Thanks for sharing your take on it, Mare!
My follow-up question for everyone who answers the first one would be, would you answer differently for original fiction? Whether you write original fiction or just enjoy reading books, do you prefer female- or male-centered stories?
I honestly have not written enough original fiction to know if I have a preference, but just from writing fanfic, I do think it's easier to get into a girl's head than one of the guys. Not that I don't try, because most of my stories are male-centered, but like with Curtain Call, Cary's POV was SO much easier to write than Nick's because I could relate to her, whereas it was a lot harder to relate to Nick.
Outside of fanfic, most of the books I read are female-centered, too, although the horror/thriller ones tend to be more male-centered. Again, I don't know that I really have a preference; as long as I can relate to the main character, I'm good. With the exception of children's literature, though, it seems like female authors usually write about female protagonists, while male authors tend to have male protagonists. Do you think that's just because it's easier to write from your own gender's perspective?