There's no narrow definition. According to International Thriller Writers, a thriller is characterized by "the sudden rush of emotions, the excitement, sense of suspense, apprehension, and exhilaration that drive the narrative, sometimes subtly with peaks and lulls, sometimes at a constant, breakneck pace." In short, a thriller thrills. How? Mostly through skillful plotting.
It takes a talented writer to successfully pull of a good thriller and these nominees have done just that. We're left wondering what might lurk around the corner, how safe it is to hide in "plain" sight, how the brother got away,
when we'll end up next, and if they'll make it through Christmas alive.
The nominees for Best Thriller/Suspense are:
What Lurks Around The Corner by Mare
Guilty Roads by RokofAges75
Seven Days by evergreenwrite
Last Christmas by rebellious_one
The Time Watcher by Pengi
And the winner is...
What Lurks Around The Corner by MareRunner Up: Seven Days by evergreenwrite r83