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Remember, site banner rules apply here too!



  • Banner hater
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« on: August 16, 2010, 09:20:34 AM »


Please take a few minutes and read the rules below concerning posting stories on AC. The rules should pop up before you are able to submit your chapters or stories but i'm not sure how many of you have actually taken the time to read them. I say this because lately we have found a lot of these rules broken. We will be cracking down on these rules and violaters could have their stories locked or deleted because we just want this site to be the best it can be!

Thanks so much!

We have very basic submission rules:

1. The story you post MUST be your own, or you must have explicit permission from the author to post their story for them. It is NOT okay to take someone else's story and make minor changes and pass it off as yours. Plagiarism is never acceptable. And trust me, you'll get caught. Maybe not right away, but it will happen.

Consequence: Automatic deletion of not only your story but your entire account. We take this one very seriously! [/color]

2. Proofread your stories or get yourself a good beta reader! Stories with excessive mistakes will be removed from the archive. You may resubmit stories removed for this reason after they have been corrected. Remember if you don't care enough to take the time to write it well, people aren't going to want to take the time to read it.

Consequence: You will be informed via review, email (if we have access to it) and your account will be locked. At that point you will have the following time frame to fix your work or it will be deleted.

Summary: 24 hours from the time you are notified
Any chapter or story on the most recent page: 3 days from when you are notified
Any story that is older that we come across: one week from the time you are notified.

If the changes are not made, the part that needs work or the entire story will be deleted.[/b]

3. NO FLAMING! Anything that PROMOTES/ENDORSES/ENCOURAGES hate (be it towards religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or other members of this site) is considered offensive and will be removed. Anything the Moderators find offensive will be removed.
All posts containing any of the above will be deleted and the authors will be banned.

Consequence: We will let you know via review that we find the material not acceptable for the site and your account will be locked before we remove it. At that time you can either clean it up or take it down yourself. We'll give you 3 days. Depending on how frequently this occurs you will be banned from the site?

4. Please make sure to use the correct category for your story.  

We will probably just fix it for you.

5. Include all content warnings that apply! (Warnings do include Slash, so make sure you mark it if your story contains it!)

If you're unsure, please ask. You don't need to use the slash warning unless there is graphic use of it.

6. Please do not abuse the script. It will do no good, and will only get you banned. I consider non-story posts an abuse (use the forums to discuss things!). And posting a story more than once. Or posting someone else's story. There are probably other things that will come up and I'll tell you those too if/when they do. Coming soon teasers, nothing but cast list, a random rant or vent about something. Only visuals (banners).

Consequence: Automatic deletion of the story and a two day lock on your account. (which means not being able to post)  

7. Stories that promote/endorse/encourage sexual relationships between an adult and a minor will be removed. (i.e. Don't post child porn. Even dealing with fictional characters.) If you're posting an abused child fic and it's tastefully done it may be excused from this rule, but please use good judgement...

Consequence: We will let you know via review that we find the material not acceptable for the site and your account will be locked, before we remove it. At that time you can either clean it up or take it down yourself. We'll give you one week. Depending on how frequently this occurs you will be banned from the site.

8. Don't SPAM the site with tons of updates. This means no more than two updates on the same day.
When you update a lot of things at once it will take up the "Most Recent" page really fast and will more likely annoy people than make them excited about reading your update. Feel free to post multiple updates to one story, but please don't post your whole backlog of fics all at once.

NOTE: Round robins are subject to the same rules. Two round robin contributions counts as your story limit for the day, so post wisely.

Consequence: The author's account will be locked for one week which means they will not be able to post, comment, or review during that time. That includes co-authored stories as well. It's the person who's name we see multiple times who will get locked. Remember this means no more than two stories updated on one day. We will check the last updated date. You can have three stories on the most recent page but not all posted on one date!

9. BANNER RULE: The dimensions of banners that go into the summary of your story can be no larger than 600 total. 300x300 is good. 150x450 is good. 600x1 would be ridiculous, but hey, if you wanna...I guess it'd be okay. The filesize should be no larger than 30-40kb tops! Please avoid .png and .bmp if possible--those tend to have a much larger filesize than .jpgs and .gifs! If your banner is too large and is in your summary, it will be removed. If you want a larger banner, please put it in a chapter page rather than your summary. The reason for this rule is that some people have slower loading browsers and when there are too many large image files, it can take *forever* to load the summary/browse/search pages, making this site hard for them to enjoy. So please remember, if it's too large on the summary page, we're going to take it down...

Consequence: The banner will be removed from the story and you will be given one chance to fix it. If the banner is still too big, you will be banned from using a banner on that story for the duration of its life on AC. If you are a repeat banner offender this will happen with all of your stories and Mare can come and kick you in the head! [/color]

10. MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS: You are welcome to have multiple accounts but please use them responsibly. The mods have the ability to tell if the same IP address is linked to multiple accounts. It is considered an abuse of the script to review your own stories with a second account.

Consequence: The first self-review will be deleted. Any reviews following that will result in a one week (7 day) ban on both the posting and reviewing accounts, meaning you will be unable to post or review. The next time it happens the ban will be a month, the following time will be indefinite.

If you don't agree to the rules, don't post...  
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 08:24:32 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Banner hater
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« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 11:06:31 AM »

There are now a list of consequences (bolded yellow) that were added on to the rules so you can see what will happen as a result of breaking the rule above it. Like we have been saying, starting tomorrow we will do what we need to.

So please read and be prepared for what's coming.



Feel free to comment with questions in the debate thread about the rules.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Banner hater
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« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2010, 04:26:42 PM »

A little addition: The spamming rule goes for any other screen names you may be posting under as well. Spamming is spamming whether you are Mare or Marfe or Mare-Lynn. If you have more than two stories on the most recent page, one of your multi-personalities will be locked!

If we don't know about it, there's nothing we can do but as I tell my students, if you aren't sneaky enough to get away with it, you have no one to blame but yourself!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Master of Havoc
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« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2011, 03:00:53 PM »

Please note the addition of rule 10.
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.