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Author Topic: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey  (Read 40759 times)


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #90 on: May 29, 2007, 10:37:47 PM »

dude, is that supposed to be an insult to my normal reading speed? :( or you're having doubt in my reading your story now *borrow's Nick's pouting*

lol... yeah, that's what you get for procastinating your reviews and then back to the story again, and then off and then back again... just to let you know that i'm not reading everything at one time, as mentioned the last time i read and stopped at the 4th  chappy and of course, yesterday mare said it was the last day so i sped off with my reading. thank God, your boss does not buzz me much so kind of sitting good at my seat and read fanfics and what's my post again? oh yeah secretary, lmao!!!!!

though it was quite confusing in some parts of the story - like the twisting and turn of the plot, like voices coming from here and there, luckily i could understand most of your detailed information and well-description of the characters, so wallla!

and *borrow Dean's" don't mention it dude!


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #91 on: May 29, 2007, 11:33:27 PM »

dude, is that supposed to be an insult to my normal reading speed? :( or you're having doubt in my reading your story now *borrow's Nick's pouting*

lol... yeah, that's what you get for procastinating your reviews and then back to the story again, and then off and then back again... just to let you know that i'm not reading everything at one time, as mentioned the last time i read and stopped at the 4th  chappy and of course, yesterday mare said it was the last day so i sped off with my reading. thank God, your boss does not buzz me much so kind of sitting good at my seat and read fanfics and what's my post again? oh yeah secretary, lmao!!!!!

though it was quite confusing in some parts of the story - like the twisting and turn of the plot, like voices coming from here and there, luckily i could understand most of your detailed information and well-description of the characters, so wallla!

and *borrow Dean's" don't mention it dude!

LOL! No. I think I insulted myself, cause I’m a very slow reader…ask Moppy, she’s still waiting for me to finish all her chapters and I only managed 2 more for the entire of yesterday.

Sorry, might be a little confusion there. I saw your previous post on this thread and you mentioned reading 4 chapters and then going back to reading the rest. And then I saw the time for when each review was posted and realised you spent almost an hour reading the remaining 19 chapters, hence the speed-reading comment. I’m flattered you sat through that time reading it. And don’t worry about the confusion, Kelly spent a couple of days reading my fic and she got confused over a certain part of the fic, so I can only imagine what it must have been like for you! If it makes it better, I did make a post in this thread explaining the confusion part (assuming this is the part that got you confused as well!).

Oh by the way mare, I still haven’t received your PM about the star/rating count thingy I asked on the star count thread. I don’t think PMs should be this late right? I think I might have some problems with my PMs, lol. Either way, it’s not really important, so if the PM doesn’t work for some reason, you can email me the info whenever you’re free, thanks in advance by the way!
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #92 on: May 29, 2007, 11:36:44 PM »

oh and gal! *giggles* this week is the last week of May, you didnt have to read everything in a day, yesterday wasnt the last day, im sorry you misunderstood that, coulda save you all that speed-reading! could've saved you all that pressure to hurry up, sides, it's just a fic, dont sweat about it :)
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #93 on: May 31, 2007, 11:57:47 AM »

Don't listen to her Gal, she's not slow.......she just takes her time reviewing each chapter carefully LOL  ;D


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2007, 05:41:11 PM »

Just wanted to thank Mersey and everyone else who participated in this thread this month. I knew this story would be a hit.

Anyone else have any final thoughts?

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2007, 09:01:55 PM »

hey guys,

since it's already 1st June where i'm at now, just want to make a quick drop and thank you mare, first of all, for having the faith in this fic and picking it to feature the month of May, I'm very flattered and honored :)

also, thank you so much to everyone who has dropped in and comment and took time to at least check it out! i really appreciate them! and im going to miss this thread, it has been nice to drop by and find familiar faces in here. Dont be strangers now okay!

What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #96 on: June 23, 2007, 02:17:25 PM »

featured story author survey

I just thought of this and since a few months have passed since, I am posting this in every thread, so authors fll this out when you get the chance. It might help people who are searching the forum and looking for something good to read. Sorry i'm using (this story) and being so generic but like I said everyone is going to get the identical survey to fill out when their turn pops up and i'm in lazy mode lmao


Moprah! hehe

1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?

2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?

3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.

4) If you could cast this story as a movie who would play the main roles and why?

5) Have you ever thought of giving up on the story and if you did what made you continue to work on it?

6) What was your writing process? (Outline, make it up as you go along, the characters wrote it, I am Tonja and plagerized lol)

7) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?

8) You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?

9) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?

10) If we like this story...then we'd love what story? (Could be by you or someone else) and obviously tell us why lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #97 on: June 25, 2007, 07:08:45 AM »

1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?
I dont think there's any huge secret that no one knows, lol. I remember confinding in Maria a lot, because it is afterall, meant to be a surprise for Mare...so I bet whatever insecurities I have about this one, I had ran it over with Maria at least, lol.

2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?
Not as long as most of my multi chaptered stories tend to stretch, lol. I'm surprised myself, lol...maybe because it's a little AU and I had help with new characters to play with the boys that did it for me. I don't know, but this is one of those fics that just screamed to be written, and fast!

3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.

Ok well, this is what I wrote as summary on my own site: A chanced meeting with a stranger revealed something shocking about his life. When Nick thought he was going crazy, everything fell into place. Just who are Sam and Dean Winchester and what's this about his destiny?

4) If you could cast this story as a movie who would play the main roles and why?
hehehe...the person who plays Nick will have to be someone who is still undiscovered. A struggling actor wanting to make it big. I want my movie (ahem) to be the one that launched his career.

5) Have you ever thought of giving up on the story and if you did what made you continue to work on it?
Nope, not this one, thankfully! phew!

6) What was your writing process? (Outline, make it up as you go along, the characters wrote it, I am Tonja and plagerized lol)
I made sure i wrote at least 3 pages a day. the story kind of play out on itself. I just know what to write next and how it's going to be done. I'm very pleased with how smooth things went for this one. I wish this is the case for all my fics.

7) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?
This may come as a surprise...my fav character in this story is Kevin. He's not physically in it 90% of the time, but he's a constant in my mind as i wrote  it, because I want his presence there even when he wasn't. When i write Nick's thought process, I always made sure he's always thinking of Kevin. He might not have to say it out loud every 5 minutes, but i made sure his thoughts on Kevin come across at least once in every chapter, to show just how big an influence Kevin is in Nick's life even when he wasn't there.

Cool You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?
I can't say it's a least fav character, more like the least favorite to write...when Nick and/or Sam has visions of the YED and the kid. I found myself struggling to write those and in a way, it made me hate writing about the YED, lol.

9) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?
They're all in it, even Kevin :D

10) If we like this story...then we'd love what story? (Could be by you or someone else) and obviously tell us why lol
Well, this IS a crossover...so if you liked this story, chances are, you'd like Starbeamz4's Monster In The Closet. It's a Brian/Baylee/Supernatural fic so far. Not sure if the other boys are going to make an appearance in the future. But so far, I'm liking Brian's thought process. It's  WIP.
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey
« Reply #98 on: June 25, 2007, 12:19:38 PM »

I heart you for writing this fic for me! Well I heart you for a lot of reasons but this is just one of them. *squeezes you* lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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