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Author Topic: Questions to ponder part 11  (Read 130459 times)


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #600 on: July 28, 2014, 09:28:54 PM »

Rose and Rose zero! lol

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #601 on: July 28, 2014, 09:45:31 PM »

LMAO yes. I'm only at full "crazy" around those I've met through the fandom in person. Mainly because I know y'all won't judge me.
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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #602 on: July 28, 2014, 09:50:13 PM »

My sister knows I write fanfic. She actually hasn't ever read any of it, but she also never really read my book. Not a really big reader, my sister. She doesn't really have an opinion one way or the other about it.

Two questions relating to this! (even though most of us just answered it. lol)

How many of your real life friends/family know about your fanfic writing?


How different is your online fanfic/BSB obsessed author-self to the you who people see everyday? Do you keep your two worlds completely separated?

Figured I'd jump and join in on this convo, hahaha; kinda goes hand in hand with me being back.

When I first started writing, my family "kinda" knew I was writing fanfic... they knew how much I loved writing in general, and to them, they viewed me writing fanfic as an easier way to just get better with what I had loved to do. I wouldn't mind sharing with them at first, sometimes even reading the comedic stuff I had wrote to my sister and my sister actually getting a kick out of it. But, somewhere along the lines, that all changed and I wanted no one to know about me writing fanfics.

They all knew I was a huge Backstreet Boys fan back then; they'd buy me stuff and respected it. It was shortly after Black & Blue era, maybe pre Never Gone era, that I became a closet fan. No one knew I was on forums chatting about the guys or getting news about them, no one knew I still wrote or read fanfic... it was a world I was beginning to think no one would understand, and I didn't really want them to.

I won't say I'm BSB-obsessed, because I easily fall wayside with this fandom; case it point, being gone from everything for the last four years or so. And I was completely okay with that, but deep down inside, I was still a closet fan, lol. Seeing them and listening to their newer music didn't really strike my fancy, but it's slowly growing on me. Ya'll know I'm an AJ girl, and his fashion and looks as of late had me questioning like how did he become my favorite BSB, but once he opened his mouth to sing, I was quickly reminded of why, lmao. I'm just glad he trimmed his Osama looking beard again, lmao. I'm horrible, I know! Lol. I gotta admit, there was even a point where I had asked myself how I was even a fan in the first place; how was I chatting in forums or writing fanfics about them; but their music was my reminder.

No matter how bipolar I am with this fandom, no matter how far I stray or how long I stay away from this fandom, no matter how comfortable I am with not being as much as a fan as I once was, there's absolutely no denying the impact BSB has had on my life and in my generation. Having that said, and ending my dramatically epic speech, I live two separate lives when it comes to this. Back many years ago, when I first joined forums and fanfic, I didn't want people to know too much about me... not like I made stuff up about myself, lmao, it took me forever to disclose my actual first name (not sure if anyone remembers it, lmao), and I wouldn't want to post pics of myself and whatnot. Very few know who I am, what I look like, etc. If you were to actually know/see me, and its sad admitting this, you would have never guessed that I was a BSB fan, or on forums, or wrote fanfics. I keep it completely separate... except for the times that I'm feeling BSB music and want to put them on blast at work or at home or in my car or whatever, lol. I take everyone down memory lane with me, lmao. Like I said, blasting it at work, had all my coworkers reliving their preeny 90's self, and even caused our customers to be in better, happier moods waiting in line, even dancing! Lol. The power of music is great! ;)

But yes, my two worlds were definitely kept separate.
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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #603 on: July 28, 2014, 10:51:56 PM »

I don't hide my BSB stuff really. Even on Facebook now and then I post about it but Twitter is more my fangirling spot. I am the same in real life but in real life I think I am more quiet. A lot of people know about my writing, most of them think it's cool. I get the occasional person  who thinks I want to marry Nick now and then but most of the time it's good natured joking around.

One if my managers at work, the first thing she said to me last night when I saw her was "Nick followed your Twitter how excited were you?"  lol


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #604 on: July 28, 2014, 10:54:25 PM »

aww lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #605 on: July 28, 2014, 11:02:55 PM »

I'm going to have to play question catch up!

The most valuable piece of concrit I received was being told that my stories started off too slowly based and caused the reader to lose interest. I definitely am a fan of the slow build, but hearing that made me realise that I needed my first chapters to have some kind of hook in them to get the reader's attention and not leave them wondering when the plot was going to start or if there was actually going to be one.

I don't know if I've ever received a piece of concrit that was really hard to swallow. I haven't ever received any criticism without having asked for it beforehand, so any time I've gotten it I've known what I was getting into and prepared myself for it. Though, the hardest piece of writing advice for me to follow has actually come from Stephen King's On Writing book. He says not to use adverbs and instead to use a stronger verb. My works are littered with adverbs so yeah... difficult.

How many of your real life friends/family know about your fanfic writing?
My family knows about my BSB fan fic writing. My boyfriend (who I live with) knows about both BSB and 1D because it's hard not to when you live with someone.

I also use sakabelle for all profiles and I have a couple of closer work friends who follow me on twitter. I generally don't talk about fan fic on there - I talk about writing but nothing very specific.

There was a moment a couple weeks ago where I brought my broken personal laptop into work and one of my friends was laughing at my broken keyboard asking how anyone could possibly wear out a laptop keyboard. Another one of the guys who follows me on twitter was like "She types a lot. Believe me." And then we shared a knowing look in which I told him to not speak another word about what he may know LOL.

How different is your online fanfic/BSB obsessed author-self to the you who people see everyday? Do you keep your two worlds completely separated?
I feel like I'm quieter online than I am in real life. At work and at home I'm very very chatty. I don't talk a lot on twitter or spark up conversations online really. I don't know why, I just feel a lot more awkward doing that online than I do in person.

I wouldn't say I keep my BSB obsessed self and online self separated. People know I like BSB. I don't really care. To a lesser extent they know I like One Direction as well but I would never broadcast that on facebook for example. But I have a group of pretty good friends at work so I don't really care if they know about my love of travelling for concerts.
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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #606 on: July 28, 2014, 11:13:57 PM »

I really keep my two worlds very separate.

No one really knows I enjoy BSB as much as I do, let alone have a forum and run a site dedicated to them. Most of my real life friends think I'm completely computer illiterate. Which I am to a certain degree but maybe I play off of that a little more just to keep my fanfic batman identity a secret. They all know I'm a writer but not of fan fiction. And no one calls me Mare. I'm Marianne to everyone. The ironic thing is, If I was honest, I could probably get hooked up. LOL

Personality wise I'm pretty much the same across the board. Although I am not as assertive in my real life. I am just as anal and tend to be the first to always be done with my grades, planning, always first and waiting for my friends etc...

I did the same thing Reb did at first. I really didn't want anyone to know what I looked like and what my real name was and any real information, that's why I called myself Mare. It took me a really long time to share pictures of myself. I think once I realized that none of you were ax murderers I started to feel more comfortable. Back then there was a real stigma with just talking to people online without really knowing them. I may have told a few white lies when I first started out in this fandom which I never bothered to correct. But when I went into this forever ago, I never expected to forge real bonds with people. Who knew, right? LOL
« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 11:16:22 PM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #607 on: July 28, 2014, 11:22:01 PM »

How many of your real life friends/family know about your fanfic writing?


How different is your online fanfic/BSB obsessed author-self to the you who people see everyday? Do you keep your two worlds completely separated?

My parents and sister are the only ones in my real life who know I write BSB fanfic.  I still shared a room with my sister when I started writing, so it was hard to do it without her knowing.  She was a fan way back in the day, so I know I showed her some of my early stories.  She made fun of me, but not in a mean way.  She actually wrote a short story that I hosted on my site when I first started it; it was a spoof of the kind of stories I wrote.  I wish I still had that, cause it was pretty funny for her only being about twelve at the time.

I have never talked about fanfic with my dad, but I'm pretty sure he knows I have a site and all that because my mom definitely does.  I don't talk about it with her either because she doesn't understand, but it's come up before.  She bought my domain originally because I was only sixteen and didn't have a credit card, though I had to pay her back each month LOL.

Other than that, I have always written under a pen name to keep my identity secret from my real life friends.  When I was in college, I lived in a dorm for two years and then in an apartment with three friends for a year, and none of my roommates ever knew.  Luckily, my dorm roommate was a dancer and always had rehearsals at night, so I would write while she was gone.  I had my own room in the apartment, so that was easier.  But that was back when I was writing Broken and BMS, and I had like over a hundred links about cancer and amputations and whatnot bookmarked, and I was so paranoid about one of the roommates or their friends getting on my laptop while I was at class and seeing that shit that I had that thing on lockdown - password protected, hidden folders, and all that.  It's nice not to have to worry about that anymore LOL.

I keep my two worlds fairly separate.  My real life friends know that I like the Backstreet Boys, but they have no idea how obsessed I really am, let alone that I write fan fiction about them.  My closest friends and family know that I have a pretty twisted sense of humor, but I save my dark, dramatic side for fanfic.  If people in my real life knew how much time I spent writing about Backstreet Boys having cancer or HIV or losing limbs or dying in funny ways, they would be like, WTF?  So I save my weirdness for all you other weird people who seem to get it and even enjoy it LOL.

I post stuff about my personal life online from time to time, but being a teacher, I am also careful to keep some things private.  I don't want my students to be able to find me, just as I don't want random strangers on the internet knowing exactly where I live and work.  I just feel better about keeping it separate.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #608 on: July 28, 2014, 11:23:31 PM »

I really keep my two worlds very separate.

No one really knows I enjoy BSB as much as I do, let alone have a forum and run a site dedicated to them. Most of my real life friends think I'm completely computer illiterate. Which I am to a certain degree but maybe I play off of that a little more just to keep my fanfic batman identity a secret. They all know I'm a writer but not of fan fiction. And no one calls me Mare. I'm Marianne to everyone. The ironic thing is, If I was honest, I could probably get hooked up. LOL

Personality wise I'm pretty much the same across the board. Although I am not as assertive in my real life. I am just as anal and tend to be the first to always be done with my grades, planning, always first and waiting for my friends etc...

I did the same thing Reb did at first. I really didn't want anyone to know what I looked like and what my real name was and any real information, that's why I called myself Mare. It took me a really long time to share pictures of myself. I think once I realized that none of you were ax murderers I started to feel more comfortable. Back then there was a real stigma with just talking to people online without really knowing them. I may have told a few white lies when I first started out in this fandom which I never bothered to correct. But when I went into this forever ago, I never expected to forge real bonds with people. Who knew, right? LOL

LOL yeah the only thing I really used to use back in the day was my real first name. Mainly because Rose could easier be a first name or a random username. I didn't really share any pictures of myself online. At least, not until the whole karaoke thing happened. After that there was just no point because I found pics of myself doing that on random freaking fansites, videos were on youtube, etc. At that point I gave up LOL.

Thankfully no one in my real life knows about that, or to look for it, besides my parents. Oddly enough when my mom and dad heard about it they both thought it was like the coolest thing ever. Which it was LOL. I just didn't think they'd agree.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #609 on: July 28, 2014, 11:25:50 PM »

aww lol

I smile like an idiot whenever someone said that. This older lady I am friends with on Facebook asked me the day it happened when I came into work "your lover boy followed you!"  things like that make me so happy that people are supportive.


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #610 on: July 28, 2014, 11:27:36 PM »

So real world me is like...fanfic me lite?

I feel that way too, like I am most "myself" online, which is really kind of sad LOL.  I have always been kind of shy and reserved in real life, though, and I'm not like that online.  I care too much about what people think of me in real life, whereas I don't worry about being judged by random people on the internet because I know who my real friends are and who gets me, and that's all that matters.  But I wish I could be more open like that in real life.  Then again, I might scare people LOL.  And while there aren't many consequences online, there are in real life, especially when you work with children and are supposed to be seen as a role model.  I think some of the shit I write would make people wonder about me in real life LOL.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #611 on: July 28, 2014, 11:30:40 PM »

I feel that way too, like I am most "myself" online, which is really kind of sad LOL.  I have always been kind of shy and reserved in real life, though, and I'm not like that online.  I care too much about what people think of me in real life, whereas I don't worry about being judged by random people on the internet because I know who my real friends are and who gets me, and that's all that matters.  But I wish I could be more open like that in real life.  Then again, I might scare people LOL.  And while there aren't many consequences online, there are in real life, especially when you work with children and are supposed to be seen as a role model.  I think some of the shit I write would make people wonder about me in real life LOL.

LOL awww.

Yeah I know a lot of the stuff I/we say or joke about might get people wondering wtf is wrong with us and we don't need that. I've gotten better over the years but I used to be shy in person as well. It's funny, cause like just before we first met in person I was scared LOL. Because I wasn't sure how we'd vibe in real life or if I could still be like my random crazy self. Obviously that wasn't a problem but it's funny how online you can just be you without any issues because there's less consequences.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #612 on: July 28, 2014, 11:31:19 PM »

I am a bit reserved in real life too Julie, it takes me a minute to get comfortable with people because of my social anxiety, but once I do I am like how I am on Twitter. Twitter has helped me be more comfortable with talking to people and I am working on that in real life too.


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #613 on: July 28, 2014, 11:34:56 PM »

It was shortly after Black & Blue era, maybe pre Never Gone era, that I became a closet fan. No one knew I was on forums chatting about the guys or getting news about them, no one knew I still wrote or read fanfic... it was a world I was beginning to think no one would understand, and I didn't really want them to.

This is when it changed for me too.  During the Millennium era, everyone liked the Backstreet Boys.  All my friends were fans, my sister was a fan, even my parents and grandparents put up with them because they knew how much we liked them.  When I first discovered fanfic, I showed all my friends, and we actually read it together.  I just never told them when I started writing it.

By the time Black & Blue came out, most of my friends had moved on.  We had started high school, and I guess they sort of grew out of the BSB thing, and I didn't.  So that's when I became more of a closet fan because I felt like I was being immature for still loving this boyband so much.  Now I'm a lot more open about liking them because it's become kind of cool again, like a 90s nostalgia thing.  I don't care so much about people judging my taste in music; I get that most adults still like the music they grew up on, and for me, that's BSB.  But the fanfic thing takes it to another level, so I will always keep that in the closet LOL.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #614 on: July 28, 2014, 11:38:06 PM »

Dude I freaking love how 90s nostalgia is cool again. I hid my fandom from NG till the last couple years or so. Thanks to the nostalgia and "This Is The End", it's okay to openly like them again. I don't get judged for it the way I was around B&B so I acted like I moved on LOL.

Fanfic will stay in the closet though. It's just not something I want to share openly.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

"Don't annoy the writer. They may put you in a book and kill you." —Anonymous

“I don’t believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously.” —Ray Bradbury
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