Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for April 2007 - Under My Skin by Mellz Bellz

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totally off topic, but I was just talking to someone the other day about the featured story of the month and they said they would like to see a shorter story done because then they might be able to read it... I thought that didn't sound like a bad idea so I thought I would mention it here. Maybe if we had one featured that was a little shorter it might get a few more readers and a little more discussion going?  Just a thought?

***To get back to the topic, I love this story. Mell did (is doing) a wonderful job! Congrats Mel and hope you get the internet situation resolved soon! We miss ya!

Hrmm... define short? Because to me a short story is one chapter. To others anything under 50 chapters is short. lol

The thing is they do have an entire month to read. I just think people need excuses not to read stuff lol

If it's a good story, it should suck you in, no matter how many chapters it is. But, I was thinking about having a short story themed month maybe. Feature a bunch of one shot type stories perhaps? Somewhere along the line. What do you guys think of that?

Maybe in February lol short month...short stories? lmao

Managed to sneak on for a few minutes and I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for selecting UMS as a featured story. Its inspired me SOOO much! Thank you everyone for your comments. I get my internet back May 8th I think, so look for more to come from me!

you're welcome Mel. I'm glad we helped inspire you! :)

I know how you feel about not having computer access, Mel. The only time I can really hit up AC and the forum is when I'm at work, LOL.


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