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Author Topic: The Problem(s) With Fan Fiction  (Read 4266 times)


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Re: The Problem(s) With Fan Fiction
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2011, 12:21:07 PM »

I'm glad you mentioned the ship thing. I had no clue what he was even talking about lol
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Re: The Problem(s) With Fan Fiction
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2011, 12:26:22 PM »

Haha yeah the shipping thing doesn't really exist in BSB fandom. Unless you count slash but I've very rarely heard anyone actually say "I ship Nick/Brian." At least not as much as in TV show fandoms.

Shipping wars are kind of terrifying and it makes the BSB fandom look like it is made of love and cake.
~Saka ♥

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Re: The Problem(s) With Fan Fiction
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2011, 02:31:04 PM »

I think for me, the TV/Movie/books genre of fanfics are things that have already been written by someone else. Real people it's different. If I am in a Supernatural mood all I have to do is watch an episode. Why would I want to read someone else's take on it? That's my take on it anyway lol

I agree; I think that's the reason I've never gotten into those fandoms.  No matter how good the writer is, it will never compare to the real thing for me... whereas with the Backstreet Boys, it's not like we have some set, official book/movie/series of episodes about them.  Since they're real people, their lives are constantly moving ahead and changing, and it's fun to take them in a different direction or write our own take on their history.  It's also probably kind of weird, since they're real people, and I know that's why a lot of the fandom writers frown on real person fanfic, but oh well.  It's hard to explain the appeal of it to someone who just doesn't get it.

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Re: The Problem(s) With Fan Fiction
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2011, 02:35:09 PM »

Haha yeah the shipping thing doesn't really exist in BSB fandom. Unless you count slash but I've very rarely heard anyone actually say "I ship Nick/Brian." At least not as much as in TV show fandoms.

Shipping wars are kind of terrifying and it makes the BSB fandom look like it is made of love and cake.

LOL it helps to not have female "canon characters" in our fandom, unless you count the wives/girlfriends.

I think I first encountered the shipping thing with Harry Potter fanfic, back when I was a new fan of that and was checking out the fanfics on ff.net.  The big war there seems to be between Ron/Hermione and Harry/Hermione shippers, but it's interesting how many weird pairings people like to write about.  Harry/Snape??  Ew.  The vast majority of HP fanfic summaries I've read have just made me shake my head and go, "This is so wrong."  Kinda like the five stages of slash reaction LOL.

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Re: The Problem(s) With Fan Fiction
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2011, 02:49:58 PM »

I just read it and agree that some fanfics are awful, but there are a lot out there which are amazing too.  I don't think it's a waste of people's efforts either, there are far worse hobbies out there!  I bet there are loads of writers out there who started with fanfics.  Before I discovered fanfics, I hadn't written anything since I was a kid, and it's something I enjoy in my free time, it's not harming anyone.

I have no idea what shipping is.

I've not read/written in many other fandoms as I don't have the passion for it like I do with BSB.  I've done a BSB/Supernatural crossover, a Twilight one shot and a few Take That stories.  But I have read a few Twilight ones which were far better than Stephenie Meyer's stories.  I do love Twilight, but parts of it I wanted to shake Bella.
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