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Author Topic: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)  (Read 144217 times)


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #285 on: July 06, 2013, 07:26:44 AM »

I am going to guess it's a mixture of there always being slash fans, with the added subject that so many 1D fans actually believe that some of them are in a relationship.. . which stems from the boys themselves being incredibly flirtatious and sexual with each other on stage and in interviews.

Oh, okay. I wasn't sure if maybe a few of them were out of closet and that's why. Makes sense then. I guess it is harder to write slash when the people are actually married to women.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #286 on: July 06, 2013, 12:58:30 PM »

My first fanfic was a suspense story about Nick.being.in a coma and trapped in an alternate reality. I chose suspense because I enjoyed reading it, and I was too nervous at the time to post the romance I was working on.

I just really enjoy a good suspense with lots of drama and action but these days I write just about every genre.


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #287 on: July 06, 2013, 02:21:18 PM »

Being a slash writer and reader, I've to say that BSB slash is pretty much dead. Those stories on Archive of Our Own are only old stories posted previously on livejournal. It's very, very, very difficult to find something new to read (and good, since I'm a pricky reader.) and sometimes I feel like I'm the last one writing it.  :D  :D :D

Aw that's too bad! I was under the impression that the stories on Ao3 were new and not just re-posts.

I did actually start writing a Nick/Brian slash last summer, but I never went very far with it. I think I only have two chapters. I didn't (and still don't) have much of a clear vision for the plot so that's probably why.
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #288 on: July 06, 2013, 02:39:40 PM »

I think only a few are new but the rest, yes, it's pretty much a repost. The only slash page that still lives is the livejournal for the Secret Santa.

Well, whenever inspiration catches you again, just know that you've already a reader. (Yes, I'm in a desperate needing of Brian/Nick stories. lol)


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #289 on: July 06, 2013, 02:52:28 PM »

Aw thanks! I would like to pick it up again, if not just to try something new in this fandom.
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #290 on: July 06, 2013, 04:50:00 PM »

What is your one biggest pet peeve when it comes to fan fiction?

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #291 on: July 06, 2013, 04:50:47 PM »

And to blatantly steal the twitter hashtag from earlier lol

What is one thing you have learned from fan fiction?
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #292 on: July 07, 2013, 04:50:43 AM »

Do have a story you are currently working on? If so, when was the last time you updated it? How many stories do you currently have in progress or left unfinished? 

Yes. The other side of Nick Carter- last updated 05.02.2013 - I just cant seem to finish this one. The story is already finished in my head but everytime I try to write a chapter, I couldnt find the words. I am giving myself a deadline that this should be finished before 2013 ends.

I still.... care about you was last updated 09.14.2011, and I think I have no plans of finishing this one. I completely forgot the plot of this story. lol. I have no connections with the characters anymore.

I am trying to keep myself from working with a new story, though an angel turned human Nick Carter is asking me to wite the first chapter already. :)
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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #293 on: July 07, 2013, 04:56:18 AM »

What were/are some of your goals as a fanfic writer and have you been able to achieve them?

When I first started writing a fanfic, my goal was just to see if I really can write stories. Receiving reviews would be a plus. And that was achieved, I was able to finish one short story and there were people reading it and leaving review.

When I came across absolute chaos site, my goal became different as I wanted to write a story that would be read by more than 2 people and be nominated for the Felix Awards. That came true with The other side of NC, I had more than 5 readers I think and I was nominated in the Felix Awards. :)

Goal for 2013 would be finish The other Side of NC and write a new story that would be worth nominating in the next Felix Awards. :)
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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #294 on: July 07, 2013, 08:37:28 AM »

One of my biggest fanfic pet peeves is when people get  one or two reviews and whine they will not update until they don't get a certain amount of feedback. Holding updates from readers is kind of douchey....I stopped reading  someones story because of that.

I mean we all want reviews, yes, but there's always that person who goes overboard.


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #295 on: July 07, 2013, 09:40:12 AM »

I'll add to Tracy and say that one of my biggest pet peeves is readers who don't leave any reviews at all.  I mean, stories of mine have been favorited by people who haven't left a single review. That being said, I try not to go fishing for reviews.  Yet, it's kind of the pot calling the kettle black, because I'm guilty of leaving few reviews, but if I'm really enjoying a story, I do at least let the reader know. Another pet peeve is writers who don't even look like they're trying to have good grammar or proofread.  If a story is laden with typos and grammatical errors (I know everybody is going to have a few, including myself), I just can't read it.


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #296 on: July 07, 2013, 10:24:36 AM »

One of my biggest fanfic pet peeves is when people get  one or two reviews and whine they will not update until they don't get a certain amount of feedback. Holding updates from readers is kind of douchey....I stopped reading  someones story because of that.

I mean we all want reviews, yes, but there's always that person who goes overboard.

I'll add to Tracy and say that one of my biggest pet peeves is readers who don't leave any reviews at all.  I mean, stories of mine have been favorited by people who haven't left a single review. That being said, I try not to go fishing for reviews.  Yet, it's kind of the pot calling the kettle black, because I'm guilty of leaving few reviews, but if I'm really enjoying a story, I do at least let the reader know. Another pet peeve is writers who don't even look like they're trying to have good grammar or proofread.  If a story is laden with typos and grammatical errors (I know everybody is going to have a few, including myself), I just can't read it.

Agree with both of you, especially for the grammar part.

One of mine, always regarding review, is when someone leave a review only to attack me because I write slash. It didn't happen here but in the italian archive. If you don't like it, don't read it and, especially, don't come and tell me that I should write stories more "appropriate".  :banghead:


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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #297 on: July 07, 2013, 10:59:37 AM »

My biggest pet peeve is stories that have really poor grammar and are a wall of text. There are lots of other things that bother me, but that's the biggest thing that will get me to click out of a story.

And something I learned from fan fiction (aside from the hilarious jokes that were in that trend about orbs and porn LOL) was honestly just more about writing and how to structure a story. I learned a lot about characterizati on of the boys from fan fic and from this forum specifically. I've learned how to outline and what sort of writing process works best for me through writing fan fic.

But man, that trend was amaze. So many jokes about orbs and it's funny, because we've made fun of describing eyes that way on this forum and on twitter. So now anytime I open a story and eyes are described as orbs I laugh a bit. Clearly this is not just an issue in BSB fic lol
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #298 on: July 07, 2013, 11:15:34 AM »

Agree with both of you, especially for the grammar part.

One of mine, always regarding review, is when someone leave a review only to attack me because I write slash. It didn't happen here but in the italian archive. If you don't like it, don't read it and, especially, don't come and tell me that I should write stories more "appropriate".  :banghead:

That would have annoyed me so much! No reason for such rudeness, not everyone is going to be into the same things.
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
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Re: Question of the day part 9 (even though days go by lol)
« Reply #299 on: July 07, 2013, 01:07:36 PM »

I would agree with everyone here so far with their pet peeves! I can't stand when people whine about only getting so many reviews so I guess I shall not update *sigh* oh please, call the waaahmbulance! And then of course those people are usually the same people who read other people's stuff but never take the time to review. Writers really have no excuse not to review because they know how much that feedback means. Even if you don't review every single chapter, just popping in with at least one and saying "I'm enjoying this!" Is sometimes enough. I still think it's not acceptable but we already know I'm hard to please! LOL

Also as some of you mentioned, the lack of taking the time to edit their fics and the use of poor grammar. Although, I have to say in that case (grammar) I tend to have a little patience because sometimes people just don't know those rules or maybe have forgotten them in time. What bothers me in a peeve sense, is when after you correct that behavior or let them know they are doing something wrong, the very next chapter they still do the same things. That's just laziness at that point! I mean if the story is done, it's one thing but if they are actively updating it and STILL making those same mistakes. Grrr!!!

I'll stick to the same theme we're on and say the authors who do not respond to reviews. I mean how much time does it take for you to say "Thanks!" Jeez Louise! And can I just say that once again, it's usually the same authors who whine about lack of reviews and don't review other people who also do this! LOL *I'mma gonna need my poking stick!*
« Last Edit: July 07, 2013, 01:13:43 PM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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