Omg I am the worst, I'm sorry. I'm still writing my April challenge story and here I am late with the May challenge. Take me out into a field and do away with me!

This month's challenge is called First Impressions and the idea comes to us courtesy of a fellow AC forum member -
The premise of this challenge started with this statement: "No good story starts with 'I was eating a salad...'"
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to take one of the following "terrible first lines" and write a short story about it!
The Rules:
- MUST be alternate universe (the Boys are not Backstreet Boys, give whomever you use a different occupation/lifestyle)
- MUST be first-person narrative
- Max 3000 words
- No banners
- MUST start with one of the following phrases:
- “We met in a bar.”
- “I woke up, groggy and sweat-stained, to find an enormous hole in the center of my black T-shirt, like I came out on the losing end of a battle against Mothman.”
- "It was a dark and stormy night..."
- "I haven't had sex in six months with someone other than myself."
- "This is a mystery about a murder I committed."
Happy writing!!