Fic Talk > Felix Awards 2011

Drama/Angst (03)

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A tie??  That's exciting!  Congratulation s!

First of all, I want to thank you all. I was stunned to see I had even been nominated and SO grateful to all of you for accepting my work and enjoying it. I'm thrilled beyond belief and humbled by your praise.

Second, I must apologize for my procrastinatio n at responding. My life is full of drama and angst right now and some days I don't know which way is up. My writing now is my escape and hopefully, my new stuff will be something some of you will enjoy. I put my heart into it and I hope you can all see that.

Lastly, CONGRATULATION S to all those that won!!  I'm so proud to be part of this phenomenon called Absolute Chaos!

My love to you all! 

Darn, I realized I never posted anything. Bad, bad, bad Rachel.

Congrats to all the winners. You girls rock!

It was an honor to be nominated. It was an even bigger honor to be runner up.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me and my writing. I thank you all for your support.


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