliquey. Some group of authors get along better than others, but everyone is pretty open here. If someone leaves me feedback I try to read their stuff and leave them feedback too and I hope that other authors will do the same. It takes paitence cuz everyone lives VERY busy lives.

You know what else I was thinking about as far as the ring theory lol I know for me at the moment, the only story i'm reading happens to be Mersey's new one and yes she also happens to be one of my best friends lol The thing is though, even if I didn't know her, i'd be reading that one because that story just appeals to me.

I can tell you that all of the good fanfic writing friends I have made have all come as a result of leaving them detailed feedback not on chaos but via emails. We all got to talking through those emails and as a result became great friends.

When I really like a story and get into them and I just haven't had time to be Mare the reader really, I usually also send emails.

I know that seems like a PSA for leaving reviews lol but seriously that's how I got to know everyone.



--- Quote from: mare on February 16, 2007, 11:00:06 PM ---You know what else I was thinking about as far as the ring theory lol I know for me at the moment, the only story i'm reading happens to be Mersey's new one and yes she also happens to be one of my best friends lol The thing is though, even if I didn't know her, i'd be reading that one because that story just appeals to me.

I can tell you that all of the good fanfic writing friends I have made have all come as a result of leaving them detailed feedback not on chaos but via emails. We all got to talking through those emails and as a result became great friends.

When I really like a story and get into them and I just haven't had time to be Mare the reader really, I usually also send emails.

I know that seems like a PSA for leaving reviews lol but seriously that's how I got to know everyone.


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You know, Mare, that is so true.  I have a lot of online friends that I've met through fanfic, and I think I met all of them either because I had read their stories and sent them feedback, or vice versa.  So while it's true that I read and review my friends' stories, and they read and review mine, it's honestly because we've liked each other's stories all along.  Most of them were favorite authors or appreciated readers of mine before I knew them as friends.

Most of my feedback-giving and receiving is also done off of AC, cause I post my stuff on my site first, and most of the stories I read are posted somewhere off AC first too, so I don't give as many reviews on AC just because I'm usually not on there reading.  I know there are tons of great stories there that I haven't read on a different site; I just don't usually have time to explore and do much reading anymore. :(   I do review what I read though.


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