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Author Topic: Writer's Crisis  (Read 2561 times)


  • Commander of Confusion
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Writer's Crisis
« on: July 01, 2009, 02:37:26 PM »

Wow I know... Haven't posted here in months and I do apologize. Have had a crazy few months and I sort of took a break from writing. Now that summer is here I am trying to get back into the swing of things, but I've come to the realization that I'm in the midst of a HUGE writer's crisis and I don't know what to do! I finished my last BSB fic in October and I've started on the sequel, but yea... Not going too great. So okay... Maybe I'm just sick of the characters, right? I'll start on something new. Problem is that I have SOOOOO many ideas that aren't completely developed that I can't stick to one for very long without getting sick of it. My attention span is all over the place and I am having a very hard time focusing and taking the time to really develop anything. Then there is the fact that I'm kind of beginning to find fan fiction too limiting. Most of my ideas are feeling like they are much more 'female centered' and if they were fan fiction the parts of the guys would be pretty minor. I've been thinking of delving into original fiction, but that seems so different from what I'm used to...

I guess my question to you guys and hopefully it makes sense is how tough do you think it is to transition to original fiction from fan fiction? Do you see any differences? And how can I get myself to commit to one set of characters at a time?


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Re: Writer's Crisis
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 04:27:21 PM »

Hey Mel!

I can think of a couple of suggestions you could try...

For the ideas problem, it might help to choose an idea, one you think you could develop the most, and try to plan it out on paper (or on Word).  Make an outline, get down some info on your characters, stage the setting, and so on.  That can be a good way of getting into the idea enough that you know what to write and feel like writing it and sticking with it.  It can also be an indicator of whether or not the idea is going to work out, or how committed you're going to be to it.  Sometimes you'll start to plan and realize an idea is too full of plot holes or doesn't make sense, or that it's too overwhelming to tackle for an easy project to get you back into the swing of things.  Better to realize that at the beginning than start a new story, post a few chapters, and THEN decide you're in over your head.

As for original fiction, have you tried writing AU?  That's the perfect bridge between fanfic and OF.  You can still use the Backstreet Boys, but you're not as limited.  Once you get used to writing AU, original fiction doesn't seem like a far stretch.  I never used to be a fan of AU, but that's really all I'm writing right now, and I'm loving it.  I still enjoy using the Boys as characters, so I don't see myself moving away from fanfic anytime soon, but it's nice to write about them just as people, not as pop stars, doing other things and living different lives.  It lends itself to being more creative, I think, and it seems like it would be easy to transition from that to completely original characters in an original fic.

I hope some of that helps!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Writer's Crisis
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 06:36:53 PM »

Howdy Mel, For the ideas I agree with what Julie said.

As far as original fic, I think if you feel like your characters are already so female centered that the boys are not really that important, it would probably be really easy for you to make it AN OF. Just try it by changing Nick's or whoever the male lead is name and description slightly. You can still picture Nick in your head when you write it if that helps, but that's how I usually do it.

good luck!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green

Purpura Lipstick

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Re: Writer's Crisis
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2009, 12:14:46 AM »

When I get a bunch of ideas in my head I typically write down a brief blurb about each so I don't forget them but usually one is persistent in my head and when I try to start a story and it's not the one my brain wants to work on then I find myself imagining scenes from another one, I write that one.   That's just me though and I'm nutzo ;)

As for the original. I agree with what has been said, if it's AU it's an easier transition and if the lead is focused on the female more it would be easier.   

Ah Mare, maybe that's why I'm still stuck on Chapter 4 of my story ... I'm not picturing Nick as the main character anymore because I've changed the main characters looks. HEH!
- Purpura -


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Re: Writer's Crisis
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2009, 12:28:41 AM »

When I get a bunch of ideas in my head I typically write down a brief blurb about each so I don't forget them

I do this too, and it's definitely helpful.  I have a whole folder of these things now, and when I get bored enough to think, "Maybe I want to start a new story..." it's nice to go and look through that for ideas.  Sometimes I'm like, WTF was I thinking??  But sometimes I add a little bit more detail to the idea documents, until I get un-bored and go back to my real stories LOL.  Someday maybe I'll actually take one of those ideas and turn it into a story LOL.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


  • Commander of Confusion
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Re: Writer's Crisis
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2009, 11:44:52 AM »

I do this too, and it's definitely helpful.  I have a whole folder of these things now, and when I get bored enough to think, "Maybe I want to start a new story..." it's nice to go and look through that for ideas.  Sometimes I'm like, WTF was I thinking??  But sometimes I add a little bit more detail to the idea documents, until I get un-bored and go back to my real stories LOL.  Someday maybe I'll actually take one of those ideas and turn it into a story LOL.

That is a good idea... I might try that. Hopefully in doing that I get the ideas out of my head for the time being and on paper. Ha I just have to put it someplace where I won't lose it.

The AU idea is a nice compromise between Fan Fic and OF. I think I have one AU I was working on but it just isn't workin because Nick really is turning out to be not as big as a character as I first thought. Let's just say he's the source of conflict, but really isn't in that many scenes if it makes sense, so I think that particular story would just be better off as original fiction. I have another idea that could work as an AU though (where Nick would play a much larger role) but it's just getting that off the ground because the plot has the potential to get very complex. (It has a mystery element to it that would involve the central couple to travel around the country in search of answers, so that has to be really well thought out.)

It's a tough time deciding what I want to write about lately because I'm changing and looking back at even what I wrote a year ago, although it doesn't make me cringe, it just seems way too soap operish and unrealistic to me now. I'm struggling to come up with a story that is realistic, yet still has enough fantasy elements to make it an escape from reality if that makes sense. It doesn't help that I'm in a very cynical place in life when it comes to love and relationships, yet that's what I write about. Haha Call me the anti-romance romance writer.

Anyway thanks for everyone's help so far! My goal this summer is to at least get like 10 chapters into somthing...

Purpura Lipstick

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Re: Writer's Crisis
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2009, 12:11:02 AM »

but looking at something cyncially would be good too.   Not everything can be roses and chocolates... :-D   Use what you know!! 
- Purpura -