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Author Topic: BSB are very girly  (Read 3659 times)


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BSB are very girly
« on: December 29, 2010, 01:58:27 PM »

What a weird name for a topic, right? LOL

Anyway, I was reading some stuff and I got to thinking, do you think the guys are portrayed as overly feminine in fan fics? The reason I ask is because on the rare occasion I get someone who is not really into BSB fandom to beta one of my fics, that's the response I get. And it's usually because of the weird hobbies the guys have in real life... Howie liking shopping, AJ being all into fashion, Nick being emo (okay maybe not so much THAT one in real life..)

So, do you think the because we as fan fic writers are mostly female, that the guys come out as sounding more feminine? Or do you think that they actually are just that in touch with their feminine sides? Or a little bit of both?
~Saka ♥

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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2010, 02:07:21 PM »

They are actually in touch with their feminine sides LOL. That and we're female, I fight to make a conscious effort to make them "manly", but being female has something to do with it. That and them being nerds and acting feminine lmao.
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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2010, 02:28:41 PM »

I think it's a bit of both!


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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2010, 02:55:25 PM »

LOL I think it's a bit of both as well.
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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2010, 03:25:07 PM »

Great topic, Steph!  I think it's a little bit of both, too.  On one hand, I don't really see any of the Boys as the alpha-male "manly man" type of guy.  They sing and dance, they write love songs, Brian and Howie (and sometimes Nick) dress pretty metrosexual, Brian matches his clothes to his family and wears his wife's scarves, AJ wears nail polish and makeup, and we've seen some of them in tears before.  I genuinely do see them as fairly sensitive guys who are in touch with their feelings, and I like that in a guy.

On the other hand... being that we're mostly all girls, I do think we unintentionall y over-feminize them in fanfics.  I know I do.  I like my boys to be emo in my angsty fics and cry when it's appropriate and be romantic and confess their undying love to their ladies, and so on.  I can't help but put a little bit of myself into them, and I am pretty sensitive and emotional, so I know that goes into them, too.  I try to "manly them up" through dialogue and mannerisms, but I'm sure they would still come across as sort of girly to an average straight guy reading my stuff.

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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2010, 04:03:25 PM »

Its fan fiction. Its all fantasy. A lot of it has to do with the fact that most of us are girls and thats how we see the guys. Nothing wrong with that. Some guys can use a little femininity.
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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2010, 04:41:39 PM »

On the other hand... being that we're mostly all girls, I do think we unintentionall y over-feminize them in fanfics.  I know I do.  I like my boys to be emo in my angsty fics and cry when it's appropriate and be romantic and confess their undying love to their ladies, and so on.  I can't help but put a little bit of myself into them, and I am pretty sensitive and emotional, so I know that goes into them, too.  I try to "manly them up" through dialogue and mannerisms, but I'm sure they would still come across as sort of girly to an average straight guy reading my stuff.

I definitely agree with this, Julie. I love to over dramatize the boys and have them cry and be angsty. I also try my best to give them manly dialogue, but they still do seem very girly to me. Then again I think you're also right about how they sing cheesy love songs and dance. It's hard to be very manly when that's your career lol
~Saka ♥

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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2010, 04:43:57 PM »

They sing and dance, they write love songs, Brian and Howie (and sometimes Nick) dress pretty metrosexual, Brian matches his clothes to his family and wears his wife's scarves, AJ wears nail polish and makeup, and we've seen some of them in tears before. 

This made me laugh so hard!


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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2010, 04:47:08 PM »

LOL thanks!  Yeah, as far as guys go, they're really not the most macho to begin with.  I like a guy who likes sports and other "guy stuff," but isn't afraid to be sensitive too.

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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2010, 04:53:15 PM »

LOL seriously, and these are the same boys who are always hitting each other on the butt, kissing each other playfully... I don't wanna know how many times I've said "And they wonder why people think they're gay" LMAO.
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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2010, 06:03:29 PM »

Strangely, most of the comments I've had in the past about my ff is that I write like a boy. I don't know what that means but maybe I should try to be more feminine? lol
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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2010, 08:09:56 PM »

Honestly, if you watch them and how they act, they are kind of girly. For instance, the way AJ crosses his legs and uses his hands while talking. They all have their little feminine quirks, kind of like a girl having boyish quirks and being a tomboy.

Plus, AJ wears eyeliner. LMAO


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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2011, 09:58:12 AM »

I was just bored and browsed and came across this!  I have to say, after reading it, I'm determined to make a fan fic where they are MANLY MEN!  Not sure how that's going to come across...Kevin did wear a skirt...but I will figure it out, lmao!


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Re: BSB are very girly
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2011, 10:14:41 AM »

Though sometimes when people try to make them "manly" I find they go too far. They end up being wife beating, misogynist, sexist assholes with no respect for women whatsoever... which is just a tad too manly! They'd be rappers not pop stars :P They write these characters that, as someone wise once said, hate every bone in a woman's body except theirs.
~Maple Jellybean~

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