Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

FS for November: Finding Carter by Delphinacarter

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Here are your first set of questions!

 1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?

Kevin was originally going to be a student as well but I really liked the idea of him as Nick's guardian.

 2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?

About a month.

 3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.

Nick is new on campus. When he meets his roommate Brian Littrell, he discovers there is more than what meets the eye. As he uncovers his parents past, he will find not only himself, but a family he never knew existed.

 4) What made you come up with the concept of this one?

I was listening to Asher Roth one day and "I Love College" made me wonder what Nick would have been like at college himself. I was inspired by a friend who wanted to be an animator and loved Disney, so I made Nick very similar to her.

 5) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?

I loved writing Nick and Brian's relationship. The two of them were so opposite and it was fun playing off of that.

 6) You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?

Probably Howie which is why I made him kind of a jerk.

 7) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?

They are all in this story :)

Which genre do you enjoy writing in most?

Which boy do you feel you wrote most out of character in this one?

Is there anything you would change about this story if given the chance?

Which genre do you enjoy writing in most?

AU because I am not that comfortable writing canon and AU is my happy place.

 Which boy do you feel you wrote most out of in this one?

Probably Brian. I made him such a hick and the reason for that was because I wanted him and Nick to be very opposite eavh other. I wanted them to see something in common eventually that would bring them together.

 Is there anything you would change about the story given the chance?

I wouldn't change anything :)

What is the story you have enjoyed writing the most?

Do you have a favorite scene or chapter in this story?

I really liked writing the scene where Nick and Brian go to Disney World. I have never been there myself but I did so much research, that it was like I went to the park with them.

Another scene I liked was when Nick and Brian first meet and Nick's initial reaction to Brian because their relationship in this story is different than how they are in real life.


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