Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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Yay Erika! So glad you finished! Woot!! :)

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)


Person reading it: Erika (kevmylove)

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts? I was excited!  I mean, she's a Kevin girl, too, apparently (even though this is a Nick story!)

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you? Yes. She reviewed almost every chapter- just left out a couple, I think.  The feedback was helpful in that it showed she liked and was interested in the story, but there really wasn't any concrit or comments on the writing in general, which would have been more helpful.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?  I did read a couple chapters here and there, just to see what she was talking about :) 

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story? Hmm.... Since you commented on the length of the story, do you think there were parts that I could have left out and still had the same impact?  I find that I struggle with getting from point A to point B without being too long-winded sometimes.  It's something I'm noticing myself doing in the sequel (so, yes, there's a sequel! It's very different, though).

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?
Overall, it was good.  It was a little frustrating that the reading was so sporadic, but I understand she is very busy, and I'm glad she was able to still finish it!

To answer your question, Erika.  I did not physically outline the story.  I started writing with a general premise (Annie's background and meeting with Brian), then decided to make it a Nick story, gave Nick a background story that tired into Annie's, etc.  I basically knew what was going to happen and when.  So, I guess I outlined it in my head!

And thus endeth this summer's reading challenge! :)

All of you have absolutely rocked! Thank you for taking this seriously and realizing that other people were depending on you to come through for them. This is the first year that everyone completed this challenge and it makes me tingly! In a happy kind of way and not the want to poke someone with a stick kind of way! *insert stick poking smiley here!*

I know through this challenge, I have really gotten to know some of you as people and as writers that I probably would have never done if I hadn't been initially forced to try something new. Through your feedback to one another and of course to me and giving new people feedback, I know it helped me see some things writing-wise in a different light and I hope all of you managed to take home some of the same feelings.

I hope in May when I put this out there again, you all rejoin so start thinking now about stories to submit or maybe it's time to write a new one in time for the challenge!

Thanks everyone!


I don't think you left out anything and the reason for my question was just because I thought everything felll into place just perfectly. My reviews were more of my reactions becaue i didn't feel that I needed to criticize you in any way. You have a great way of describing things without too much detail (too much detail drives me crazy) and you developed your characters just fine. Although I read sporatically I was hooked on the stor and wish I could have read it more often lol.

I'm looking forward to reading the sequal then :)

Thanks, Erika!  The sequel is "Run," on the most recent page in case you're interested!  I'm less than halfway finished with it at the moment, but it's going to be the September featured story, so...yay!


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