Fic Talk > Felix Awards 2011

Drama/Angst (03)

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Congratulation s!

Congrats Julie!!!! Now I definitely need to finish up CC.  ;D

Congrats Steph, Dottie and Rachel!!!

Well done Julie, Curtain Call is such an amazingly written story.  You had me in tears countless times!

Well done to Rachel and Dottie too.

Thanks for voting for me too, didn't expect that!

Julie, in this genre, you are the queen lol. This story was amazing as I've told you countless times and there's nobody I'd rather lose to.

Congrats to Rachel and Dottie too!

Congrats, congrats to all of you!

Julie - You know how I felt about Curtain Call!  So happy to see you win!!!

So happy for everyone else as well :)


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