We got an email from Ash's sister Jenny today saying that he was involved in an accident at his volunteer job. He was critically injured protecting someone else. He had emergency surgery to remove pressure from his brain and he was scheduled for further surgery this afternoon. I'm not sure how that went, I just got this email a few minutes ago. He is still unconscious but the post op scans look promising so I think we all need to send him good vibes and our thoughts and prayers.
Once I find out more I will let you all know!
We love you Ash! Get better!
And our thoughts are with you as well Jenny!
If you want to leave a message for Chaos do so here, i'm sure he'd love to see these once he's awake and back on his feet.
*update on 2/22*
I have a small but very good update.
Surgeries went well yesterday. Ash came through each with no unexpected
complications. We believe there will likely need to be some further
surgery to repair his knee but as that is not critical it will wait until
he is stronger.
He woke up briefly this morning. He was very confused and did not speak,
but he definitely recognized us, so that is a very good sign. His
condition has been upgraded from critical, and we're still quite
optimistic for a full recovery from the head injury.
^ that was from Jenny
I'll continue to update the first post as I find out more.
*another update as of 2/24*
My brother is doing very well and is progressing a lot faster than what
the doctors outlined for us with what to expect. He has been awake a bit
more today, and is becoming more alert each time he wakes. He has already
expressed a lot of displeasure about not being able to get out of bed at
all, even though he only has been awake for a few minutes at a time and
has trouble even sitting up. He has also asked that they stop his pain
medications, but fortuately his doctor talked him out of that for the time
being. They did assure him that this afternoon they would switch him over
to a non-sedative pain medication though. He has indicated that he does
remember what happened, but has not spoken about it yet and we're not
supposed to tell him anything that he doesn't remember on his own.
And he's already asked me to bring him his laptop when I go back tonight.
I'm not convinced he's up to actually using it as anything other than as a
DVD player, but I'm betting that he at least tries to get online before
the weekend is out.
So thanks to everyone for their well wishes and prayers, I'm sure Ash will
thank you himself as soon as he's well enough (and probably before that,

YAY Chaos lol and if you're reading this go back to sleep!