Going back to my question from yesterday, I've had it in my head for years that I'm going to rewrite Broken as an original novel with the goal of trying to publish it. I know exactly how I would de-Backstreetize it, while still keeping the elements that made the storyline work as a fanfic: Make Nick a good-looking, popular, high school star athlete, put the other guys in as his friends, and keep Claire essentially the same, just younger. I've had those details figured out all along, but I keep changing my mind about basic things, like what POV to write it in and where it should take place. As a result, I've started writing four different versions of it over the past six summers and have never gotten more than a few chapters written. Fail. For a story that basically wrote itself the first time around, rewriting is a lot harder than I thought it would be! But I like the idea enough that I'll just keep it around until the right inspiration strikes or I come up with a better novel idea. If I ever did get Broken rewritten, the characters and the relationships they have with each other would be similar to fanfic Broken, and the basic storyline would be the same, just in a different setting, but I'd leave out the subplots that made Broken so long and write it in a better, less-cheesy way.