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Author Topic: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!  (Read 63760 times)


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2013, 05:57:07 PM »

Thanks, Tracy! YAY an anti-psycho story! LOL
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2013, 08:01:50 PM »

I love save a prayer  I'm already on chapter 9!I started it first because its longer then the other. I'm also working on the  readers survey  thing.


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2013, 11:33:38 PM »

So sorry Mare! I'll get to filling that out tomorrow.


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2013, 02:51:38 PM »

Just finished up reading the first ten chapters of Forever by Emily_Michele. I have to admit, I was hesitant at first because it seemed to have all the qualities I tend to avoid in a fanfic but one thing that really stands out in this is the fact that I care about the female lead. That kind of says a lot right there. Emily (the character) is strong, but also flawed. She isn't the typical needy, whiny girl we see so many times in fics. She has a confidence about her that I like and I also like the fact that it's not all about romance and sex. There's some sexual tension between some of the characters but it's more about them being friends and possibly becoming more that keeps this from being a cliched boy band meets girl band type romance. The other girls in the group aren't that important. The clear focus is on Emily which is another reason the story is holding my attention. It's hard for me to read a BSB story that really isn't about BSB, but this one is holding my attention because Emily is a great writer with a knack for description.

Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out!

Now onto Erika's :)

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2013, 03:25:56 PM »

I am actually putting the finishing touches on a new chapter for Forever-- the first in over a year.  Thanks so much, Mare, for the great feedback and comments about the story here!  I am currently reading Mare's "The Long Road Home," and I'm loving it!  It's obvious that it's one of her first stories, as it's not as polished as some of her other work but the content more than makes up for that.  It takes place circa 2003 during the BSB's hiatus and delves into some of the possible reasons the group did not put out any new music during that time.  It's a classic Mare "bromance," and I'd highly recommend it.  I'm having fun with the feedback, as Mare's not read it in so long that sometimes she has no idea what I'm talking about...lol.  It's a relatively short story (16 chapters), and I'm already 8 in, so I'll probably finish this one before moving on to the next.


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2013, 04:50:57 PM »

Thanks, Emily. It's funny I was checking to see how many chapters it was and saw how short my chapters were. That's another thing that's changed over the years lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2013, 07:29:14 PM »

1) What are your three favorite fanfics of all time and why? With the band by evergreenwrite r83
                                                             Fighting Fate by Purpura Lipstick
                                                             Guilty Roads by RokofAges75

They all have a a knack for description and getting the guys just right it makes the stories come alive for you.I also love the storylines.


2) What genres do you most enjoy reading? Angst, Drama, Suspense,Action,Advention, Humor,AU, Science Fiction, Supernatural

3) What genres do you typically shy away from and why? Romance, most of the time its just not my thing but I have read a few

4) Which boy do you enjoy reading as the lead? any one

5) What do you think is the biggest cliche in fanfics? I don't know,all of them lol

6) What would make you stop reading a story? if I can't understand the thing

7) What is your biggest fanfic pet peeve?

8) Would you consider yourself a picky reader? heck no

9) What draws you to a story? If the summary looks good I'll click to read.

10) Do you typically give feedback when you read? yup

Which do you prefer:

Stories told in present day, or back in the day? both

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family? real or not at all

Romance or Bromance? bromance

All five guys, one or some? any of them

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories? any of them

Female centered or BSB centered? bsb centered

1st person or 3rd person? both

More description or More dialogue? more dialogue or a nice of the two

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read) not

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies? both

Slash or Het? slash

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?

Emo or over the top happy?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother? Kevin the big brother

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ? both

Brian or "Husband" Brian

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie? both

Cliffhangers or not? cliffhangers

Open endings or resolutions? both

Banner or no banner? both

One shots or song fics? One shots

Reader or writer? both

Sorry it took so long Mare, I got busy.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 07:40:38 PM by carterkid »


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2013, 04:43:00 AM »

Ok finally got a chance to do this...

1) What are your three favorite fanfics of all time and why?

Searching for Mercy by Honey
On Nightingale Hill by Filiklepto
Chronos Project by PurpuraLipstic k

2) What genres do you most enjoy reading?

AU, Romance, Drama

3) What genres do you typically shy away from and why?

Slash, Sci Fi, Historical

4) Which boy do you enjoy reading as the lead?

Nick or AJ

5) What do you think is the biggest cliche in fanfics?

Backstreet boy meets girl and they immediatly fall in love.

6) What would make you stop reading a story?

Poor updating, really bad grammar, too much unecessary description

7) What is your biggest fanfic pet peeve?

8) Would you consider yourself a picky reader?

I can be

9) What draws you to a story?

The summary, the banner and the first chapters

10) Do you typically give feedback when you read?

Yes I do.

Which do you prefer:

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?

Either one, but I rather present.

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?

Either one works for me as long as they stay in the background

Romance or Bromance?


All five guys, one or some?


Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?

I prefer short ones. I like series if they are necessary.

Female centered or BSB centered?

I like both

1st person or 3rd person?

Either one is ok.

More description or More dialogue?

Equal amount of both. Not a fan of too much description.

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)

Maybe subtle hints.

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?


Slash or Het?

Definitley Het.


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2013, 04:48:33 PM »

I just finished reading "Crash and Burn" by mamogirl.  It's a one-shot, so it was a quick read.  I enjoyed it!  It was a very angsty story that captured a small, but beautiful moment between Brian and Nick.  When you combine Brian and Nick with angst and powerful, descriptive writing, you've got a winner in my book!  Nice work, Cinzia!

I'll be starting Tracy's "Finding Carter" next.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2013, 08:32:48 AM »

I just finished reading "Crash and Burn" by mamogirl.  It's a one-shot, so it was a quick read.  I enjoyed it!  It was a very angsty story that captured a small, but beautiful moment between Brian and Nick.  When you combine Brian and Nick with angst and powerful, descriptive writing, you've got a winner in my book!  Nice work, Cinzia!

I'll be starting Tracy's "Finding Carter" next.

Thank you so much!
Brian and angst is my favourite combo ever!  :D There is so much potential!

I've started reading "The other side of Nick" and I really really love the plot!


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2013, 03:23:52 PM »

Just finished the first five chapters of Erika's "My Safest Place"  It reminds me a little bit of the movie "Dying Young" with Julia Roberts. Not sure if that was your inspiration or not, Erika. You should check it out if you've never seen it before.

Back to Forever by Emily tomorrow.

Glad to see most of you have started your challenge reading! :)

I'll be making another fun survey to fill out soon!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2013, 06:41:46 PM »

Just stopped in to tell everyone I'm going on a trip the week of  July 4th.


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2013, 01:53:51 PM »

Hey gang! Hope your start to summer is going well.

I know it's early, but I would hope by now, most of you (with the exception of Ritz) have at least started reading one of your two stories. I have been kind of checking reviews and was glad to see all but one have actually begun the process.

To help you along, I made the halfway there survey which I posted in the very first post in this thread. I will also include it here but I think I will do that with these surveys so this way you won't have to scroll through pages to find them. No rush filling it out since I know most of us haven't hit the halfway mark yet, just when you do, know it will be waiting for you. I'll also be coming up with a few other surveys for you to fill out as you read.

Happy reading! :)

Halfway there survey (Only to be completed once you have gotten at least halfway through your story)

Name of story:

1) Are you finding it easy to follow plot wise?

2) So far who is your favorite character and why?

3) Are you getting a sense of how it will end and if so, any guesses? (Sometimes authors get a kick out of seeing what a reader thinks will happen and how predictable they may or may not be)

4) Do you feel like the summary the author gave accurately describes the story you are reading? Would there be anything you would include or omit?

5) Has there been any big surprises/plot twists or just overall observations?

These are the harder questions, but don't be afraid to answer them. Remember we all signed on to this knowing and expecting to get and give constructive criticism.

6) If this wasn't a challenge story and you didn't have to continue reading, would you have stopped already? If so please explain why.

7) Has there been any glaring errors that have stuck out? (I'm not talking about the occasional missed period, typo or spelling/grammar errors but huge mistakes that need to be pointed out that the author might not be aware of)

8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot?
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2013, 06:39:49 AM »

Here is a reader's survey for you too!

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)


Person reading it:

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2013, 08:33:02 AM »

Halfway there survey

Name of story: Crash and Burn

1) Are you finding it easy to follow plot wise?  It was pretty easy to follow.  The only thing that might make it difficult for some readers is that some of the descriptions are overly wordy and/or awkwardly-worded.  However, since I know English isn't Cinzia's first language, I didn't let that bother me.  Anyone who can write this well in a second language has my respect!

2) So far who is your favorite character and why?  Even though I'm a Brian girl and the story was centered around Brian, I have to go with Nick on this one.  I love how compassionate Nick was when he came into the room and comforted Brian.  He didn't pelt him with questions; he just gave him a hug and let Brian know he was there for him, and that was all Brian needed.

3) Are you getting a sense of how it will end and if so, any guesses?  Not applicable, since I'm already done!

4) Do you feel like the summary the author gave accurately describes the story you are reading? Would there be anything you would include or omit?  There isn't really a summary, only the lyrics to "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden.  The lyrics do fit the tone of the story, and since it's a one-shot, there's not much plot to summarize, but a one-sentence description would be a nice addition.  

5) Has there been any big surprises/plot twists or just overall observations?  I was surprised that the story never really revealed what triggered Brian's big angst-fest.  There were a couple of lines of dialogue in italics that looked like a flashback, and I thought there might be more to provide some back story, but there weren't.

6) If this wasn't a challenge story and you didn't have to continue reading, would you have stopped already? If so please explain why.  No, I would have read the whole thing because it short, and I wanted to find out what Brian's deal was!

7) Has there been any glaring errors that have stuck out?  Not that I recall.

8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot?  So what WAS Brian so upset about?  The only hint I got was where it said "what he shouldn’t had said, like that day" - maybe he had a fight with Nick?  It wasn't clear, but like I said in my review, I don't think that was the point of the story either.  I'm just wondering what the back story was in your mind. :)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 08:34:37 AM by RokofAges75 »

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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