Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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Could be take a cliched plot you've never done before and put your own spin on it.  Or we could all agree on the same one, like we did with the bus crash challenge.  


--- Quote from: mare on July 14, 2014, 08:29:55 PM ---Nick can get kidnapped by a girl band! LOL

--- End quote ---

See, that would be your take on a girl band story, which you've never written before.  Done! LOL

LMAO Uh...

What about a remix challenge, where you take a short story someone else wrote and rewrite it to put your own spin on it?  Then they'd have to guess who wrote it based on how it was twisted around.

Nick wakes up and sees four blondes and one red head staring up at him.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks confused.

"I'm Mindy, this is Cindy...this is Bindy and this is Mindy..."

"You already said Mindy."

"That's her name, there's two of us."

Nick tilted his head in confusion, "Two Mindys? I didn't even know people named their kids that anymore."

"Well they do Nick!" She said, holding a knife to his neck.

"Okay sorry...and who is that?" He asked pointing over to the red head.

"Oh, that's Mandy."

"She doesn't rhyme."

"Wait, that doesn't rhyme?"  

Nick looks for help...


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