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Author Topic: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)  (Read 12938 times)


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2009, 06:43:29 AM »

LOL yep, that was like his first big role, back when nobody knew who he was.

And I know; I love Umbridge... she is the best part of OotP!!

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2009, 08:30:34 PM »

Thought I'd revive this thread!  Has anyone else been re-reading HP books since the HBP movie came out?  LOL  I read Half-Blood Prince a couple weeks ago, Deathly Hallows last week, and then I jumped back to Goblet of Fire and am reading that now.  That one used to be my favorite, before DH came out.  DH is my favorite now.  And HBP is a close third.

Which book is your favorite?

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2010, 05:19:10 PM »

I am bringing this topic back from the dead because I have FINALLY read all the HP books. I just finished the Deathly Hallows yesterday. I have to say, on the whole I really enjoyed them. At first they were kind of slow and I was afriad I wouldn't want to finish the series but when I started to read things that weren't in the movies and learn more about the characters I was sucked in. By the time I hit OotP I found myself excited to read on.

I think the last three books are my favorites, although with the last one, i'm still trying to get some of it. I know most people read the books more than once and I think maybe that's what I have to do. lol Some of her explanations confused me. It's almost like she was explaining too much. Especially the part with Dumbledore and Harry at the end.

I also didn't get some of the random killings. I do understand the point of killing off some of the characters because it's a war etc... but at the end I almost giggled when Colin died. It's like she just decided to throw him in there or something, "Eh, i'll kill him too." I also don't get the Tonks and Lupin thing. Who took care of the kid? Maybe that's something I have to reread. I was also sad that Hedwig's death was so, just eh. LOL I can see why she needed to kill her off because there was no way the owl could have gone with them, but I was hoping for more.

I did like the Nineteen years later thing. That was nice to see.

As far as the movie. I'm not sure why they are making 2 movies for this last book. unless they are going to finally introduce Bill, Charlie and Fluer in it? I mean, they haven't really done that yet which sucks because I LOVED the Weasleys over all the other characters (minus Ginny who annoyed me). I almost wish she'd do a companion book but write it from their POV. I can see the first movie being kind of dull but the second one being all kinds of awesome. JK is great with the action and descriptions.

I'm glad I read the last one before the movies come out. I did find myself wanting to watch the movies over again after reading the books and I actually did that. The movies make a lot more sense after you read the books so anyone who hasn't read them yet, I recommend doing it before the final ones come out.

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2010, 05:32:12 PM »

Ah, I have just gone back and read what all of you have said and I knew I forgot things. I have to agree with everyone about the scene where Harry is walking to his death. That one was really powerful. And of course Dobby was so important in this as well. I do hope they include his death in the movie. I hope they put Dumbledore's funeral in the movie as well, even though it was in HBP I loved that chapter. I got teary and I usually do not. I have to say I didn't get teary at all through this series until that chapter.

I felt for Snape as well. I love the fact that Harry gave his son Snape's name as well. It would have been nice if Ron's son was named Fred instead of Hugo lol

I loved the twins in this one. I agree it should have been Percy who died or maybe even Mr. Weasley over one of the twins and again it just felt like his death wasn't as big of a deal as it should have been.

I also hope they give Neville more to do in the movie. I love how heroic he became at the end and I have to say I have always loved Malfoy. I would have liked to know more about what happened to him.

Okay, now i'm done lol
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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2010, 05:03:12 PM »

I loved reading your comments, Mare!  I'm glad you finished the series and enjoyed the last three books especially!  I like the later books better too, as a whole - my favorite is Deathly Hallows, followed by Goblet of Fire and Half-Blood Prince.  They're much deeper and darker and complex than the first two books.

I think they're definitely worth reading again - you pick up a lot when you reread.  I love how JKR planted bits of information that would be important later in the series in the early books - seemingly minute details became vital information later on!  She's brilliant.

Your comments about the deaths were interesting because my reaction was completely different LOL.  The first time I read DH, I absolutely BAWLED over Hedwig's death.  It doesn't make me cry like that anymore, but the first time through, that was the worst one for me, crazy as it sounds!  Dobby's death does still make me cry.  I guess it's the deaths of those who were most loyal to Harry and most innocent hit me the worst.  By the time it gets to the Battle of Hogwarts, you get to where you just expect the deaths, so maybe that's why those don't get to me as much, even though I love the characters of Fred, Lupin, etc.  I don't think any of those deaths were pointless - I think she needed to kill some big characters in order to show the real danger of what they were facing; it would have been unrealistic for everyone Harry was close to to survive.  Tonks and Lupin both dying, leaving their baby an orphan, paralleled what happened to Harry's parents, so I thought it was fitting - and I'm not sure it ever says, but I always assumed that Tonks's mother raised the baby, Teddy, because from the epilogue it sounds like Harry and Ginny didn't.  As for Colin, I think he was put in as just another innocent figure in the long line of those who died trying to protect Harry:  his parents, Sirius, Dobby, etc.  The fact that he's mentioned as Harry is leaving the castle to go into the forest and surrender himself to Voldemort is significant - I think it's what helps give him the strength to do it, seeing yet another dead body of someone who was fighting for him, who had no business being there, and knowing that he's the only one who can stop it.  

I'm super excited they're making this one into two movies - I think if they didn't, it would be too rushed and not nearly as powerful as it should be.  From what I've heard, it sounds like they're splitting the movies around the Malfoy Manor chapter, where the trio gets captured by the Snatchers and taken to the Malfoys'.  That will take them far enough to introduce the Deathly Hallows in the first movie (and I think there will be plenty of action between them going on the run, sneaking into the Ministry to get the locket, Godrick's Hollow, the silver doe, the scene at the Lovegoods', etc.) and leave most of the second movie to be dedicated to the action at Hogwarts, which means it should be awesome!  Sometimes the climactic parts of the movies are rushed, so that shouldn't happen this time around.  I'm sure they'll include Dobby and Neville and everything because those parts are so important.  I know they're having the wedding in there too, so Bill at least should be in it, and Fleur will be back too.  I can't wait!

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2010, 05:07:26 PM »

Since we're talking Harry Potter, I just have to say, I forgot how much I love (love to hate) the character of Gilderoy Lockhart LOL.  Of all the books, Chamber of Secrets is probably the one I've read the fewest times, but I'm reading it now to my class (I read Sorcerer's Stone to them earlier in the year, per their request, and they voted to read Chamber of Secrets now too), and I absolutely love reading Lockhart's parts.  I always did enjoy his character, but it had been so long since I'd really read that book, I almost forgot how delightfully obnoxious he is.  Umbridge is still my favorite villain/Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, though.  LOL

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2010, 05:12:20 PM »

Does anyone else wish she would write a prequel series about the Marauders?  (James, Lily, Sirius, Lupin, and Wormtail)  I think that would be amazing.  It could cover their time at Hogwarts, the rise of Voldemort, the original Order of the Phoenix, and everything up to the night Voldemort killed the Potters.  Sadly, I don't think it will ever happen, but it would be awesome.  I love every part involving those characters.

In my brief foray into Harry Potter fanfic, I was working on a story like that, but I got too anal about wanting to get all the details right (this was before OotP came out, so I was missing a lot yet!) and gave up LOL.

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2010, 05:48:55 PM »

Aww, that would be interesting to see. Like I said, I would also love a book about the Weasleys too. I can see it being comedic but I don't think she'll ever do it. I bet she's tempted to though. I can only imagine how hard it was for her to let go of these characters.

I was wondering where they would split the movie. That does seem like a good place. I need to reread the last two books I think because I am getting what happens in each confused. It wasn't until you mentioned all those things that I realized they all happened in the last book. LOL This is what happens when you only get to read during lunch period. I need to just sit on my front porch and plow through the book in one or two sittings.

I also like the fact that JK made James kind of Malfoyish as a kid and Sirius as well. Snape and Lily were more like Ron and Hermione. She's a great writer. I'd love to see what else she comes up with. I hope she is working on something new. 

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2010, 07:32:44 PM »

I know she is working on something new and un-Harry related; she hasn't said what it is yet.  I'm sure it will be great no matter what it is; she's such a talented writer.

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2010, 11:44:12 PM »

I'd definitely check out whatever she cooks up next. Her writing is just so creative and intricate. My fave thing about the HP series is how she effortlessly created this entire world, and made it so that it seems possible for it to actually exist.
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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2010, 10:59:25 PM »

Mare, glad you finished the books!  To what you were saying about the deaths-- such as Lupin and Tonks being random-- I just wanted to say that Lupin wasn't supposed to die originally.  Rowling was planning on having Mr. Weasley die, but she decided that he was too much of a father figure for Harry, so she switched his life for Lupin.   :'(  I love Lupin... when I read that their bodies were lying there motionless, I was in denial.  "They're just lying down after the battle, they're tired!"  LoL

And I wasn't quite sure about where their child went to live either.  Harry was the godfather but in the epilogue it didn't seem like he lived with them... I probably need to read the book again, too! 

And Julie, about Umbridge being your favorite villain/character- I seriously hate her more than I hate Voldemort!!!!!  Odd, perhaps, but I feel like she never gets what is coming to her!  In book 7, she's all evil, and she basically gets away with it.  If there's ever a HP 8, she needs to die.  I'm just saying.   :D

Anyone excited about the HP park opening in Universal Studios later this month?   ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2010, 11:01:13 PM »

I'd definitely check out whatever she cooks up next. Her writing is just so creative and intricate. My fave thing about the HP series is how she effortlessly created this entire world, and made it so that it seems possible for it to actually exist.

Yes! I felt the same way.  Some people don't get that (probably mostly people who haven't read the books lol). I know that its about wizards/witches, but she does make the world seem normal within the magical elements! 


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2010, 05:19:44 PM »

In a way, I liked that she killed Lupin (even though I love him - I love all the Marauders) because I loved that Harry then had his parents and Sirius and Lupin with him when he walked into the forest.  It was just fitting, in a tragic way, that the last of the Marauders died in the last book.  And I agree - Harry lost so many other father figures, it was nice that Mr. Weasley and Hagrid, at least, were spared.  And Mrs. Weasley too.  It was bad enough that Fred died, but I couldn't handle Mr. or Mrs. Weasley dying.

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2010, 09:04:36 AM »

In a way, I liked that she killed Lupin (even though I love him - I love all the Marauders) because I loved that Harry then had his parents and Sirius and Lupin with him when he walked into the forest.  It was just fitting, in a tragic way, that the last of the Marauders died in the last book.  And I agree - Harry lost so many other father figures, it was nice that Mr. Weasley and Hagrid, at least, were spared.  And Mrs. Weasley too.  It was bad enough that Fred died, but I couldn't handle Mr. or Mrs. Weasley dying.

I did appreciate that the group was together in the woods again... Although I bawled through that scene! Haha.  Very well done on her part.  And it should have been Percy, not Fred... LoL

Also, as far as Hagrid is concerned, I remember that J.K's sister told her that if she killed Hagrid, she would never speak to her again.   :D  I'm sure J.K. already had it planned out by then and wasn't going to kill him anyway, but I thought that was cute.  I wonder how many people she had telling her that for each character?  It's a bit stressful, I'd imagine, to be the author of such a popular series.


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2010, 08:25:53 PM »

Omg, that whole chapter makes me bawl too!

I was afraid Hagrid was gonna be killed in the 5th book, cause it was so hyped that a major character was going to die, and Hagrid was gone for so long with the giants, I was worried.  But I love Sirius even more, so... :(

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