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Summer reading challenge part one: The participants!

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Summer Reading Challenge participation form

Pen name:Rose
Story you are submitting (including a link):
Show Me A Reason -
Give us a quick summary:
It's a "This Is Your Life, Nick Carter" type story and a rework of a fic I discontinued called "Divine Intervention".
Who is the main character?
What genre is it?
Supernatural drama
How many chapters?
Is it complete?
Are your chapters long or short? (long - 2,000 words or more)
For the most part sort of long, around 2,000 words.
What do you like best about your story?
I like some of flashbacks I included. It's centered around Nick but it's pretty bromacey a story.
Would you consider it popular?
I'd say it did sorta okay but not really.
Why are you choosing this one for people to read?
I'd like some thoughts on it.
Anything else we should know about it? (overly violent, sexual, slash, etc)
Nope, I'm good.

Story you are submitting (including a link):
Here We Stand -
Give us a quick summary:
The Boys start trying to figure things out as a group once Kevin returns, written pre-documentary.
Who is the main character?
The Group
What genre is it?
How many chapters?
Is it complete?
Are your chapters long or short? (long - 2,000 words or more)
About 2000ish a chapter but some might be shorter.
What do you like best about your story?
I love that I tackled all five POVs.
Would you consider it popular?
Actually yes, LOL.
Why are you choosing this one for people to read?
Some fresh thoughts on it would be spiffy.
Anything else we should know about it? (overly violent, sexual, slash, etc)

Story you are submitting (including a link):
Walked Out Of My Dreams -
Give us a quick summary:
After Brian gets into a tragic car accident, he goes missing. But just where did he go? And why?
Who is the main character?
Brian and Nick
What genre is it?
Angst, Drama
How many chapters?
Is it complete?
Are your chapters long or short? (long - 2,000 words or more)
Long for the most part
What do you like best about your story?
I like that I went for a different sort of concept.
Would you consider it popular?
Why are you choosing this one for people to read?
Because looking back I feel like I could've written this one better. That and I'm REALLY annoyed at myself for slacking on my latest story cause I wanted to submit it but it's only at 8 chapters yet FML lol.
Anything else we should know about it? (overly violent, sexual, slash, etc)

Story you are submitting (including a link):
Remember Me This Way -
Give us a quick summary:
Nick's become reckless with his life once again but when he's suddenly faced with his own mortality, he realizes he needs to make every day count as long as he can.
Who is the main character?
What genre is it?
Drama, Angst
How many chapters?
Is it complete?
Are your chapters long or short? (long - 2,000 words or more)
What do you like best about your story?
I love this story. It was my baby and holds a special place in my writer's heart. I love the concept and I love how I wrote it. Everything about it. It's not perfect but I still love it.
Would you consider it popular?
Definitely yes.
Why are you choosing this one for people to read?
Honestly? I probably shouldn't but each year I find someone who hasn't read it yet so why not LOL. I always enjoy hearing thoughts on it.
Anything else we should know about it? (overly violent, sexual, slash, etc)

I'd love to take part, but haven't written anything for so long, I have nothing that hasn't already been submitted for a challenge :(  Is there any other way I can take part?  Even just reading?  Otherwise I'll see what old stuff I can use.

Sorry I've not been around much, I've hardly had chance to get online as have been working longer hours and have been stressed over wedding stuff, only 6 weeks to go and still so much to do! 

Hey Steph! Yes you can just be a reader if you'd like. The only problem we have right now is that there are only two people participating with stories. I'm hoping more will come forward. I might extend the deadline. I think Pammy also wanted to be a reader.

6 weeks! Wow!

Aww steph congrats on your engagement. I remember when you got together and I'm happy to hear you're getting married. Great news

Well, the deadline has passed so should I extend? Is anyone interested besides Tracy & Rose?  I know the two participants have already read all my stuff (supposedly lol) and I think Tracy might have also read the stories Rose has submitted which means she would have nothing to read for the challenge. I wasn't really planning to do it this year because honestly, I have no desire to read fanfic but I'd be willing to as long as I know that other people are wanting to do this.

I am going to extend the deadline by a week. Maybe if we can't do it how we normally have in the past, we might instead recommend stories or something. I hate to see this thing totally die, so if anyone else has any other ideas, feel free to speak up!


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