I will say, looking at the last question again while I'm actually writing, I am much more focused and write faster when I'm writing scenes with a lot of dialogue, versus scenes that are heavy on the description. I find that if I know exactly what word/phrase/sentence comes next, I will go ahead and type it just so I don't lose it, whereas if nothings pops into my head right away, I will "take a break" to check Twitter, etc., and then get totally distracted. When I'm writing dialogue, I usually just go with the first thing to pop into my head because I figure that's what will sound the most natural, so it's easy to write a whole conversation at once, whereas when I'm writing description, I overanalyze everything and play around with the wording to get it just right, and so the words usually don't flow out of me as well as with dialogue. So I guess, even though I like writing description, that is what gives me the most trouble.