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Author Topic: Featured Story of the month for October 2009 - My Mind's Eye by Your_ill_july  (Read 3474 times)


  • Banner hater
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Hello and happy October.

This month we are featuring the person who won best new author at our Felix Awards and that is Jasmine, who wrote My Mind's Eye.

I hope you all read and comment on this one considering our last month was so quiet. I know quite a few of you love this story so le'ts get commenting on it.

Here is the link:


Happy Reading! :)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Banner hater
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1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?

2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?

3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.

4) If you could cast this story as a movie who would play the main roles and why?

5) Have you ever thought of giving up on the story and if you did what made you continue to work on it?

6) What was your writing process? (Outline, make it up as you go along, the characters wrote it, I am Tonja and plagerized lol)

7) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?

8 ) You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?

9) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?

10) If we like this story...then we'd love what story? (Could be by you or someone else) and obviously tell us why lol   
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Supreme Time Waster
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    • Dreamer's Sanctuary

Congratulation s, J!  I haven't read this story yet, but have heard great things about it.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


  • Supreme Time Waster
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    • Being Jamie Baker Website

Ohh. This is one of my favorite stories on AC! Yay Jazz! It's beautifully written and so full of emotion. It's been a while, but I'm still faithfully hanging around for an update!
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


  • Chief of Disorder
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This is one of my favourite stories, it's so well written and such a great and real storyline, I'm waiting patiently for an update :)


  • Minion of Mayhem
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Congrats Jasmine. This is one of my faves too. I love the way you put so much emotion into this story. I find myself feeling lots of emotions when I read it. Also waiting for an update!


  • Guest

Hey everyone, thanks for your kind words! I didn't even know I was featured or I would have been here sooner!

I guess I better make the best of the next two weeks! :P I will fill the survey out when I get home from work tonight!


  • Guest

Ok... let's see if I can't answer a couple of these :)

1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?
-- I wrote the first chapter in about 15 minutes. I was writing something else and in the middle of it I had a brain storm and realized all of a sudden that I was writing something else.

2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?
-- Well, it's not done, and I don't know that it's really nearing that stage right now. It badly needs to be updated, and I pretty much have the next chapter written I've just been... busy.

3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.
-- Wow, this one is hard. I don't really like to write summaries, even if they can be spoily. Basically it's about a guy who doesn't really know where he's going in life, and he doesn't know how to appreciate what he's got. He makes a few bad decisions, which ultimately will make him realize what has been right in front of his nose the whole time. He thinks he's alone in the world but in reality he's loved.

4) If you could cast this story as a movie who would play the main roles and why?
-- Well, the plot is very loosely based on a movie already. (I say loosely because it's really a subplot) The character of Alaina's physical appearance is based on a very good friend of mine, so in my mind no one else could play her. If Nick wasn't such a craptastic actor I'd have him play himself! lol

5) Have you ever thought of giving up on the story and if you did what made you continue to work on it?
-- I've never thought of giving up on it. I really love it, and am proud of what I've done with it so far.

6) What was your writing process? (Outline, make it up as you go along, the characters wrote it, I am Tonja and plagerized lol)
-- For the first couple of chapters the characters really did write it. After that I started roughly outlining what I was going to do next.

7) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?
-- Olivia. I haven't had much interaction with children of that age, but I feel like somehow I got her down pat. Unrealistic children is a drawback to a lot of fics I've read.

8 ) You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?
-- Sometimes it's Nick. I often want to slap him upside the head for being so blind then I remember that I made him that way!

9) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?
-- Brian has a small cameo, but no. I didn't feel the need to create places to include them. The story is much more suited to a small number of characters, there's very few supporting characters.

10) If we like this story...then we'd love what story? (Could be by you or someone else) and obviously tell us why lol   
-- I don't know, honestly. This is really the first fic I've written in this genre, and I don't really read in the same genre. I honestly cannot tell you about something similar.


  • Banner hater
  • Queen of Fanfiction
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I can't believe how quickly this month went by. Now is the last time anyone has to ask any questions or for Jasmine to say anything else she'd like us to know about this story.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Supreme Time Waster
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    • Being Jamie Baker Website

how about ....  update biatch!   ;)
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.