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Author Topic: I need a Beta Reader  (Read 6059 times)


  • Fledgling
  • *
  • Posts: 25
I need a Beta Reader
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:07:32 PM »

So this is my story: http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=11302

It hasn't been beta-read yet... and I certainly need a beta reader. My native language is german, so I need someone to help me with grammatical and spelling errors. I also need someone who can help me to write my story more flowing to find beginnings to sentences and to create emotions in the reader for the characters.

I know that is where my weaknesses lie... I need a beta reader who gives me constructive instead of destructive critic, who motivates me and doesn't put me down...

I hope I can find someone here to help me :)


  • Fledgling
  • *
  • Posts: 25
Re: I need a Beta Reader
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2020, 11:01:00 PM »

This is old, but I'm still looking for a beta reader, that doesn't mind dark angst and slash