I know there's a thread to ask people to beta read your story, but last time I checked it was pretty dead there so I'll do it here lol
So, does anyone want to beta read my story? I haven't written much yet, I just wanna know if it's a good start and if there's any awkward English. It would be nice to have someone I can send my chapters to for constructive criticism once in a while.
I just read my post on the first page of this thread where I said I can't write in Dutch. Well, shoot me, I am writing in Dutch right now and translating it to English and it goes pretty well. Just a lack of inspiration and I'm too insecure. :/
FYI, I want to post this story when I've finished it so I know I won't let my readers down. I'm going to do that with all of my stories from now on. It might take a long time before I've finished one, but when I start posting it, there won't be huge gaps between updates.