What was the biggest obstacle you've ever encountered while writing a fanfic and how did you overcome it?
I think I'm stuck on my biggest obstacle right now, and that would be a story called Guilty Roads! This story is the bane of my fanfic writer existence. I don't enjoy writing it, but others seem to enjoy reading it (or did back in the day, when I was updating it regularly) and have been hinting and begging for updates for the past three years that I've been blocked on it, so I feel pressured to keep going. I don't like to give up on projects, and I do still like the story, and those are the only reasons I keep trying. I just hate writing it. I hardly ever feel that sense of excitement and inspiration that I feel for other stories with Guilty Roads, so writing it usually feels like homework. I either have to force myself to do it, or it doesn't get done. I was hoping if I just forced myself to do it for awhile and got back into it, I would be fine, but that has not been the case. And since I still have no actual outline for it, there is no end in sight, so I can't even use that as motivation. It affects my other projects, too, because I don't feel free to work on anything that's not posted without feeling guilty, and god forbid I post another story before finishing one of my posted works in progress first. Ugh, Guilty Roads!!!
The good news is that the biggest obstacle I've actually overcome would probably be Secrets of the Heart, which I was in the same boat with last summer, and I DID finish that one, and I think it's a pretty good story! So there is still hope for Guilty Roads.