Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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Yep, and you write them according to whatever is considered "canon" in the stories they're from.  Like maybe Nick from It Stays, who has MINE scars all over his body, finally snaps and starts mutilating other people, like Howie from Sick as My Secrets, who will have the last laugh once he starts bleeding all over Nick.

That's a bad example, but I think it would be easier with one original character or two of the Boys from different AUs, so they wouldn't have as much canon in common.  Unless you wanted to go the whole doppleganger route like in Whatever the Night May Bring.

Ah... lol yes, I will stick to my original comment of it's not something I'd be into. But it is a good idea if everyone wants to do it.

Yeah, that's why I thought I'd throw it out there and see if anyone was interested.  I would still love to do an anonymous one, but I'm not sure what kind of prompt would be as fun as the fairy tale one.

But wait...wouldn't that be really easy to tell who wrote it though? Like if Nick had MINE scars all over and Howie was bleeding on people wouldn't everyone just be able to narrow it down to you or I? LOL


--- Quote from: mare on July 14, 2014, 08:12:31 PM ---But wait...wouldn't that be really easy to tell who wrote it though? Like if Nick had MINE scars all over and Howie was bleeding on people wouldn't everyone just be able to narrow it down to you or I? LOL

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it wouldn't be anonymous; it was a completely different idea for a challenge.


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