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Author Topic: What will you read?  (Read 9587 times)


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What will you read?
« on: March 27, 2007, 06:28:11 AM »

Since this topic has popped up and there seems to be a lack of interest in reading fanfics or confusion as to why some fanfics aren't being read, I thought this might be a good idea for a new topic.

For picky people like me, what kinds of stories will you read or commit to on AC? Things you enjoy reading and things you stay away from?

then if you feel like your story is a great fit for what people are saying, maybe post a link.

I'm off to school, so i'll fill mine out when I get home :)

(Don't mention stories lol just general things if that makes sense?)

Hopefully this will help us as authors see what people are wanting to read.

Things I look for when wanting to read a fanfic:

Things I don't enjoy reading and avoid:

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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 01:43:02 PM »

Things I look for when wanting to read a fanfic: I like reading fantasy, so that's my favorite. But in generally, it really doesn't matter to me as long as it's nothing cliche. I'm also more inclined to read it if a friend wrote it or it is highly recommended. I'm more likely to read if it's shorter, but I will read a longer one, it will just take longer.

Things I don't enjoy reading and avoid: Well, there are genres I avoid and that would be slash and visuals. I've just never been able to enjoy things like that. I also avoid cliche plotlines. Because really, I hate reading a fan fic and having to ask myself if I've read it before. I don't mind female driven fan fics, but I hate Mary Sues.

Lastly, reasons I no longer read most fanfics: I have about this much time: 0. I don't even have time to write anymore, and if I had time, I'd rather be writing.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 05:20:34 PM »

I love reading Alternate Universe about the boys with them all being real brothers, I love it when all of the boys are nice and that but i do not like when they are all mean or one to of them are

I also avoid slash and visuals just do not like them

I am not very good at writing fanfic but i do enjoy reading them


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 08:01:56 PM »

Things I look for...

I like everyone have favorite geners and favorite boys so of course I will look at those first. I love romance mixed in with a little drama/angst or humor. But I enjoy everything as long as there is a good solid story. And my philosophy is the more boys the merrier. Reading from a female lead has never bothered me and family is fine as long as it's realevent to the plot.

the only thing's I really avoid are slash and a lot of visuals. I'm also not that big on the greusome torture stuff. (I'm kind of a fluff reader :P)

But if a writer can't string together a coherrant thought two papagraphs in a row then I'll never make it past the first chapter.
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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 08:41:31 PM »

Like I said, i'm really picky now you'll get to see just how picky lol

What I like to read:

~ Suspense/action/drama/angst fics (i'm not big on humor unless it's really well written)
~ AU only if the boys are brothers or related or still have their personality traits etc.. (i'm not big on the boys acting totally outside of who they are unless it's critical to the plotline. I put sci fi in this category as well.)
~ The group has to be the main focus. If there are less than two boys in it i'm not interested.
~ I tend to gravitate to stories which Nick is the lead although I have read some great ones with the others as well but the Nick ones are what holds my attention and if there's only two, Nick and Kevin will work lol
~ short stories nowadays unless it's from an author I know can commit to a long one.
~ I tend to enjoy reading first person over third person I have noticed lol

things I don't enjoy reading and try to avoid:

~ Everything else lol


~ All non BSB centered fics. If it's about a girl or one of the wives or family members it's not for me.
~ Fics that only use BSB as the background. If they don't show up in the first chapter I don't bother reading anymore.
~ One on one fics (Nick and a girl or Brian and a girl etc...)
~ Slash/ visuals/crossovers (with the exception of Supernatural or Numb3rs. And they have to be really well written and still center more on the boys lol)
~ Fics that keep changing their summary or title. (not meaning rewording. I mean totally changing it like this was a romance but today it's a sci fi, tomorrow it will be a comedy lol)
~ If I find a lot of grammatical errors and typos in the first chapter I won't bother reading the rest.
~ stories that kill the boys for no reason lol
~ Not a fan of the boys as villians either

And I think that's about it.

I wasn't always this picky... I swear! lol

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2007, 10:59:54 PM »

I like reading Humor/Angst/Drama/Romance and maybe Alternate Universe like Mare said as long as it's about the boys I'm there. But if I read the first chapter and I don't really get where it's going I'm not reading anymore...that kinda goes with myself if I write two or three pages and it doesn't make sense to me...I erase it. LOL but I will read almost anything...

Like everyone else I totally avoid reading slash and visuals...I like the more subtle approach and I just can't see the guys doing things to each other...in that sense.

It's understood that most people don't have time to read and what time they have they spend writing on their own...but it's always nice to recieve a review especially from some of the well known authors on AC. Luckily I've received a couple and hope they keep coming. :D ;) :)


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2007, 11:08:00 PM »

I can be picky too, especially in the last few years... I think my standards have gone up, compared to when I first started reading fanfic...

I don't automatically avoid ANYTHING at all costs, but in general...

Things I look for when wanting to read a fanfic:
- A story about Brian, Nick, AJ, or the whole group.  I don't know why, but I tend not to like reading Howie- or Kevin-driven stories.  (Not ALWAYS, just in general.)
- DRAMA!!!  And I mean the angsty, deep-seeded, intense kind of drama, not petty relationship drama.  And not "I was raped and abused by my ex, and now I can't trust men; will you teach me to love again?" type drama either.
- Perhaps some suspense or mystery... those tend to draw me in too, as they're intended to.
- A nice romantic subplot with a likeable girl that doesn't completely DOMINATE the story.
- This should be closer to the top of the list... a decent writer!!!  An author who knows how to string words together in an interesting way, without being too wordy, and can demonstrate the use of proper English grammar and mechanics.  If I cringe too much at the first chapter because of a glaring lack of punctation or paragraphing, there's really no hope of me continuing to read the story.

Things I don't enjoy reading and avoid:
- AUs... unless the summary or the "universe" sounds REALLY interesting and pulls me in.  I've read some amazing AUs, but in general, I much prefer the Backstreet universe.
- Sci-fi, fantasy, vampire stories, etc.  Again, read some great ones, but in general, I don't go for that stuff.  That's true with my reading choices outside fanfic too... except for Harry Potter.
- Romance that doesn't seem to have any other genres or subplots.  Pure, straight romance, where the relationship and its ups and downs are the sole focus of the story, typically bore me.  I need some kind of outside issues and drama to come in to keep me interested.  I prefer romance as a subplot, compared to the WHOLE plot.  Again, not always, but usually.
- Fictional siblings of the Boys.  This goes in with why I don't like AU.  I just prefer things to be as close to life as possible... with some creative liberties for the "fic" part of fanfic, of course.  I like stories that seem like they COULD happen, or could have happened.  You add some random twin sister in, and I'm just like, "Um... no."  That's just me.  And again, there are exceptions.
- Slash, visuals, and m-preg!  Slash and m-preg - won't read them unless it's to laugh, cause I think they're hilarious.  Visuals I just don't read at all, unless they're funny or I'm forced.  I prefer sex scenes to be in the context of a larger novel with a plot.

There, 5 for each.


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2007, 11:48:41 PM »

It all makes sense now why none of you read my stuff hahahaha! That's ok though. I still love ya and at least there are some that you like. There's hope for the fanfic world yet!

- DRAMA!!!  And I mean the angsty, deep-seeded, intense kind of drama, not petty relationship drama.  And not "I was raped and abused by my ex, and now I can't trust men; will you teach me to love again?" type drama either.

Ok, I have a question then, and this is not just for Julie because I've heard lots of people say things similar to this, but what kind of drama do you mean if not relationship, rape, abuse, type stuff? Like some exapmles?

I'm just curious because we all use the terms drama and angst so loosely. Do you mean like addiction, mental illness, physical disabilities,  ...losing a leg... (hehe just kidding you know I loved broken) because I know for me personally a good medical drama or addiction drama can be fine once in a while but I get so worn out on them so fast, but what other kind of drama is there?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 11:50:53 PM by honey »
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 12:50:24 AM »

I've yet to see good drama... Whether fictional or real life.

Everything I've come into contact with is so petty....

So if anyone wants to explain this to me too, I'm all ears. :)

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2007, 01:48:24 AM »

Things I look for when wanting to read a fanfic:

Genre: drama, angst, suspense, action/adventure/thriller
main character: im always leaning towards Nick. I like group fics...and if there are only 2 of them, i lean more for nick/kevin or nick/aj for some reason, although nick/brian is something i'd read too.
Plot: i should be hooked on the first chap or by the 2nd, or else i tend to forget about it and not go back.

If there should be a girl character (or two) in the fic, they shouldnt be the ones telling the story. I dont quite like it when the first chapter is all abt the girl and in her POV or the chapter went on through her eyes.

What I dont really mind: AUs - where they're brothers or related to each other, friends...they must still have their personality traits.

Sci Fi / fantasy - i dont read a lot of these, but there was a time when i really love reading this genre. the writers always have awesome plots and there're always a great balance of angst and adventure in them. unfortunately, the writers i used to look for when it comes to these genres have mostly stop writing.

Things I don't enjoy reading and avoid: the slash and visuals. I do give Romance a time when i feel like the summary is good enough for me to give the first chapter a go.

There was one slash fic long ago that I read. The entire thing is about the dilemma a gay person had to go through in the public eye and being a celeb at the same time. Now that slash fic, I like! I just have to skip the slash visuals.

Above all else, it’s the lack of time that is making me not read as many stories as I used to. And I have a tendency to not write and update my fics when I’m in a reading mode, lol.
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2007, 02:43:29 AM »

It all makes sense now why none of you read my stuff hahahaha! That's ok though. I still love ya and at least there are some that you like. There's hope for the fanfic world yet!

Ok, I have a question then, and this is not just for Julie because I've heard lots of people say things similar to this, but what kind of drama do you mean if not relationship, rape, abuse, type stuff? Like some exapmles?

I'm just curious because we all use the terms drama and angst so loosely. Do you mean like addiction, mental illness, physical disabilities,  ...losing a leg... (hehe just kidding you know I loved broken) because I know for me personally a good medical drama or addiction drama can be fine once in a while but I get so worn out on them so fast, but what other kind of drama is there?

Hi honey,

I shall attempt to answer your drama question, lol.

Drama to me, is a story that is relationship and character driven. A good example would be Mare's Mel's Tree or Julie's Broken. Often Drama comes together with Angst, it can also come together with suspense, thriller, romance either as the main genre or a sub-genre.

A romance driven by relationship problems or personal problem that affects the relationship between a couple (like Broken or the sequel) is considered Drama to me. In mel's Tree, relationships between estranged brothers and a mentally ill/abusive father was addressed. For me, that's a drama centric fic with angst.

I hope that helps Honey. Pls understand that these are my views as to what Drama means to me, could be an entirely different thing to someone else :)
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2007, 02:58:14 AM »

Things I look for when wanting to read a fanfic:
-Creative plots: Seriously, anything outside of the box draws my attention. Something you don't see commonly, and if it is a common plot, twist it around somehow.
-Group fics: Anything about the bonds of all 5 I like, cause I'm a fan of the group and showcasing all five is lovely. If not that, then sorry, it has to be Nick fics, or Nick/Brian, or if its interesting, Brian (cause he's just so cute lol). AJ, the writer needs to be someone I know, or have a great plot line. Him I'm picky with cause most of his are about his rehab and for a fanfic, it just doesn't attract me. And sorry Kevin and Howie, but if its about those two, though I love em, I'm not typically interested. I've read some great ones of both, (Anastacia writes great Howie ones) but in general no.
-AU: Now Honestly I just like seeing different portrayals, while at the same time, still keeping most of the traits we like them for. So its them, but written as a side just not shown often, if that makes sense.
-Sci/Fi I like reading it, and I love writing it. If I see one, I'm overjoyed lol.
-Horror, as long as its not a cliched one with some psycho chasing the boys. (There are exceptions, two being Mersey and Chaos.) But if it delves into supernatural horror, or something that goes back to the first thing I listed, then yay.
Supernatual type stuff- Definitely. I'm a Buffy/Angel fanatic, enough said lol.
Drama - who doesn't like drama? If its romance however, I prefer it as a subplot unless its creative or well written.

Things I don't enjoy reading and avoid:
Slash: Ew not with BSB, nothing wrong with it, just...not me lol.
Visuals: Ehh...if it has some in a story that's more than just the sex, sure. But Not nothing but sex.
Overused plots/Character types- This means the rape ones that are so common now, the girl group touring. No Mary Sues.
Family members: They're alright, but not as the main focus

I don't mind the girl telling the story, but...for me its as long as she's not the ONLY one telling the story. If one of BSB is telling the story as well, with equal time or more, than fine cause the contrasting perspectives is nice. I don't mind lead girls, cause yeah, necessary a lot of the time. But they can't be the entire story, equal time or less.

Romance I tend to turn away from, but if its a good plot or just very well written, then I do stick to it.

I'm kinda picky too lol. That and no time. This is me stalling to write a paper. Oh, and no big paragraphs with no breaks and bad grammar and all that. I don't claim to be the best editor of my own writing, at all. But I try, if I see just no real effort...then. ..no lol.
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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2007, 06:19:00 AM »

Ok, I have a question then, and this is not just for Julie because I've heard lots of people say things similar to this, but what kind of drama do you mean if not relationship, rape, abuse, type stuff? Like some exapmles?

I'm just curious because we all use the terms drama and angst so loosely. Do you mean like addiction, mental illness, physical disabilities,  ...losing a leg... (hehe just kidding you know I loved broken) because I know for me personally a good medical drama or addiction drama can be fine once in a while but I get so worn out on them so fast, but what other kind of drama is there?

LOL yeah, honestly, the latter stuff is what I prefer... not so much addiction, but I like medical dramas, or the drama that comes from the characters being in some kind of dangerous situation.

Relationship drama can be good too; I just usually need more to the story than JUST that.  My all-time favorite romance is "Cover Me With Dreams," and the relationship between the two main characters IS the main part of the storyline, but it also has a really interesting female lead, and the storyline kinda takes us through the beginning of Bsb and some major events of their career and Nick's life, so that makes it fun too.  It doesn't have a ton of the heavy outside conflict, so maybe I'm contradicting myself here, but that is one romance that I really like.

But my other favorites are "Where Can We Go From Here" - car crash fic, "Signal to Noise" - crazy stalker suspense fic, and "Faceless" - Nick becomes horribly burned and scarred in a fiery accident and becomes a recluse in the woods fic.  The latter two have romance in them too, which makes me like them even more, but they have a lot more going on than just the romance.  My favorite kind of stories are the ones that fit into multiple genres for that reason. :)

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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2007, 07:02:15 AM »

Ok, I have a question then, and this is not just for Julie because I've heard lots of people say things similar to this, but what kind of drama do you mean if not relationship, rape, abuse, type stuff? Like some exapmles?

I'm just curious because we all use the terms drama and angst so loosely. Do you mean like addiction, mental illness, physical disabilities,  ...losing a leg... (hehe just kidding you know I loved broken) because I know for me personally a good medical drama or addiction drama can be fine once in a while but I get so worn out on them so fast, but what other kind of drama is there?

Hey Honey,

Here's my answer :)

Like Mers said, I think it's all a matter of taste. I don't even consider romance conflicts drama for some reason lol

I'm not overly big on medical dramas because they can get a bit overdone and cliched just like everything, but it's more the anxiety over the situation that draws me into them and how the group reacts to those kinds of dramas. If it's purely about the ailment itself then I lose interest. It has to be about how the guys deal with it.

The dramas I look for or more conflicts. Maybe turmoil within the group or something happening outside the group that causes problems. I find it unrealistic when the boys are all together and the only thing they talk about is the girl who broke so and so's heart. lol And I do tend to not read thos AJ has a problem stories because they are a bit on the overdone side, although I do enjoy reading about Aj's problems told from another boys POV. Things like that.

I guess also like Julie, the stories that work best for me are a blend of different genres together, drama but with some suspense or angst thrown in.

Where Can We Go From Here that Julie mentioned is a pefect example of that also Mersey's Finding Brotherhood Kat and Amy's Can You Keep a Secret etc..

All of those stories have enough things going on in them to keep my interest. None of them needed a female to drive the story but if they introduced one as a small character I would have kept reading. Like I did for Broken with Clare. I know some might consider that a romance but because there was so much other stuff going on I didn't even care or was able to skip some of the scenes that were just romance-ish.

I guess really what it boils down to for me is loving to read how the boys interact with each other. That is what keeps me coming back.

And I have really been longwinded in this thread lol

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Re: What will you read?
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2007, 07:06:00 AM »

I've yet to see good drama... Whether fictional or real life.

Everything I've come into contact with is so petty....

So if anyone wants to explain this to me too, I'm all ears. :)

maybe you should define what you consider a great drama?

you should read I Know This Much is True or She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb

Those are great dramas, to me anyway lol :)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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