LOL was that a sarcastic funny about my part of the story or are you still laughing at my siggy???

Moppy- He...he...actu
ally I was talking about your wrote...but the siggy is always a laugh when I check this out!
PS: Nick, I got a newsflash for you... we have this new fad going around. It's called UNDERWEAR. Boxers, briefs and boxer briefs. Helps keep Little Nicky from flopping around when doing pelvic thrusts.
Starry Eyes-LMAO too...that was
ybe he was nervous that night so he decided to go free ballin...comma
ndo you know. Or maybe he wears lucky underwear and the ones he has just don't have anymore grip!!!!!! LOL
AJ chuckled nervously rubbing his hands together walking out the stairwell door "I was driving along and hit a pot hole and my glasses fell I kinda leaned over grabbing them off the floor"
Nick bit his lip as the entered the restaurant seeing the others just sitting down. He took a breath calming the bubbles of laughter ready to burst forth and said "Really? You do know that was... that was..." he couldn't hold out any longer and burst out laughing as they reached their table, scaring and surprising people around them.
AJ blushed pushing Nick down in his seat "Shut it Nick, not like your such a hot driver yourself" sitting down grumpily.
They finally reached the table and AJ began to pull his chair. Kein looked at them annoyed by all their noise "What the hell is the commotion guys?"
Right after his question Nick busted out in laughter again "Well for your information, AJ was just confirming that he is a clumsy driver."
AJ gave him a piercing look as the table went dead silent.
"Well...umm...I have to admit that you do kinda suck at driving AJ" Kevin blurted as Nick snickered.
"Yeah he is right..." Brian added.
"Uhuh! that one time you missed the stop and we..." Howie stopped as AJ pinched his arm.
"Thanks guys!" he pouted.