1) Name of the story you read and the author and what you feel the genre is. Your answer might be different then the authors.
My Mona Lisa by Summer03. I'd say this is romance rather than romance/dramedy. I thought dramedy was comedy and drama, there was no comedy in this story.
2) Would you have ever read this story if it wasn't a challenge?
I would've read the first couple of chapters and then clicked away due to the way it confuses the reader at times.
3) What was your favorite scene?
I liked it when they finally realised they were meant to be together.
4) Who was your favorite character and why?
I suppose I'll go for AJ because the other characters I couldn't really get a feel for them.
5) Overall tell us one reason why you think someone else should/or shouldn't read this story.
If you like pure romance with a nice happy ending then you might like it. If you're picky about spellings and grammar and the flow of a story then this isn't for you.
6) Did it convert you to the genre it is? Would you be willing to read another story just like it?
I already like romance.
7) Give one piece of concrit that might help the author for future reference. This can be positive too, concrit doesn't always mean negative.
I would say to edit before posting. I liked the whole idea of the plain girl getting her man in the end, but it could've come across a lot better.
8) This should be the question the author asked in their survey. Everyone's will be different.
It was kind of predictable, but then predictable doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
9) Would you recommend this story and author to another person? Why or why not
I hate this question, as I feel bad for saying what I'm going to say. No, I wouldn't recommend this story. I know Summer03 has written better, I enjoyed Seduction and don't recall it having the issues this one had with the grammar and flow.
10) Out of 10 stars what would you give this story?
Sorry again, but I'll give it 5
Now I feel like a major bitch, but I had to be honest.