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Author Topic: First Person vs. Third Person  (Read 14765 times)


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First Person vs. Third Person
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:16:57 PM »

I'm not which category to post this in.  Sorry if it's the wrong one.

Let me start off by saying that I suck at first person narration.  At least I think I do.  I have a hard time showing and not telling.

The two stories that I have posted on here are written in the first person because I wanted to try and get better at it.  I understand that no one likes to read a horribly written story and I'm sorry for those of you that have given my stories a chance and couldn't do it.  Because I agree, my first person narration skills suck infinitely.

But we're not here because we have to be.  We're here because we want to be.  We want to escape and read about people and places that we love.  We want to write worlds that we can control.  At least in the third person we can, because our characters don't have a mind of their own, we tell them how to feel and what to do.

But with first person, it's so uncertain, and that's what I have a hard time with.  The antagonist may or may not be trustworthy, or heroic, or sane enough to tell a story, and the readers watch everything unfold through their eyes.  Descriptions, events and anything else may be tainted because we're only seeing one perspective.  And this is why I need help.

Those of you who do write in first person, what steps do you take to do that?  Do you put yourself in their shoes and just write.  Do you have any exercises you do to prepare yourself?  How do you show instead of tell?

Any advice would help! :shrug:
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 12:28:37 PM »

With first person? You have to solely put yourself in their shoes, description is tricky, cause you can't get too flowery with it. Instead you gotta describe it like you feel they would. When you create that character, you need to write like they think, if that makes sense. Once you create that voice, that needs to be what tells the story.

Hopefully that helps?
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 04:20:14 PM »

I feel more comfortable writing in first person than third. I always put myself in the character's shoes and say the lines and do the actions as I write. I find it helps. I also make sure that the story really does revolve around that person and that he or she can stand on their own before I commit to writing it in first person, because nothing sucks more than starting a story in first person only to realize that the character really isn't all that interesting. *coughlikeforexampleBellainTwilightcough* lol
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 04:44:05 PM »

^^ That is so true, always make sure your character is gonna be intriguing enough to go with. Cause a bad narrator means a bad story. Also make sure the full story could be told in their POV, cause you could run into problems if vital stuff happens but they can't tell the readers about it.

An alternative to that is switching POVs, but that also takes some finesse. Such as establishing it from the beginning, so it's not awkward. And then you need to make sure that the voices are distinct enough that the reader can tell them apart. Not to mention, don't switch it up too much, cause then it just gets confusing.
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2010, 04:52:13 PM »

This is a great topic.  Sevily, I feel a lot like you do about first person.  When it comes to reading, I don't really have a preference as long as it's written well, but as a writer, I usually stick to third person.

That said, I am actually writing a story in first person right now, Curtain Call.  I think it's the first novel I've attempted to write in first person in like ten years LOL.  I'm enjoying it a lot because it gives it a different feel, but it's also challenging.  I'm actually switching between the two main characters' points of view, to show both perspectives, so I've had to not only get the hang of writing in first person, but also writing from two different characters' points of view.

I basically do what Rose and Mare said and try to put myself in their shoes as much as I can.  I find it a lot easier with my female character, Cary, because she's not so different from me, so I use a lot of what I would say and do if I were her.  Nick is a lot tougher, being that I'm 1) not a guy, 2) not in the music business, and 3) not going through the stuff he is in the story.  With him, I just research as much as I can.  Sometimes it helps just to watch videos of him in interviews and read his tweets and stuff and pay attention to his mannerisms and the kind of stuff he says and the way he words things.  Not that I spend hours watching and studying Bsb videos intently LOL, but now and then they can be inspiring to help you get a better picture in your head.  If I can picture the character doing things in the story and imagine them saying the dialogue in my head as I write, it's a lot easier and seems a lot more realistic.

As far as showing not telling, I know it's tempting to have the character tell all about themselves at the beginning... if you can space that out among something actually happening in the story, some action and dialogue and such, then you can still tell what you need to tell without it seeming like "TELLING, NOT SHOWING."  SHOW something happening AS you tell the back story, and try to blend the two in a way that seems natural.  Easier said than done, I know!  I'm definitely not an expert; I've just been muddling through the same thing you are.

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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2010, 06:11:47 PM »

I feel more comfortable writing in first person than third. I always put myself in the character's shoes and say the lines and do the actions as I write. I find it helps. I also make sure that the story really does revolve around that person and that he or she can stand on their own before I commit to writing it in first person, because nothing sucks more than starting a story in first person only to realize that the character really isn't all that interesting. *coughlikeforexampleBellainTwilightcough* lol

I second your cough! lol


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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2010, 07:16:15 PM »

Thanks for all the help guys :)

I think my biggest problem is "I did this, then I did that, and afterwards, I did this again."

Julie, you're right about Nick - it's harder to write as someone you really can't relate to. You can relate to things he does, but as a person - not so much. I think that's my biggest problem right now too.

It's making me a little unmotivated. :(
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2010, 07:20:21 PM »

Well in a lot of ways "I did this, I did that..." etc is the only way you can do it. If you were telling the story about yourself you would say, for example;

I went to the store after work today to buy english muffins and pizza sauce. I had been craving mini pizzas all day. Afterwards, when I was full to the top with cheese and toppings, I needed a nap.
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2010, 08:15:47 PM »

This is true.  You just need to "zoom in" on the important parts and tell them in more detail than you would when you're just telling/summarizing a quick story or background info.  That's where the dialogue and such comes in.

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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2010, 10:46:04 PM »

Well in a lot of ways "I did this, I did that..." etc is the only way you can do it.

I went to the store after work today to buy english muffins and pizza sauce. I had been craving mini pizzas all day. Afterwards, when I was full to the top with cheese and toppings, I needed a nap.

I know that it's inevitable when writing in the first person, I just feel like when I do it, it's too detail-oriented and readers get really bored.

I know all these tips are going to help :)

Thank you SO much for all your input!  :wave:
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2010, 03:09:19 AM »

I never noticed it until Julie pointed it out one time, but I ALWAYS write in 1st person. You definitely have to pay attention to detail when writing in first person. You have to write about practically every thought and action, including reactions and feelings, as well as how the character perceives OTHER characters.

I can give you some samples of my writing if you want. I actually have a non-fiction original novel about a trip I went on once, as well as a fanfic that I could show you.

Just out of curiosity, are you writing this in past or present tense?
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2010, 10:11:34 AM »

I never noticed it until Julie pointed it out one time, but I ALWAYS write in 1st person. You definitely have to pay attention to detail when writing in first person. You have to write about practically every thought and action, including reactions and feelings, as well as how the character perceives OTHER characters.

I can give you some samples of my writing if you want. I actually have a non-fiction original novel about a trip I went on once, as well as a fanfic that I could show you.

Just out of curiosity, are you writing this in past or present tense?

Past tense, grammatically, I think it would bother me if I had to write in the present while in first person.  Are your stories on the site?  If they are, I can take a look at them there, if not, I'd love to read them! :)
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2010, 02:22:27 PM »

Haha, well I've done present tense first person. It's actually pretty fun. No, they're not on the site, but I'll send you an e-mail of a couple samples. I'm not the best writer in the world, but I do have a few samples that I'm happy enough with to show you!
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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2010, 04:02:48 PM »

I used to love writing in first person. I tried writing in third person once but automatically wrote in first person after a few chapters! I did that with Don't Wanna Lose You now, which I decided to quit with for a while. I went from third person to first person in the same chapter and I didn't even notice until a few days after I've posted it! *facepalm* Worst mistake I've made till now!

I usually love writing in first person because I love to write the thoughts of that person. But lately I have struggles with doing that exact same thing. It's getting hard writing everything in greater detail because English isn't my first language and I don't want to use the same kind of sentences/words.. if you know what I mean lol. I've noticed that with Ice Cold Blood and my challenge story Out of the Ordinary. The fact I have to think so much and it takes me so long (long = 2,5 hours) before I can finish a chapter, is making me lose motivation. It's sooo annoying. :( I thought of at least one solution for myself though: post stories once you've finished them. LOL! In that way I can at least update regularly, because now.. I'm letting my readers down big time. I wanted to finish Ice Cold Blood before the voting dead line of the Felix Awards and I have to have Out of the Ordinary finished by the end of this year and even then I still think I won't manage that! Maybe I should try third person again.. and write a concept (or the entire chapters) from the point I'm at now to the very end of the story, so I can write faster in Word.

I know this isn't probably of much help for you, Sevily, but this is something I'm struggling with as well now and I figured the others helped you a lot already lol..


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Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2010, 07:23:38 PM »

^ Nah, it's nice to get feedback on different situations!  This thread is for everyone who needs help, not just me :)
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