What if this was all apart of a plan... Kevin drew the shortest straw and volunteered to leave. BOOM, publicity of his departure. He boys go on with the music, not long after he departed and insists the door is still open for him to come back. After the departure of an original member and still seeing no changes on the record company's half, BOOM, the boys put their foot down and leave Jive. So now they're left, living on the well publicized tour of NKOTBSB, preparing for a new album... their first album not under Jive. Their nearing their 20th year. They'll soon be done with the NKOTBSB tour and are talking about possibly doing or all again with TEN members. What perfect way to make news and have publicity surround you than to announce the departed member coming back and rejoining the group, six years later, for the sake of the music? BOOM, Backstreet's back, alright!
Ha, if only! ;P