I know this isn't going to be a very popular answer but unfortunately, no. There are very few if any stories I even read anymore to be honest. When it comes to being a fanfic reader, I think I have lost interest, sadly.

I tend to look at the genres and if I see romance listed I don't even bother reading anymore. I'm hoping it's a phase but seems like everything out there is romance or turns into romance. Just not for me.
I will read short stories though, just not the longer ones because I agree it's nice for people to feel appreciated. So when someone pops up with a short I will read and leave a review, i'm trying to anyway.

but in the same vein...
I never expect people to read my stories unless they really want to. I would hate to think people are reading just in hopes that the favor will be returned. I know I want people to read my stuff that really want to read it. The things I write I know not everyone will find appealing and for those people I don't want them to feel like they are obligated to read it just because I have read their stuff. I never understood that way of thinking.
When I was first starting out people would review me and say hey you should check my story out and I always did but after doing that I found a lot of them I just didn't like and I ended up being fake in my reviewing because it wasn't my thing but they were reviewing me so it kind of just became an obligation. Reading shouldn't feel like a chore, but after awhile it did. I think maybe that's why I grew out of reading fanfic? I have no clue. Then I noticed when I stopped reviewing them they stopped reviewing me which tells me they were reviewing me for the wrong reasons in the first place lol
I'm not only talking about AC, I mean via emails etc... that's how a lot of my reviews were at first.
Anyway, that's my whole thinking on the matter. I know there are a lot of really talented writers on AC and out there in general, sometimes you can just tell by the way they post or write their summaries. I am going to try harder to read things I find popping up (like on this forum in the behind the scenes section) but as far as committing to a long novel, I don't think i'll be doing that unless it's a subject matter that really appeals to me.
And procrastinatio
n is fun. LOL I should be grading right now, but of course I need to go to bed!