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This is harder than I thought though.. I'm not used to write out of one of the guys pov..
Aww well I guess thaty's why we don't call it a challenge for nothing lol
lol.. that's true.. I'm having most trouble with the title though at the moment.. I can't come up with anything good..
I actually think that was VERY original though.. seriously! Alright, I posted mine.. With another awful title.. but at least I gave this challenge a try! >
Maybe if I'm more awake, sometime this week I'll write something - not neccesarily a challenge, but something.And Mare - Awesome story as always!~Lenni~
Awe I just read it and loved it! you did a great job writing as Brian! And your title wasn't dumb at all. I thought it was clever. I loved that he was talking to a bartender.